Unity - Completed - SiNiSistar [v3.0.0] [Uu]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    gameplay is unavoidable yet completely unenjoyable. Whose idea was it to make a porn game where it's just gore for the first half an hour atleast of gameplay and where the player has to slog through shit game mechanics to get to the bits of porn sprinkled through the game? Cheat tables to use "godmode" don't work anyway so you can't even bypass it very easily
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good sidescroller game. Not that hard, the art and style is great, sexy and sometimes gruesome. The levels and enemies are good, and although it's a short game, it's worth trying all the defeat scenes, that makes it a little longer as well. The checkpoint system is pretty forgiving, so getting defeated intentionally by every new enemy isn't really a problem.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Art and sound are superb.

    Only really bad thing is that it's a pretty mediocre porn game. It's all sprites and the art style tries to add too much detail which ends up making it look like just a collection of pixels. At least the deaths are creative.

    Some of the bosses seem pretty hard at first but it's all about figuring out the puzzle behind the fight. If you manage to do that, every fight becomes a breeze. Makes for a pretty satisfying game play loop.

    Also there's not explicit story. You can get an idea of what's happening, but the game itself doesn't tell you anything.

    Really I'd say that everyone should play this. It's high quality despite not being great porn. And it's very short, leaves you yearning for more. The people who made this have a fruitful career in pixel art and game design ahead of them.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the horror aesthetic and more shocking animations. Dev has a fantastic artstyle, and I hope they expand on it with the next game. Admittedly the resolution is low. Without the character portrait you can't actually make out Rabiane's face, but you still have a clear, vivid idea of what's happening. As you progress you're treated to more impressive scripted sequences and graphic post-ending scenes. I was really hoping there might be some alternate endings or branching conditions, but that can also become hard to track and feel arbitrary. Combat was pretty straightforward, and even someone who hates this genre shouldn't have much trouble on easy. One nitpick, maintaining a sense of helplessness is important to the horror genre, but finding a balance of player tension and frustration with controls is difficult. There were a few platforms where Rabiane's limited jump arc was frustrating. One of the last zones, Animal Farm was also very frustrating for how small the window was to dodge and hit many enemies.

    I can think of many ways the dev could expand on the next title. More metroidvania exploration, leveling, items, equipment, status/corruption systems.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A gruesome pronographic platformer with pixel art, the gameplay is nice, the H-scenes are really messed up, you can often see multiple defeat scenes and then finally see the game over screen, there's boss fights, 5/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played it since early V1.2.0 to V3.0.0

    Proper horror/dark fantasy H-Game that doesn't have the tired trope of just offering generic evil humans/werewolves/tentacles as the main source of titillation against the female protagonist and instead offers extremely creative monster designs, it is highly reminiscent in atmosphere to games like Bloodborne and Castlevania. It is a refreshing take on the monotonous echo chamber of boring repetitive sex and archetypal aesthetic most H-games have.

    Great art value as well as original enemies and backgrounds that are beautifully designed. Gameplay was simple yet at times challenging. I adore the pixel art genre, yet this game stands out as the best one I've played to date. Dark, oppressive, and eerie; this game is a must try for anyone looking for a true horror H-game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant art style and music. The gameplay is simple but well-polished with decent challenge. There's a surprising amount of content, too
    The sex scenes are great as well and don't feel overly abundant or cheesy if you get what I mean
    Worth mentioning: you don't need to be defeated by each enemy to get the corresponding death/sex scene in the gallery, it has everything already unlcoked (you need to beat an area to get that area in the gallery though)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best h-game that you will find in the grand collection that we have access on the internet , the fighting has a great flow and all of the h-scene are good, the multiple content update that the game received after the "main quest" was finished are just the cherry on the cake.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Not really a game I'd fap to, the rot and gore makes me feel way too sick for that, but its really well polished and pretty fun! The art is great, I enjoyed it a good bit. People who are bad with gore and other icky stuff be warned
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Hardly worth the 30 minutes I spent on it. The "H-scenes" are just a single image with a heavily pixelated animation in the distance. No gallery to review them (until you finish the whole game, apparently). Very poor combat - jump, swing sword, shoot bow with extremely clunky aiming UI. This is just a tech demo for pixel games that was made by some really horny dude that also enjoys gore. Pass.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all art is fantastic, its so great, this is really what i want.
    BUT you cant get any pleasure, only if you really like your death. Porn 0 / 10, everything just kill you and thats all. You must afraid of any attacks, any moves, any death traps.

    Gameplay is normal, for usual 2d game with rare lewd scenes. But i can play Castlevania Order of Ecclesia.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    I'm definitely in the minority here by giving this a poor rating, but personally I don't think this game is actually that great.

    First of all, the art is fantastic, the music is great, and it's clear a lot of effort was made by the people who worked on this game to make what they believe to be their best work.

    However, I think the gameplay for SiniSistar is really lacking. Nothing ever changes the whole way through, and your mobility and combat abilities are seriously limited. I got through the entire game by hitting the enemy in front of me, jumping back, and repeating until the game was over. Also, all of the areas in the game are incredibly linear and don't offer much in the way of choice aside from whether or not you want to die or not. The platforming is a joke and rarely do you actually need to do precise platforming in the game.

    Almost all of the H content is pretty disgusting to me. If you're a fan of spiders, maggots, and beheadings, this game is perfect for you. Personally, not a fan. I was expecting something like Night of Revenge where there's a lot of fucked up shit but at the end of the day there's still lots of fucking and it's hot, but this game really focuses on things that I can't see the appeal of. Do people have a fetish for zombies eating people? Don't even get me started on the bugs.

    Overall, I think the art is fantastic and the game feels like effort was put in, but in the end I think the gameplay and sexual content both are extremely lacking. I would feel bad rating it this low if others hadn't already rated it so highly. Definitely give SiniSistar a try for yourself, maybe you'll be into it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Sinisistar stands head and shoulders above most h-games in terms of art direction. Where many tend to have background cut out and basically non-textured illustrations, the world of Sinisistar is rendered as a painting. Nothing stands out that indicates that the world is a game, and the VA work supports this with flying colors. The gothic mix of death and lust, fear and desire are fully visible.

    The tradeoff for this detail is that some things are opaque:
    * Rabiane can shake off attackers by mashing the attack button.
    * The initial angle of the bow can be set by pressing the buttons of up and down.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Rabiane is very charming character that I wish she was in a different genre other than horror and got murder like a blonde girl. Sure the Dev nail both erotic and gore pretty well but it's not for my weak stomach and it makes me felt like an edgy teen that want to cover up how much I love sex with horror and gore fest.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    this game has to be one of the best games ive ever played at least regarding H games,it has great art sprites setting locations atmosphere and character, cant wait for the sequel, deserves 5 stars 100%
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    And with this game, I personally finish the Halloween spirit! So here's the review for this game, as well! (along with the sequel for it, currently in development). The full review, and some full saves as well, on my blog here:
    [The Link]

    And, for the quick-view:

    ================ Plot = ----
    ================ Gameplay = 5.75
    ======== Mechanics = 6
    ======== Complexity = 6
    ======== Uniqueness = 6
    ======== Replayability = 5
    ================ Scenes = 6.66
    ======== Visual = 8
    ======== Written = -
    ======== Interactivity = 4
    ======== Replayability = 8
    ================ Development = 8.5
    ======== Stability = 8
    ======== Communication = 9
    ================ Obtaining = 7
    ======== Price = 6
    ======== Methods = 8
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 6.97


    A grim, pixelated, platformer ryona game, small in gameplay scope, but with plenty of h-scene variations. I dig the style of it, and the pixel art is quite detailed, in all honesty. You can even enjoy all of the Scenes and CGs avaliable through the "Reminiscence" option, essentially the Gallery of the game. The price, however, feels a bit high for the general content received in the end, so you might want factor in that, as well, in your calculations.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my personal favorite H-Game.

    It's visually stunning and atmospheric, thanks to its style, soundtrack, and sound design. Almost every single moment is a painting, and nothing is reused. However, there is a cost to this commitment to quality, and that is the incredible amount of time it took to produce this game. Every hour of gameplay takes around a year to produce. I think that puts into perspective how meticulously crafted the game is.

    The gameplay is basic yet pleasant. While it does force you to master the principles inside that basic framework, as any well-designed game should, it never becomes a difficult struggle thanks to the really accessible checkpoints that guarantee you never lose more than a minute of your time. This is perfect, and it should be standard for games that include pornographic content when you lose. Nothing irritates me more than a porn game that requires you to lose in order to view the content, only to throw you a game over and force you to waste several minutes of your time.

    I think a lot of people take the gameplay in platformers like this for granted . The fact that the controls flow well, are functional, not frustrating, and not buggy already makes it one of the best platformers on the website. The only things this game could have probably used to deepen the gameplay are a magic system and a few more moves that are unlocked through the story, but it's hard to complain when the game was clearly, intentionally, keeping its gameplay simple.

    5/5 - STORY
    I've seen a lot of people remark that this game lacks a plot, and you can imagine how infuriating it is to watch people simply ignore the clear environmental storytelling and attention to detail that this game puts into practically every location. There are so many tiny pieces of art and moments that tell their own tale and demonstrate a history of this area, and the game allows you to put together a story via your imagination without a single word of dialogue. This kind of storytelling is ideal for the Lovecraftian horror direction the narrative takes. There are several interpretations of the history of this location, how it came to be the way it is, and what the horrific threat is. Not to mention the soft-story telling that results in non-game over sex scenes that effectively allow you to be raped, and while nothing is explicitly said, if you allow yourself to become immersed in the game, this is its own diametric story beat that can add a lot to the world and your experience with it.

    5/5 - PORN
    This is the most subjective evaluation I'll have since this is a hardcore, guro game that nails it better than any other on the website. That being said, here is where my first critique comes in. As hot as the material in this game is, it often overlooks one key feature: the sexual nature of the game overs. Although not every game over is intrinsically sexual, it doesn't mean they aren't hot to a degenerate like me. Some of them absolutely deserve a little more lewdness. I'll give you an example: at one point, the main character gets converted into a monster for a game over, which is horrifying, consequential, and somewhat sexy, but that's all she does. What would have really made this game over completely gold is if she had transformed into a monster and then proceeded to have sex with another of its kind, demonstrating not only a physical transformation but possibly a mental one as well, while also mixing in that sexual element that hopes to get the neurons and blood flowing.

    CRITICISM OF THE DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: As I already said, this game ruthlessly prioritizes quality above everything else. Practically every screen features a distinct enemy or event, every level has unique music, and almost every sex scene has unique voice acting. It's unrivalled in terms of polish, yet judging by some of the game's recent poor ratings, it's being taken for granted, if noticed at all. The game may have a wonderful environmental narrative and some guys will blame it for having "no plot or lore." Or the game can opt to have absolutely no filler and people will call it short despite having just as many sex scenes and game overs as its contemporaries (trust me, this game enough H-Content that a full gallery on XVIDEOS is 38 minutes long).
    This game really needs to double or treble up on everything except the game overs, art, and music.
    What exactly do I mean? I mean to stretch and, yes, reuse its assets. As previously said, Sinister will often have an enemy that appears only once. After spending weeks designing and animating a monster, no one would complain if it appeared a few times.
    Every level has painstakingly drawn pixel art backgrounds, but I feel like they could have been turned into two or three levels by repurposing a variety of existing assets.
    I can't say if this would improve the game, but it would surely make it seem more like a game rather than simply a dark fantasy porn gallery. Perhaps a little filler could have helped pace the game. I know this game might have been twice as long with the same content and I wouldn't have complained. Perhaps that's a missed opportunity to improve the game in the eyes of those claiming it's too short, when in reality, the game is just dense as hell.
  18. 2.00 star(s)



    I don't get it.

    Lose to H, Lose to reload, half of the things insta-kill.
    There's clothing damage that's very rare to see because insta-kill is expected
    There's parry-ammo, but outside boss battles death is faster.

    instant level sub-stage respawns and re-playes, becausse killing you is the only thing this game aims for...

    The game's made to kill you, that's it, feels like any art, sound gameplay options are wasted for it.
    Likes: ob123
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is truly an hidden gem.
    The pixel art is awesome: dreadful, oppressive, dark, suffocating. Clearly inspired by Lovecraftian novels, the different areas in SiNiSistar never fail to arouse morbid and eerie curiosity... I constantly had this sensation running through my mind, telling me I shouldn't be there, because something horrible and unnatural awaited me after the next door...

    But enough talk. Let's get to the most important part: Sex Stuff!

    Well, there isn't. Or I should say, there is, but as you can expect, it's as gruesome as the rest of the game. Everytime our Sister Rabiane falls in battle, the enemies will waste no time and have their way with her. You might think they will just violate her, right? You wish. It's far more likely that she'll end up horribly murdered or mutilated, as shown by the well crafted (and, of course, uncanny) CGs. But, hey, at least most of the times her dress is ripped, revealing her ample breasts as she gets butchered! Meagre consolation...
    So, know this: if you're easily impressed and blood/gore unsettles you, stay away from this game. If you're a sick psycho like me, or you don't mind heavy scenes, go ahead, because it deserves to be played.

    What about the gameplay?
    Incredibly simple, but functional. Basically, you have three actions, mapped on Z,X,C by default: jump, attack with sword, shoot arrow, with a simple "crosshair" to direction your arrows upwards or downwards. You can recover arrows by killing certain enemies or destroying some particular statues. Despite its plainness, the combat system works and its quite satisfying to slash through foes. The difficulty is on a basic/medium level for all the adventure, with the post game areas offering a bit of a challenge.

    Too bad the game is REALLY too short.

    You'll need 60-90 minutes or so to unlock everything, basing on your familiarity and skills with 2D sidescroller games. There is a gallery, unlockable after beating the final boss, so you don't need to let enemies slaughter your poor Rabiane to witness all scenes. (unless, as I repeat, you're a sick psycho as myself)

    Musics are as oppressive and eerie as the rest of the game, I LOVED every single one of them.

    I'd say this game deserves 4 stars out of 5. Could've been a solid 5 stars, but the sheer simplicity of the gameplay, the lack of story and lore whatsoever and the very short duration prevents me from doing so.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v3.0.0

    I dont often see a horror action game on this website, so i was quite eager to try it out and its been alrightish~.
    This game has pretty good boss fight and terrifying beauty to it that makes it pretty unique. Yet the main problem is how janky the controls are, and how basic as all hell the combat is. You only really got a ranged attack and melee attack and that is all that you will get, which is sleeper gameplay.

    Good game with simple mechanics.