
Apr 22, 2020
Played for a bit, here's some feedback if you care.

> Some enemies are too close to transition screens and can hit you before you even see them.
> Movement is way too slow overall. Feels like the character is wading through molasses. At a certain point I found myself pressing down on my arrow keys way too hard as I subconsciously wanted the character to hurry the fuck up. The sloth makes exploration feel like a chore instead of being enjoyable imo.
> Movement slowing down even further on stairs made it feel even worse, especially when something decided to aggro me while I was on them.
> The swing animation takes way too long while the knockback from enemies getting hit is too weak, leading to an awkward 'dance' back and forth almost every time I had to fight something.
> Attack button sometimes doesn't work upon getting hit.
> Add to the four points above too many enemies around and at a certain point I just went around them because of how tedious it was to fight anything.

Some positives so it doesn't look like I just hate the game.

> Spritework is fantastic and I love little details like the fairy glowing at night.
> I do like the more unique enemies like the red slimes.
> Drawn parts like the H-scenes and animations are decent.
> The main character being a goober that literally looks like a Wojak is going to be hit or miss for a lot of people. It's a slight hit with me.

I see some potential here as a lot of my issues can easily be fixed. I kinda stopped playing after a couple minutes because the gameplay was annoying me and it felt unfair to keep going with that negative bias, which is why this isn't a review. For the record I have played and love Link to the Past, which is why it's a bit frustrating in comparison since the combat is so quick and snappy there.
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Jan 4, 2024
Played for a bit, here's some feedback if you care.

> Some enemies are too close to transition screens and can hit you before you even see them.
> Movement is way too slow overall. Feels like the character is wading through molasses. At a certain point I found myself pressing down on my arrow keys way too hard as I subconsciously wanted the character to hurry the fuck up. The sloth makes exploration feel like a chore instead of being enjoyable imo.
> Movement slowing down even further on stairs made it feel even worse, especially when something decided to aggro me while I was on them.
> The swing animation takes way too long while the knockback from enemies getting hit is too weak, leading to an awkward 'dance' back and forth almost every time I had to fight something.
> Attack button sometimes doesn't work upon getting hit.
> Add to the four points above too many enemies around and at a certain point I just went around them because of how tedious it was to fight anything.

Some positives so it doesn't look like I just hate the game.

> Spritework is fantastic and I love little details like the fairy glowing at night.
> I do like the more unique enemies like the red slimes.
> Drawn parts like the H-scenes and animations are decent.
> The main character being a goober that literally looks like a Wojak is going to be hit or miss for a lot of people. It's a slight hit with me.

I see some potential here as a lot of my issues can easily be fixed. I kinda stopped playing after a couple minutes because the gameplay was annoying me and it felt unfair to keep going with that negative bias, which is why this isn't a review. For the record I have played and love Link to the Past, which is why it's a bit frustrating in comparison since the combat is so quick and snappy there.
Thanks for the negative and positive feedback! I'm a glutton for punishment, so I will work on the negatives and try and further enhance some of your positive points as well.

The next weapon has more knockback than the stick. I was interested in making the two weapons different besides just damage.

I like the idea of making the characters swing and/or damage output getting stronger the more experience the character uses a weapon. I'd think that'd help players be interested in fighting besides collecting items. Let me know your thoughts! Links awakening is an inspiration!
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Apr 22, 2020
I like the idea of making the characters swing and/or damage output getting stronger the more experience the character uses a weapon. I'd think that'd help players be interested in fighting besides collecting items. Let me know your thoughts! Links awakening is an inspiration!
For sure a leveling system would be fantastic. Reward players by makes it easier to deal with all the trash mobs around. A wider swing angle as a upgrade from weapon or leveling would be a nice concept, too, I think.