, this is my first review and as I don't know English I will use google translator, I apologize
Positive points
* graphics
* character voices
* sex scenes
* well done character
* story OK.
Negative points
* combat - even if you have several attacks you end up spamming the same command (ctrl + attack), using the other attacks only gets in the way because if you take an attack your character stops attacking.
* Character progression - from what I understand in the story you attack humans and as your character is a succubus she would get stronger after the sex scenes, but actually nothing changes in the gameplay.
* spells - completely irrelevant in gameplay, even healing is very questionable, as you always have 5 potions and that's enough.
At the beginning you start to learn about the game and you really like what you see, the combat is simple and easy to get the scenes, the story captivates you and you start to understand about the theft of a holy sword and about a mission of a recipe or organization you work for.
But as time goes on you just want to finish the mission soon to see the scene, because the gameplay is always the same as there is no skill progression.
That being said, this is an OK game, out of the blue, maybe a waste of something that could be really good if it was worked on more.