Others - Sinher [v0.39Alpha Public] [ElliseArt]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    0.39 Review

    For starters, I really want to rate this game higher, but at the state it is this point I just cannot justify any other rating

    To begin with, the art is really good when it comes to pixel art. The animations are smooth, models were also done quite nice with some details, giving us a really good looking game.

    As a platformer, this game is mediocre. There's nothing we haven't seen, which itself isn't a bad thing, but in this genre it's really important to keep hitboxes accurate. Yet this game has some huge problems with it.

    For starters, the hitbox of a flames you need to avoid is longer than the animation. I have a feeling some platforms aso have shorter hitbox than what sprite shows. But the issue is the most annoying while fighting bosses, because if you want to play this game at this stage, then be prepared to get hit by an air constantly, while the projectile itself is still an inch next to/below you.

    Also this game has mountains of bugs and oversights, and I wasn't even looking for them. Here's some example: Resetting back to checkpoint while in the boss fight does not restart the arena itself. It remains closed until you go back to main menu and reload save from there. Some enemies who shoots projectiles were placed too close to the obstacle next to them, resulting in them hitting the wall instead of the character.

    In conclusion, I think the dev needs to seriously focus on fixing existing content becaouse a game with huge potential that would get easy 5/5 went down 2 stars. If you aren't in dire need of some pixel art and platformers then I advise to wait a couple of monthis for further development and potential bug fixes.

    I'll be checking on patch notes in hopes it gets better, and change my rewiev if those fixes of what I mentioned will be applied.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly adore this game. It has some issues a lot of games do but the dev is constantly improving what they can and that means a lot. Also this dev stays involved and even will fix issues as you bring them up to them. So yeah 5 out of 5 stars. Respect.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The platforming is a bit brutal. There's a part early on where you have to jump from little ledges to cross a lake of lava, but it becomes excruciating when you try to jump at the end of a ledge to stretch your jump out to make it to the next one, but for some reason, you just don't jump. I don't know if the collision of the ledge doesn't actually extend to the visible edge or what, but it took me well over half an hour to pass that one little section and the run back, though rather short at like 2-3 screens, got pretty annoying. Especially since I was just trying to get back to that spot as quickly as possible to retry it, but every other attempt or so, I'd get tagged by a little fire spout in the ceiling which ultimately just added annoying insult to injury.

    After that, I got to a boss fight that after a few attempts, I simply gave up. Having a 'checkpoint' right outside the boss fight is great, but it's ultimately made useless by the fact that healing items you use stay gone after you 'checkpoint.' If I couldn't beat the boss with my two full heal items in my first attempt, how am I going to do it without them? Sure, I could sink another fifteen to half hour in, run the fight a dozen or so times, and get to the point where I can probably beat her without taking any damage at all, but I'm not really willing to run the same 1-2 minute loop of gameplay over and over in the interest of progressing in a porn game.

    If you're looking for a game to sink actual time in, and invest in an actual challenge, then this would probably be right up your alley.

    If you're just looking for a simple pixel art game with lewd animations to play one handed with the door locked, wink wink, you'd probably be better looking elsewhere.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Still in development, a bit glitchy, but the gameplay and the pixelated H-scenes are nicely done. There's a boss battle at the end of the demo, there's strategy involved, if you are a fan of platformers just play it, you won't regret it.

    Waiting for the full release.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    good artstyle and animations, very fun gameplay and atmosphere. Everything already looks pretty polished despite being fairly early in development. tons of potential out of this one can't wait to see what it looks like finished.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    So last time I played it 2 YEARS ago.

    From those 2 years got added like 1 or 2 sex scenes and thats it.
    Gallery is behind patreon.

    -Female protag
    -Quality is good

    -Development almost on par on with nude adventure
    -Lava parkour THAT IS HARD before last boss that IS REALLY HARD to beat if you dont know what you are doing and even with cheats takes forever all to get 1 sex scene and find out its THE END.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello! Love this аtmospheric game! beautiful main character, good soundtrack, very interesting animations :любовь:
    sorry short alpha :плакать:
    I will wait for the full version! :) and in the future I hope to see it in my library steam.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Tutorial lies about the controls. Controls screen in-game lies about the controls.
    Only the keybind-screen on the main menu tells you what the actual attack button is.

    Then the game almost immidiately crashed.
    What little I played of it felt like a generic-bad platformer.
    Platforms are small and ever-so-slightly too high up. You have little control over your own jumps. You go more up than forwards.

    If an enemy stands on a ledge slightly below you, you can't aim down to hit them but they can still hit you (and a single hit seems to transition into a H-animation that you need to mash to escape from)

    I have no idea how the porn or story is, I didn't really get enough time to find out before it crashed on me.

    Honestly, moving around and jumping just didn't feel great. In a game that's theoretically about that, that's not a great sign.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The animations are pretty good. The controls are playable, which is about as much as you can ask for in these games. Stuff like parry and charm work reliably. If there's seven deadly sins, and this demo is just one, then six more levels with this kind of quality would make a pretty solid game. For right now, it's a pretty fun little 20-30 minutes.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid start to an action platformer. While it's still light on content, it's easy to see that a lot of work went into this project already.

    This game has some negative or mediocre review that I think are a little harsh considering the early state of this game. So many people are willing to give VN's 5/5 for the 'potential' in a story, but when it comes to a game with gameplay every gameplay mechanic is judged as if it was the final product.

    Sinher is a 2D platformer with both Run or Rape mechanics and a seduction ability for sex scenes. I generally don't like Run or Rape because I hate being rewarded for making a mistake, but the seduction mechanic (while basic still) makes up for that. You're also rewarded with sex scenes for beating bosses. The art is excellent and so are the animations, apparently there's a version out there with a gallery mode, but I guess I didn't play that version.

    Before talking about the gameplay, I wanted to mention that I loved the tone and style of the game's art and audio. The only thing that really stood out to me that I didn't like was the jumping sound that felt like it didn't really fit. The music and most of the game's sounds are solid and are a highlight for me along with the art.

    The gameplay over all is pretty good, but still needs some iteration and tweaking to make it even better. The movement is solid and responsive for the most part though everything feels a tad slow. Like if the game was sped up globally like 20% it would feel much better. There's also a distinct lack of an air attack or dodge. Otherwise hits and parries have good feedback and animations. There are a few issues with delays before an action can be done. Like it takes a half second after landing to be able to attack or parry.

    Enemy design is also pretty good, I like the idea of killing slimes to turn them into jump pads. There's a ranged enemy type, a trap enemy, a basic soldier etc. Hopefully we'll see even more types in the future. The bossfights were actually pretty good, but everything felt a little slow. This is the main area I felt would just be better if everything was 20% faster. I didn't encounter any gameplay bugs, but others have mentioned a few.

    As for design elements, I'd like to see the seduction mechanic expanded so it gives a tangible gameplay benefit. Currently it basically just instakills most basic enemies and gives a sex scene for it. It would be cool to see you get some sort of temporary buff after using the seduction on an enemy or to give you some sort of resource spendable on upgrades or something.

    You can tell the game is in it's early stages of development, but this is a solid foundation that just needs to be tweaked in a few areas and would definitely deserve a 5/5 rating. I just hope the dev isn't too discouraged by some of the negative reviews so far and sticks with the game. Godspeed.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    very meh and ehhhh. super cool vibe and great tone / style. unfortunately the animations are really boring, no variations that i can see yet. the combat is broken. blocking fireballs at the boss battle can glitch the player into the side of the map, only to die and have to start from the beginning. always starting at the beginning, every... single... time.... no thanks. theres also no escape mechanics. i think there was a seduce mechanic added, but, the game is so unplayable i havent gotten to that.

    Nov 16 update. Game feels worse than before. the animations are really quite shit. very slow, very boring. the music is also completely the wrong genre/style/tone for the game. controls are extremely bad. gameplay is clunky. level design leaves a lot to be desired. Dev should start a new game and just do it better. this is really a badly animated, badly mapped, badly controlled game with animations that feel about 10 years old.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Has potential but needs a lot of work. Movement-- especially jumping-- is a bit clunky. The combat mechanics are very strict and not well explained: you can deflect some attacks and projectiles, but the game isn't very clear which ones. So you're left fumbling around trying to figure out if you can't deflect something or you're just failing at deflecting something.

    Not sure how long the game is but got pretty fed up with the flamey boss after awhile and stopped. Will check back again some day.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Whilst I find the game to be slightly unforgiving and agree with the general consensus regarding it's difficulty (but i am sure this can be tuned) I absolutely LOVE the art style and animations you've incorporated into the game! I managed to somehow beat the boss and i was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the animation (Anal is always a big plus from me- i really liked how her legs were bouncing up and down, that detail really sold it haha!!). I think there is amazing potential here and on that merit alone i want to give you 5 stars. Please continue to keep developing this and work hard! I believe this game can really go somewhere if you keep at it!!

    I also really liked the music and the sound! The aesthetic of the game really has done it for me
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential. It looks really really good, it plays relatively well, it sounds good, and the artstyle/theme/characters are well designed.

    The issues i have are that there's no difficulty sliders, gallery, or convenient save systems. It's trying too hard to be a game when it's supposed to be more of a porn delivery mechanism.

    I have high hopes this will continue to grow into a top tier game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a rare example of being aesthetically competent, mechanically decent, but filled with disastrous design decisions. The developer is a good artist, but seems to have a poor understanding of level design.

    Aesthetically: Looks great, sounds great.

    Mechanically: Tight movement and jumping, but nothing special, particularly let down by poor level design with a lot of platforms having weird collision or being so high you can only reach it at the absolute peak of your jump. Parrying seems to have a built in delay, but there's no animation to go with it, it just stops working for a brief moment after using it, so it feels inconsistent. Enemies and objects you interact with are interesting enough so far, but I really don't like the way a lot of things stun you knock you back quite considerably, and for quite a long time (especially over large pits).

    Design Wise: Incredibly sparse save points, spikes everywhere like it's "I wanna be the Guy", precision platforming over instant death pits (with a few leaps of faith!), and trial-and-error boss encounters are enough for me to not even finish what little there is so far. It's not insanely difficult, but it's just enough for me to genuinely ponder "why bother playing?", it's supposed to be a porn game, how am I supposed to jack off if I'm getting my ass blasted, and dying 5 times in a row.

    I really don't want to play through another obnoxiously difficult hentai platformer. I don't know why many h-platformer devs feel the need to make their games difficult, sometimes excessively, that design philosophy is entirely antithetical to what porn should be. Concentrating on a difficult game causes blood to flow into the brain, and right out of the dick, and that's actually scientifically backed up. No amount of titty mods are gonna help you cum to Dark Souls or Hollow Knight, the so called 'inspiration' for this game.

    It's disappointing because this game's stage is entirely set for something fun to be made with its pieces. If the level and boss design wasn't so actively detracting from the experience, this game has all the pieces to get a 5/5, they're just placed in all the wrong places.

    The reviews over if you're a user looking for advice on whether you should play this game or not. But, if you're the developer, you should read on. You're probably a little frustrated with the poor ratings. What do you do to get these higher? Because if you can consistently get 5/5s, your game could blow up, and even this review could change.
    Here's a few things off the top of my head:
    1) Add a save point at the end of the screen with the combat tutorial, so players that die before getting to the other save don't lose their progress.
    2) Upon getting a game over, give the option to 'continue' at the start of the screen they died in.
    3) Instead of instant death pits, if you fall in one you should appear at the start of the screen and take some damage. Better yet, instead of spawning at the start of the screen, spawn just before the jump.
    4) Get that gallery in ASAP, and update it with every new animation you add, as one dev to another, trust me; people really like galleries.
    5) Too many jumps that can just barely be completed. That's vertically or horizontally. 1. You shouldn't be challenging players while they're still learning. 2. It feels clunky and has gotten a lot of complaints in the thread. 3. There are a few leaps of faith. For example in the first area, you're supposed to use a slime to jump to the right of the screen to continue playing the game. Before trying this on a whim, I legit thought the game was over and you only had this single area and one boss.
    6) Two issues with spikes:
    • They blend in with the background, they should definitely stand out as a hazard.
    • Too many pixel-perfect spike areas and jumps, but the movement isn't tight enough to avoid damage in all of these instances. It's possible to tap the movement key as light as possible, and still get hurt. But realistically, why would you ever want such pixel-perfect spike traps in your game anyway?
    7) Try to design bosses that can be beaten on the first or second try. Quickest way to lose your players, especially in the genre of porn platformers, is to make them repeatedly lose to a boss. Heck, they'll just go jack it to something else, won't they? Keep in mind most of your players are going to be playing one-handed, and half-concentrating. Enemy attacks should be easy to react to and dodge, well-telegraphed (most are, to be fair), and probably only do 1 damage. At the very least, if you want to keep your difficulty, keep it in a different mode. There's a reason why a lot of top rated platformer games on this website are fairly easy, even high quality hard games have controversial ratings because it simply makes for a very poor masturbatory experience.
    8) Level design needs to be better, it's not really something that can be taught, but there are good examples. Look at Super Mario Bros as an example. Seriously. Let me give you a small explanation of the Mario design philosophy. In Mario, levels are designed around a single concept, such as 'Springs', like the mushrooms in your game. The level will introduce springs first in an easy way, and then in increasingly more complicated and nuanced ways until the end of the level. With springs fully introduced, you can now integrate them into the game moving forwards.
    However, how was your game designed? Okay, there was a basic spring at first, but within a minute I was precariously bouncing between springs over death pits as if I suddenly went from Level 1-1 to 8-1.
    Then later, the fireballs in the lava area, instead of being introduced with elegance, and used in creative ways, they were just splashed over the screen, seemingly at complete random. Your levels are like meh Super Mario Maker levels, with a lot of things thrown on the screen with little consideration of why they're there, when in reality, you're can use these building blocks to form something really engaging, different and fun. I can already think of a ton of fun ways to use the springs, and interesting slime monsters you had. The destructible rocks, or the vertical fireballs. You pretty much have three entire Super Mario levels of content there, and it feels weird that you squished it all into only a couple of screens.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    For version 0.1.

    The concept is nice, the controls are adequate and the enemy selection seems to be varied enough. The game is not very exciting or rewarding yet, and the precision jumps, damage spikes and death pits in a dark environment seem mean for a porny sidescroller. Never mind requiring leaps of faith. Wait for more content and polish on the levels before playing, IMO.

    PS The controls should support both left and right-handers, i.e. arrow keys and WASD.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    So, most of my issues are already explained by others in the comments but...

    Gameplay, 3/5: Meh, Platforming Clunky, Combat Slow.
    So first, the platforming. It's already known it's just sort of off. If I were to explain it, it's rough. You don't go up tiny steps (like near the very beginning) and spikes are annoying, not even difficult jumps or whatever, like towards the path to get your clothes, the spikes on the roof at the first corridor, if you just jump and try to proceed, your head gets clipped. Most platforms are also at the exact height of your jump, so you just gotta be holding right to get on (well, not EXACT height, but very damn close).
    How I'd fix platforming is to allow steps, and either set jump height a little higher, or lower platforms a bit. Of course, fix clipping issues near the edge of cliffs and stuff, and zoom the screen out so you don't ever have to make blind jumps. Also, allow back tracking, going to the first boss prevented back tracking.

    On to combat; very lackluster. Hitting things feels weak, and any hits knock you back. No, it's not souls-like, yes, it's challenging, but it's just not fun. The stun feels a bit too long, and enemies a bit slow. Just make everything like, 20% faster (except hitstun, make players ~50% faster or smth) and it will feel better. The enemy animations could also use work but eh, it works for an alpha version.

    TLDR: Platforming needs refining, fixing clipping issues, jump height, hazards and etc. Speeding up combat in terms of animations and framedata could also help. I won't pretend to know everything, but I do know that the hitstun just feels moreso annoying than punishing. Enemies aren't hard, just annoying, and not all controls are listed, i.e. jumping and parrying.
    Also side note, collecting 100 hearts to my knowledge does nothing. Maybe it changes the boss fight but I didn't go check. Also I did the boss fight in one try.

    Audio, 4/5: Actually, Not Bad ;)
    Got some moans, got some whips, and some basic music and hurt sounds and stuff. While not like... Castlevania Music or something, it's okay as background, and the moans and schlurps and what not, is ok.

    Story, 2/5: Basically Nothing, but...
    If it was a Beta instead of an Alpha (unless it fuckin' IS a Beta then shit) I'd give it like, 1/5. You're a succubus, with no memories, do stuff. Not the most creative stuff, but I'll hope for something more. It's real boring right now, very akin to just not having one but there is SOME so...

    Overall, 3/5: Average
    Even among alphas, it's average. It's nothing unique, it's nothing extraordinary, just another one to the pile. As harsh or rude as it sounds, there are plenty of other lewd metroidvanias. Mods, games, romhacks, independent. It looks like if it's given enough time, it can be good, and that's what I hope. But for now I'd just tell others to wait and see, it might flop like so many others, or it might turn out decent.