HTML - Siren [v0.2.3.2] [SirenTeam]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Liked this game, I mean don't get it wrong I can say that it has a lot of downsides but the game is soo young that I think it doesn't matter for now.

    What I liked is the originality of this game being an HTML one, I like the house UI and pretty much all UIs. I think this game couldbe very good if the DEV takes time to really improve the plot to really add meaning in actions and better immersiveness.

    Decent for now is what I would say
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has to have the most pointless grind I've seen yet. Also, it makes no sense. You need more corruption to talk to your boyfriend than you need to prostitute yourself in the park? also, prostituting yourself gives you 1 measly point of corruption, you need 100 points to chat up a guy in the gym? crazy.

    and as a side note, I dislike female protagonist games relying on male POV shots for their porn clips.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    You play as a slut who will have sex with everyone for no good reason. NPCs are braindead shells, and actions don't seem to have any consequences nor explanation; they're just there as an excuse to show some porn pics.

    For example, you can watch porn at the living room, which will invariably lead to one of your parents telling you to do it at your own room, and nothing else ever happening.

    This game features many of the same issues as most HTML games of this kind: absurdly grindy mechanics that serve no purpose other than working as bait to lure people into paying for the cheat codes.

    I recommend cheating through the console instead in order to make this game playable.

    Once you take the grind out of the way, you find very short, poorly described storylines: each with only a couple of parts, besides the cafe one, which consists of grinding the same actions hundreds (yes, not a typo) of times to unlock new activities.
    Luckily, all of these variables can be cheated, as otherwise you're just watching the same scenes over and over with slightly different pictures/animations.

    Besides 1 or 2 repeatable casual sex encounters, all content is locked behind a massive grind which is never justified. As an example, you need to pay $5,000 to unlock your parents room - who I assume sleep on the kitchen floor until you get them a room.

    The game features a corruption system that doesn't make much sense. As an example, working out at the gym gives you corruption, while doing porn cam shows doesn't.

    Most of the areas are there as filler. The park/forest, for example, serves as the location for a single quest scene. Other than that, it just features the exact same content anytime you visit a part of it.

    The dialogue is very poor - it reads like the script of a porn video.

    The videos and pictures are mostly okay, although they vary in resolution, and often have little to do with what they're supposedly describing. eg; jogging at the park displays some video of someone walking on a miniskirt.

    There are a few spelling mistakes and errors in the code, but it's not something prevalent.

    By using console commands to skip the grind, the game offers 10-15 minutes of content so far.

    The UI and navigation are better than that of most other games of this kind, which is the main reason why I'm giving the game 3 stars.

    Without good dialogue, an explanation for your actions, or any choice -besides a couple of buttons during quests-, this game turns into yet another random porn gallery with extra steps, which is a shame, as it shows that work has been put into designing the UI and making navigation easy - if the dev put as much effort bringing life to the characters and world, and toned down the grind, this could be much more interesting.

    Still, it's a 0.2 version, so still a lot of time and room to tackle those issues.