VN - Ren'Py - Single Again [v1.24.2] [Clever name games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this as of v0.11.

    I want to start off by saying that this has all the makings of a good game, but its many shortcomings prevent me from justifying a higher rating. It's a classic example of an author thinking their stuff is more compelling than it is, so they get complacent writing a bunch of slow, uninteresting scenes that probably are fun in the author's head but not translated to paper/screen.

    I wish I could give more praise to the visuals, but there really isn't a ton there. You get some of the generic Daz locations, which you're sure to notice if you've played enough other VNs, along with some buggish, doll-faced girls with crazy big eyes and tiny, sharp chins.

    Even if you accept that it's the game's specific art style (though some characters, like Vanessa or the most unnecessarily inserted Darla the not-waitress don't have this style), there's not much effort spent on lighting, contrasts, skin texture, or anything of the sort. In fact, sometimes even the faces look the same between the three girls, and you're usually left to differentiate them by body shape, hair, or the fact that at least one and a half of them wear glasses.

    The storyline is... passable. It's hackneyed, incredibly cliche, and hangs on to the taboo kink (but wait not really, but wait yes really, but wait... technically...) for way too long. Story progression feels natural enough, there's a good amount of content, and the characters are generally interesting enough for you to keep playing through the considerable amount of content (aka dialogue) in the game.

    The problem is the story just progresses so slow, especially once you strip away all of the mind-meltingly mundane. Conversations seem to happen in real time, and you get a far too deep dive into unimportant life trivialities like the layout of their street or their daily routines or the specifics of their Friday night plans. No one reads [visual] novels so you can learn enough about the daily routines of the characters that you can keep a planner for each of them. Editing down what you should show and what you shouldn't is the mark of a good writer.

    And speaking of, the game seems to have give a rough cut that includes every line of their daily conversations, but then doesn't depict the MC working? They mention his financial troubles. He's a real estate agent of some kind, including for properties in the "very expensive" heart of the city (which should come with the corresponding commissions so that he ISN'T in financial difficulty), but it shows him doing one sale and then fuck all with the rest of his time. By itself, the detail would be easily overlooked, but when juxtaposed with how the rest of the VN feels like a lengthy exploration into the character's every waking line of speech, the absence is jarring, and undermines the story that the exposition dumps are trying to tell us. There's no real tension because the MC's financial troubles seem to come and go as convenient.

    Actual progression with any of the main characters (his not-quite-but-still-kinda-actual daughters) is glacial, and scarcely interspersed between long-winded conversations about going bikini shopping, doing dishes, or getting groceries.

    Slow burns are totally fine, but there's SO many unnecessary scenes in this game where we get minimal plot or character development, and we just rehash the same things we've already known in a different way. We don't learn anything new about the characters, we just get to watch them hit a beach ball over and over or eat food for another sixty slides of dialogue.

    The MC is annoying, inveterately passive, and confronted by the same moral quandary dragged out over an soul-suckingly long period of time. Like we get it, dude, you're guilty about wanting the taboo so badly, but we don't need 40 scenes of "N-no... I-I... C-c-c-an't..." while you passively watch three young women walk all over your life. There's no agency in the VN because you're a captive audience to a car crash in extreme slow motion.

    There's not even sex appeal to the scenes anymore because by the 20th time the MC is paralyzed by fear while his not-quite-daughters slowly chip away a little more, even you as the audience start to feel assaulted. It's nauseating.

    On the off chance we finally get some progress with a girl, it's always them doing all the work, while the MC feebly protests "n-no... th-this... is... is... wrong..." ad nauseam for the nth time. There's no tension, not even of the taboo, because it's always them saying yes and the MC being a useless doormat. It feels more rapey than taboo. No give or take. It's as if the author thinks that if they add internal monologue it qualifies as a compelling obstacle to overcome, or a justification to wring out yet another scene where nothing fucking happens.

    (Note to the author: good narrative tension involves a good amount of back-and-forth, a tug of war of wills. The MC never initiates and always gives in. There's no tension here. It's just someone—usually Becca, but sometimes Abby—dragging this useless husk of a POV character while he makes perfunctory protests that really only serve to annoy the reader. There's never any real feeling that these increasingly sexual encounters might not happen, so his objections just feel like very aggravating lip service used to drag out the scenes. Or worse, tank the MC's likability.)

    The characters lack both agency and depth. The primary love interest is a girl who seems shrouded in prudism, but also overwhelmed by curiosity and isn't afraid to keep pushing (and pushing) boundaries. In other words, your typical questionably-written virginal slut male fantasy. Then you have the tsundere girl with a bad case of RBF but presumably she's that way because of some past trauma and is really a super sweet girl with a heart of gold hidden underneath all the layers of bitch. Splash in a "lesbian" couple in name only and the poster child of all Pan-Asian stereotypes even though she's ostensibly Japanese. Seriously, no idea what her personality is, or what her purpose in the game is other than to demonstrate that the author probably watches too much anime.

    And then finally, there's Becca. And what do you even say about deus ex Becca? She's every Mary Sue trope wrapped up in a pair of skinny jeans. Apparently she's more put together than her own dad, knows exactly what she wants and how to get it (no matter how far-fetched it is), can see right through the MC and get him to do what she wants, is some kind of master "manipulator"—which, because the author doesn't know how to write a master manipulator convincingly, really just means that everyone else is dumbed way down so she can unveil some nebulous master plan which wouldn't work if any of the characters would act like responsible adults. Ring her up whenever you need to move to your next plot point because no one else has any ability to do anything for themselves.

    And yet somehow she's the highlight of the story!

    In any well written VN, she would be an annoying, kinda kooky side character that you can hopefully ignore. But because of how mundane, slow, and boring some of the story progression is, her presence is a welcomed break from all the talks about food prep and sleeping arrangements.

    Having said all that, you have to commend the author for putting forth what is obviously a good amount of effort in developing and maintaining this visual novel. It's no small amount of work, and it shows in that it gives you many hours of above average entertainment. But it needs a lot of polish to elevate the game from long-winded distraction on a slow day to a memorable, engaging story that will stick with you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    kicked right in the feels, never have i had such a confusion of emotions while hard before . the renders are great, the characters ctually have character and the story is actually fairly believable before the h scenes
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me start with the few things that I don't like in this game (v0.10).

    Fistly, Abby becomes a drunkard, and the MC doesn't care. She drinks alcohol every day (substantial amounts, considering her small body and low tolerance), and she cannot or doesn't want to control how much she drinks. It is 100% guarantee of developing alcoholism.

    Secondly, principal female characters look a bit like dolls, especially the faces. They are cute, alright, but nevertheless.

    Thirdly, sometimes I could write much better dialogs. For instance, it happens that the MC pedals his feelings of "inappropriate" too much. It's kinda shallow. Real people would usually show a bit more of depth than just resisting the urge by some strange reason and then dropping the resistance, again with no other reason but pure lust. I'm not saying that it's so shallow all the time, no, just some moments seem to be not so well polished (rather, plugged with a standard move). Similarly, the MC could find much better responses when caught staring at a girl's ass, and the like. So, dialogs etc. might lack a bit of depth and sophistication.

    But generally, it's a very captivating game, with deep characters, the right amount of suspence, and a very good story.

    I love harem stories, and a tint of incest makes the feelings in the relationships somehow special.

    Thank you very much, Clever name games, you rock!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I found this game to be average in almost everything it does. I first tried it out early in it's development and found enough that I didn't like to stop playing it. Recently I was bored enough to give it another shot. as in my first attempt i found some of the early dialogue dull and repetitive to the point of wanted to skip through it but i persevered. The writing did improve after the first hour or so of playing. and playing through v0.10.2 i did mostly enjoy it.

    everything is ok to slightly above par. writing is fine better than most probably but definitely falls short of being great. visually its ok, girls have a cartoonish look with big eyes and angular features, personally i don't mind this as these games can all look the same after a while. The thing is this theme is not consistent with characters having that more realistic Daz style mixed in with cartoon characters, whatever the developers reason for doing this it's jarring and just feels like lazy design.

    Animations are mediocre, sex scenes (with side characters only so far) feel a bit forced, particularly one with a club manager that doesn't really fit or make much sense. There is no sound, I understand plenty of players don't appreciate sound in these games, but this this sort of lack of polish that keeps this game firmly in the mediocre category.

    Overall I enjoyed the game, I feel the pacing is pretty good up to this point, but overall there's aspects that seem lazy. I'm left feeling that the developer(s) have not tried to do their best work, just tried to do enough to get this out there and get support.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, you have to give it up for stories like this one that can provide the player a chance to experience a range of emotions. Exceptional grammar and excellent renders with nice character development; Lilith is a standout. Nice mix of adult scenes without compromising the story. A must play.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a weird one. Usually if you look at the decisions a dev makes you can get a sense of what they are going for, regardless of how well they execute it. But I can't do that here. The overall collection of decisions made about how this game works is just all over the place. Each one individually is fine, but taken together they just weird. I have a hard time trying to pin down what the game is going for. It's almost like the dev has two very different visions in mind and each time he has to make a decision he just flips a coin as to which vision to follow.

    Just as a basic example - the sex scenes. The game starts off with that cliche "don't play this if you want sex" warning. (Side note - I usually see that as a big red flag for what so often are fairly low effort games with a dev that has delusions of grandeur. Thankfully that's not the case here.) That warning isn't wrong. The sex scenes are pretty slow in coming. Except. Occasionally it shoehorns in sex randomly. All of the sudden you just get a full on scene of "imagination" with a porn star. Yeah. Even compared to games that just move from sex scene to sex scene, this is impressive. But then it actually cuts off the last bit of each scene. As soon as the MC cums, it's immediate black screen. There is no single image to actually cover that moment. It's just middle of sex scene, dialogue for cumming, black. This is impressively unsatisfying. I'd go so far as to call it blueballing.

    So, just to be clear. The game moves real slow on the sex and is up-front about that. Fine. Then it does imagination porn star sex. Then it blueballs you after giving you like 99% of a full scene. It's enough to give you whiplash.

    And this happens *constantly*. I would describe the entire game like this. Even the text. It's a story-focused game that is written at a native-speaker level. A good amount of care and effort has clearly gone into the game. Except it's fairly rare for "you're" to not be "your." There's not many other mistakes, but that one happens constantly, but not always. Occasionally you also lose capitalization. It's just so weird for these, and only these, errors to be so frequent.

    I could go on and on. This extends... to almost everything in the game. Even just really basic attitudes towards things. Trying to think about this game or why it does what it does just leaves me extremely lost and confused. I've written various amounts about several other topics, but it's just more of the same. I can't make heads or tails of it.

    But it's enjoyable if you don't try to analyze it. I would suggest the walkthrough mod though.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    No, it wasn't love at first sight, but yes: sometimes it pays to dig deeper. I mean, seriously? Who would expect a really good story while looking into a bunch of baby doll faces? Even if some dialogs were drifting around a roundabout, it was fun to read them trying to find the right words in time. And up to v0.10 some baby dolls really grew on me. Can't wait to see more! Recommended to play (OFC)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The most ethically sourced not-quite daughter harem you will ever have happily endured 10 hours of reading to get a tiny taste of.

    I have some concerns that people might get the idea that you can sell/buy something for $1 and have no tax consequences, but that is literally my only complaint.

  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay, here is my brief little review. (Possible spoilers ahead, be warned.)

    ~ Art? 4/5

    I don't have much to say here as the world around the characters looks pretty solid, nothing groundbreaking in terms of quality, but just solid all around, thus the 4.

    ~ Character Models? 3/5

    I was teetering between 3 and 4, but, in the end, I couldn't justify a 4. It's not even the big heads or eyes, although they were pretty odd/jarring at first, I got used to them pretty quickly, and I think they have some unique charm.

    So why the lower rating? I mean, the characters just look off. I don't have a better way to describe it than that.

    Each of the sister's heads looks disproportional; too big at the top (maybe 'cause of the eyes?) and too narrow at the chin, making them look kind of like bugs. Vanessa is pretty normal, though her partner Beth suffers the same syndrome as the sisters, only way worse. Her head looks like an upside-down triangle. And as for Meiko? I'm sorry, but she looks messed up. She not only got the big eye treatment, but her mouth is obnoxiously small making her proportions look even more out of whack than the others.

    ~ Sound? 0/5

    I mean, the game is dead silent, not much to say here.

    ~ Story? 2/5

    In one word? Cliché. It's just an average story, and while there's nothing wrong with that per se, there's nothing really good about it either.

    I'll be honest; I feel like the story is a little on the boring side. It's not even the lack of H content; I love a good story-based game. I just feel like there's nothing that ever happens in this world, just same-old-same-old dialogue after dialogue. It gets a little dull after a while.

    I was tempted to give the story a 1, but after the divorce scene with the Judge, I had to bump it up to a 2. As a guy, I know how rough it can be for guys in real life when it comes to divorces, so seeing the author make a scene like that was pretty satisfying.

    ~ Characters? 3/5

    I'm leaning toward the negative with the MC. He has his moments where he's alright, but then there are others where I want to smack him with a pipe. Despite me writing this at v0.10.1 he has had next to zero character development, he just waivers over the same stupid crap over and over again, and just when you think he's finally made some progress, he starts having an inner monologue about what he did or what he thought isn't right and we're right back where we started.

    And can I just comment on the inner monologuing for a second? The MC never shuts up. It's like, I get it already, enough with the monologuing,

    And one more quick note on the MC before I move on - spoilers ahead - there is a scene where the MC sniffs Abby's dildo, yes, her dildo after she'd just finished using it, and it has to be one of the crepiest, most disgusting scenes I've ever seen in a lewd game. My stomach actually turned a little.

    Anyways, as for the female characters, I guess we'll start with Abby, and I'll just come out and say it. I don't like her. I get her character is supposed to be the naive, sweet, nice girl or whatever, but the author – as so many do – took it way too far, and she just comes off as intrusive and annoying.

    Also, and this isn't really her fault, just how the author wrote it, but I hate how the father turns into a spineless cuck whenever she's around. Around any other character, and he has a respectable level of backbone without coming off as a jerk, but with her, it's "how may I please you, mistress?"

    Anyways, I just don't really like her or the interactions she has with the MC. I even started skimming through dialogue that has her in it 'cause I'm just not interested.

    I – surprisingly – like Lilith. Usually, I hate her type, the 'bitch for no reason' kind of character. And she is a bitch for no reason. I can understand having daddy issues; from what we are told, she idolized her real father, but even still, the MC hasn't done anything to warrant the shit he takes from her.

    Despite that, however, the rest of her character is really well done, and I enjoy seeing her on screen.

    Of the three sisters, Becca is my favourite. I mean, what's not to like about her? She's a little vixen, which makes her interactions incredibly fun. And I love that she tries so hard for those around her, helping Lilith with her confidence – even if it makes them argue – and then with the MC, helping Lilith warm up to him. She's just a really sweet girl.

    Hiro, Tomo and Meiko are okay. The author went pretty hard on the Asian cliché's, but it's not too big of a deal.

    Vanessa and Beth are great, a couple of fun-loving women and a nice addition to the story.

    Anyways, those are my thoughts on the game. Hope it helps someone!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow burn progression with the three main girls but the teasing between the MC and them make it worth it. Plus the side girls take the edge off when you start to think the MC needs to "de-stress". Interesting story, nice character designs for the girls, the MC is pretty bland but tis a personal opinion. Just wish we can finally get some sexy times with the three main girls.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Solid foundations and there are good moments.

    But at version 0.10.1 this project is in desperate need for fresh air. If the story was an airplane it would come crashing down in a stall. It feels like every update now you get the same thing again and again. And the repetition is not erotic content either, which could provide a small excuse. One could make slow-burn eroge, but it is a much harder task than simple smut because if you don't rely on naked skin then you rely on the story. At this point the game is not sexy or otherwise engaging enough.

    I do hope one day I get to edit this review for the better.

    Level 1 handjob, level 2 blowjob... This kind of progress is such an eroge cliché, and unless it's a story about characters just discovering their sexuality it is very poor plot design. MC is supposed to be old enough to be their dad and even the girls have been around long enough for this timid approach to feel very out-of-place. For a "dad" character MC sure acts a lot like 15 year old virgin without any backbone for himself. I wouldn't expect some always-alpha bullshit, but this guy is like a wet paper towel.

    Now we only need level 3 boobjobs and level 4 thighjob and I'll call time of death on this one. A real shame, there are some really heart-warming scenes.

    Finally takes a turn for the better. There are still parts with a lot of words and little meaning. Especially the dreaming sequences feel like pointless fillers. I suppose they are trying to hammer in the state of the MC and his reluctance to accept his desires. As if we needed any more hints that the MC is a level 99 paladin defending his virginity.

    Still I must say I enjoy half of the characters and I am tempted to give this a higher score. I will let the next patch tell if this was a one-off event or if the story actually takes a meaningful turn for the better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nicely done game. Story isn't anything new, but it's done well. Aminations are good, renders quality as well. In version 0.10 is already quite a story so if you are fan of good story-based VN, I'd recommend this to you.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Before starting the review know that I re-read the novel 3 times and made all possible choices.

    The proposal is interesting, few things bothered me in the game and these things all ended up being explained by the story at some point ... One thing I found funny is that the game punishes with "game over" who tries to advance things with the characters before the story progresses to that point.
    All the characters were well developed, the pace of the story is good (considering the subject matter), I had no bugs. Moral choices are a middle ground in this story, some can radically change the situation leading to a game over, while others are almost irrelevant to the route, varying just a little bit of the story and taking the same final decision, such as: (spoilers) The choice about sleeping in bed or not ... Some may not like it because it takes a long time for the "main character" to have sex scenes with someone, but honestly, that wasn't a problem for me because the story entertained me, but I know that not everyone will be like that. A difference is that the story revolves around 3 characters that are almost protagonists, they are not considered protagonists because you player does not make moral choices for them, but only for one of them, but other than that, you know what they think and what they do when the main character is not around and I liked that.

    Considering 10 the highest score for each category, I classify it as follows:

    Animations: 9.5;
    History: 10;
    Plot: 10;
    Character development: 10;

    It is very worthwhile to give this novel a chance, if you like history in this niche, this is for you, but if you only want random sex scenes, this work may not be for you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is all about the daughter for me. It's definitely a slow grind, but there's enough content at this point to start following imo. The content that's there is plenty hot. Love the art style - the animated scenes are also generally excellent.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Almost all the characters are the same. If you look at the pictures, you'll realize that to. Our first wife and 'our' 3 children are all the same and this is not good, not at all.

    There's like 5 characters in the game : our 3 children and lesbian couple. When this is the case, you get bored of seeing the same faces inevitably.
    And the situation is getting worse because these three girls are the same.
    And let me remind you: these girls are not triplets.
    You can see the differences in terms of personality, but it is not enough for me.

    I think this game definitely needs new faces. The game keeps turning between these characters. Having the people you can relate to will add the innovation it needs to the game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of V 0.09.1

    i am enjoying this game.
    The story thus far, the characters; their seperate personalities and design, the writing and the overall feel of the game.
    The characters feel a little off in the beginning due to their oversized anime eyes but given the dialogue, it actually helps with the facial expressions.
    A plus for me is that unlike many games with harem and incest tags, the MC isn't predatory. The MC is actually a very decent person. A dad trying to do his best for his girls.
    The character design and writing is good with each of the girls having their own distinct looks and personalities.
    Sex scenes are very well rendered.
    The only downside is the MC's horse dick. Seriously??!!
    Looking forward to see how the story develops
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, I was a little put off by the style of rendering the women with large heads and large eyes. But after a short time, I got used to it, and it gave the story a unique character. I enjoyed the game very much, and found that it was very well written, and very much worth playing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    One of my favorites! I've been playing (and supporting) this game since v0.03 and the story is growing on me more and more with each update.

    'Single Again' does not excel in originality or beautiful visuals, even though both are far better than average. But if I'm honest, I've seen many games with higher quality renders and more detailed characters. And also the setup (single dad taking care of one or more daughters) is not the first and definitely won't be the last in its kind.

    What does set this game apart from others however, is the writing. Specifically the build-up and the realism in character personalities. In my opinion 'Light of my Life' is the only FD incest game with a more realistic plot, and I think 'Single Again' is a close second.

    In these games, the father character is not some incredible sex-craving maniac who suddenly decides he wants to have sex with his daughter(s). Instead, the MC acts like an actual father, but is slowly being corrupted by his daughters, instead of the other way around. I really enjoy this different perspective because even though the build-up is slow, it feels much more 'real' and is therefore much hotter when something does happen!

    That's also why I don't understand the criticism on the character of the MC. Does not wanting to have sex with his daughters right away make him a loser? Why is it called 'corruption' if a female character needs to be persuaded, but if a male character acts somewhat realistic and doesn't want to fuck his own daughter he's suddenly a 'simp' or 'celibate'?

    I actually found that this was very refreshing in comparison to the dozens of games where family members just fuck each other because their mom/dad/brother/sister 'looks kinda hot'....

    And the real fireworks have yet to start!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    What a god awful experience, what is supposed to be a story driven VN turns out to be 5 hours of mediocre grammar, poor writing and an "awkward father that doesnt want to fuck their daughters" cliche.

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    I would say more but the game is in early development. I gave it 2 stars because although the main character is the most forgettable character in VN history, he has a good heart... he's still boring tho.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has everithing to be great, but the MC, I like the girls a lot, all of them, and I like the pacing, although slow, I like the story so far, and I like the renders, and although I don't like the MC so much, I understand why he acts as he acts, or better, thinks as he thinks, my problem though is: although the Mc thinks like a celibate that doesn't like the though of him wanting to touch his daughters innapropiartly some times in game a cognitive dissonance happens and you get the option to touch them innapropartly just to be thrown in a game over, these choices don't make any sense, both because of the characters personalitty and because of some of the reactions, thre shouldn't be an option if it isn't something that character would actually consider, at least not yet, maybe soon after he finally acepts that he wants them, they feel uncessessary and out of place, not the game overs, at least not most of them, but the choices that lead to them.

    edit: The unskippable incredibly slow mini-movies bothered me enough to knock 0,5 and the way the MC sees sex work made it go down another 0,5, I'm afraid of where his personality is going, I hope I won't have to drop this game