Sir Stretchalot the Plight of the Elves is a roleplay game that is entirely focused on story and dialog made by Apple Tart. Despite being made in RPG Maker and having actual combat, all gaming mechanics are next to non-existent, making this game practically just a kinetic novel or a walking simulator. There is no leveling up system and the combat is meaningless so you better just avoid it totally to not waste your time. The story completely fixated on comedy tones with jokes and references spread on almost every line of dialog. Unlike the majority of games that try this style, the dialog here is not cringe inducing, but it can’t be considered high value comedy either. It’s appeasing at best and just boring at worst. The plot is about one adventure of the protagonist Stretchalot whose purpose is to stretch hotties. As the title predicts, he is tasked to help elves. The story is very concise, not stretching itself beyond its borders or exploring further regions or even more than a couple of characters. It’s a very simple and objective game without branchings and a very linear story. Overall this would be considered just an average boring-ish novel, but considering the genre of the game and the purpose for why people would want to play it, it has a very significant flaw, the spacing between adult content is ridiculously long. At the five minute mark you are teased with content, as if that would be part of the game, but no. The scenes are very mediocre and far between each, a classical mistake in novels. For a novel the developer must correctly balance the distance between dialog, progression, and the adult content. Ignore the content, then your audience will just drift away from the story because that content is the main reason for why people started playing in the first place. When the rare scenes happen you see that Apple Tart has a good hand at drawing, but unfortunately the player will not be able to properly enjoy it. It saddens me that this cute game deserves a low grade, it could have been such a fun rpg with a bunch of scenes and charismatic characters.