RPGM - Completed - Sir Stretchalot - The Plight of the Elves [Final] [Apple Tart]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    great art, fun dialogue, fucking horrible gameplay.
    This could've been a great renpy game that lets us skip the ridiculously long pauses between everything that happens waiting for characters to walk around and such dumb shit.

    Seriously half the time you "play" this game you're just staring at the screen waiting for some annoying animation to finish
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The art and story are great, but the game is a bit too heavy on the text and the encounters with the snakes, spiders and bandits outside of the story feel kinda pointless as you get nothing for them.
    The sprites are really good.
    The bandit leader getting rewarded was a bit of a letdown would be nice if the queen would banish him from the forest atleast or some actual punishment.
    Rewarding the "bad guy/antaganist" makes evrything feel a bit pointless.
    Still the final scene was beautiful!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    -Male Protagonist
    -Horse Companion
    -Amazing Art
    -Unique and Fun Writing
    -Good Story
    -No bullshit grind
    -Sir. Stretchalot

    What more to say than "we desperately need more games like that"? As much as a I like JRPGs gameplay and pixel art I despise those japanese kinks like "rape", "censored", "MTL" and "tentacle" that plagues 90% of the genre. But then I found this masterpice and it hit all the spots with me. Thank you Apple Tart Games! 11/10
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    How should I put it, the game itself is still very good, but there are too many fucking words, the proportion of gameplay is too low, pure text narrative story games, I highly recommend learning Japanese games, go out of the memory room, and let me watch the plot directly
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite nice. The graphics are lovely outside of sex scenes and fantastic in them. Even the music is quite nice throughout. I have enjoyed this game, but along the way the gameplay to kill my mood several times.

    Most of all, the game tries to not let you play. With that, I mean you get to talk to people, all normal. Then the game lets you move. For 5 steps. And then you talk again. This happens so often. Why not just make it a long text scene and move the characters along like it os done in other places of the game? This is infuriating.

    Other small nitpicks are no fullscreen and the text can be fully shown with space/LMB, but only after a delay, which makes reading fast feel bad.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good writing, Awesome art and animations. A very fun game with a glorious main character.
    I really hope that the developer gets a lot of patrons. He really deserves it.
    Keep on streching asses Mr Strechalot!