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Unity - Completed - Slave trader 2 [Final] [Quality Glassesm]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A game which where the enjoyment follows the curve of -2x^2+4x+4 starting in X=0. Incase you forgot your maths, what i mean is that the game starts out ok, goes upwards and then takes a nosedive as you hit the unintersting grind at the endgame. I played till unlocked the 7th type, i guess it would be around 80%+ complete if you just count "locations" to visit,

    Given i saw some mentions of soldgirl in the discussion i might as well briefly compare them as well. I find their highlights to be in complete opposite. Soldgirltown begins very weak with very drawn out no-brainer training scenes you eventually just skip once you reach the automation stage and makes the game a lot more fluid after that point. In contrast this game starts out kinda strong with some resource management during the early training to get the stats you want and trying to go for unlocks, but lategame its absolutely trivial and is a absolute chore to do when you need to train 10+ girls to finish up a location.

    the core loop is that you pick a business location, check what kind of stats that location wants, train some girls in the relevant stat, go to town and sell to the randomly generated merchants. After you sell enough at a location you will get a unlock consisting of a item for use before trainin, an upgrade expansion to the mansion(anything from +1 turns to more storage for girls) or a new type of girl.

    The different type of girls all got some different starting perks which you unlock with some requirements like "Gain X in Y stat on a single session with her" or "gain X total rating" etc.

    Choose a training style, a optional training item, a girl type and then its on to training. During training you will get some randomly choices( from a pool based on the training style at the start as well as the girls perks) and the always consistent rest option. Choosing an option gives the girl a corresponding amount of XP in the action, reduce her stamina as well as build the arousal gauge granting a 2x multiplier for next action when its full. Theres also a chance you will gain some temporary perks like "actions grant extra XP for stat X", "gain +50 points in stat X", new actions to the pool and some more less generic ones.

    At the start and midgame i greatly enjoyed minmaxing my resources during training to unlock new perks and progressing the campaign, but as it reached lategame and i got all perks unlocked and fully upgraded the mansion its absolutely trivial to train a girl. This along with the fact that most of them will need to be specialized in one stat means you will train a girl for maybe a minute , then repeat that process 10 times. go sell them, go train another 10, go back and sell to final finish up the location before you move on to next and repeat in a identical fashion.

    There is maybe some fun in the last 2 (at least i only saw 2 more) types of girls that shake things up but im gonna hve to spend 30-40 mins or more just looping the same non-choices over and over to get there. Its compltely trivial to do, just annoyinglu tedious.

    The MTL is fairly easy to understand even if it is quite atrocious.

    TL;DR, gameplay loop is pretty decent as long as it requires some thought and planning. Abysmally annoying late game when its trivial and you need to repeat in 20 times for progress.

    Edit: youtube and after 2-3 hours I finished campaign. Can verify nothing changed from where i was before. Game says theres a NG+ feature or something similar but I have no idea how to activate it. And its a image so autotranslate doesn't work