RPGM - Completed - Slave Training - Elite Female Student Council in a School of Delinquents [Final] [No Future]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Theree is no real no gameplay, no player choice (you can only decide if you want to save the game after a scene.
    Art is good, but not very diverse. Out of the 13 scenes all but the last one were rape.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's more of a VN than RPG. No real choices. Combat is boring af. Good thing the download included a save file. Most scenes are pretty boring. Personally i found the 2nd to last one best. If you don't care about the gameplay and you just want to enjoy the action its a solid 3.5/5. But since i like my gameplay I can't rate this game any higher.
    Art 3.5/5
    Story - 2.5/5
    Gameplay 1.5/5
    Fapability 2.5/5
    Music/SFX 2.5/5
    Originality 2/5
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It pains me to say it, but this is not a good game.

    The description of this game on DlSite implied that it would be a story of strongwilled female students in a boy's school. There was the implication that there would be a constant risk/threat of sexual harassment and corruption as the heroines were gradually broken down.

    What we got instead was a linear RPG with great artwork, but gameplay that does not match the description whatsoever.

    The gameplay itself feels very outdated with mechanics that wouldn't have felt out of place if it was released in 2012.

    It's a bloody shame, because I was genuinely looking forward to this game, and I am disappointed to have actually bought it.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Random slendy boy

    Nothing interesting a minute of gameplay no Yuri just 2 cgs and nothing new I have the artist 10/10 I give the gameplay 0/10 ps: play if you want a quick fap ps:the game is simple bully's cause probablem u beat up bully's sister kindnaped they tell u to go to a abandoned building u go there they tell u to fight if u beat the fight or not doesn't matter if he just added a lazy good ending just text it will be enough but nothing of that it's hardly a game props to the artist tho if these are don't by one idk or care I'm glad I didn't send a single dime on this shit
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: Final (*Don't Know*)

    Story: Nothing new here, some girls going to beat up a bunch of bullies in another school just ending up getting fucked after one of them getting captured. I'd say is more of the same (4/10)

    Originality: As I said before, nothing new here. I myself enjoy these kind of games, although as other people said in some votes, it could clearly be just another VN. Some CGs are well made and with some good fetish so I will high this up because of it. (6/10)

    CGs/Art: Really enjoyed the arts of this game. Lots of weird and good situations, some of them are clearly worth going back and rewatching the scene. The art style ain't something too far from normal. (9/10)

    Sound: No big deal here, just some normal/generic JRPG music. (5/10)

    Playability: This game could clearly be a VN. But let's continue (4/10)

    Performance: Nothing to say here. (10/10)

    Bugs: There are some bugs in some scenes where you win something but the game wasn't ready for that lol. But that's the only thing. (8/10)

    Animations: NULL

    Voice Acting: Enjoyed the voice acting uwu (9/10)

    Translation: Well translated. But I'm no genius. (10/10)

    Amount of content: It's not a big game, and there aren't much scenes and arts. But the ones they have are good for the least. (6/10)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    9 to 11 CG
    1 Act in under 20min u kick all ass and advance
    u beat boss
    Act 2 kidnapping CG fuck
    Act 3 Sis try to save kidnapped sis CG porn
    Act 4 Friend tryes to save sis 1 and sis 2 ** porn

    game over
    gallery unlock

    I am so glad I did not toss money at this.
    This is fap and go and forget
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing that's mediocre about this game is the Art and Voice acting. The music is typical RPGM soundtrack as are the sound effects.
    The story is basically everything that's wrong with writing. Though there might be some that enjoy playing as the rape victim that continuously choose to do the bad decisions, I believe it's a very small minority. Gameplay is basic RPG maker fights. There seem to be no choices, the ones the character do in the story are the dumbest they could be,... thus, instead of lose mechanics, you simply have auto-lose mechanics if you are doing well... if the story was from the point of view of the delinquents, it might have been mediocre too.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good, it has the standard storyline you'd expect from the title, and it REALLY shouldn't be an rpgmaker game.

    The first part of the game tricked me into thinking there'd be actual gamepley differences / choices depending on winning / losing fights, exc. Part of this is an item that lets you check each character's future aspirations Instead you do a bunch of event fights, beat the last boss and it's literally clicking through the entirety of the corruption storyline from that point on.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Slave Training - Elite Female Student Council in a School of Delinquents Final]

    Art's great. The decensor patch wasn't worth the download.

    Writing is unremarkable. Voice is fine and I had no issues with the translation, but the scenario is so pointless that the translation could have been a total rewrite and I would neither know nor care. Hide the dialog window and make the pictures advance every few seconds and you'd lose nothing and gain a few seconds of life the RPGMaker engine would have wasted.

    Gameplay is nonexistent and pointless. This is a wholly linear experience and still manages to waste time. If you lose one of the few scripted fights you aren't supposed to you get Game Overed and if you win a supposed-to-lose fight (via the instakill skill the dev included for ...reasons?) the game ignores the victory and proceeds with a post-loss scene anyway. The whole kit woulda been better in Ren'py or best yet as a gallery somewhere.

    Kinks were fine. The only thing that bothered me was a point where Tits McSillyGlasses was suspended midair and her glasses didn't fall off.

    TLDR: Thank the porn gods that the skip dialog button works.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    In terms of gameplay this was just horrible RPGM standard

    In terms of art it was above average

    This "game" needs the Visual Novel tag... I've watched through it within 30minutes of skipping all the scenes... it's all voiced which is great, but then again it's a visual novel and I'd expect as much
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought it's a RPG with grind, life sim and many choices but that game is a linear game without any choices.
    In Act 2 we have two first battles without chances to win. So, why we have a battle system here at all?
    Just drop it.
    PS I still wanna to find a good RPG with delinquents and school life sim with corruption system and many choices.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    How not to make an RPGM game.
    This game really made me upset, mainly because there is no reason for it to be this poor.
    Art is amazing, tileset is very nice, story is good enough for H-game (a lot of possibilities for H-scenes).
    However this game utterly fails in utilizing RPGM. Most games manage to use RPGM, you have locations to visit, fights to fight, loot to find or interactions to unlock. This one however doesn't even have enough stuff to bring you from one scene to next, past act 1 it just kinetically throws scenes at you. 1st act is the closest this game gets to actually being a game and even then it sucks. 4 locations in game are ridiculously empty, you have no reasons to explore, no reasons to walk around, just rush to the next pointless combat. Combat has no progression no gear no nothing, just obstacle to get past act 1.
    And after act 1 game just turns into CG viewer, it's not even on the lvl of VN or CG galleries. You just view some scenes with no interactions.
    Art is good but its implementation is lucking even by CG galleries standards.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Another "Should have been a RenPy" game.

    ~10 fights, in the beginning, do not justify the usage of RPGM. ( You even have a cheat skill ability that one-shots everything and developers intended for you to use it. Not sure why they even added other skills. All fights can be won by just holding Enter on your keyboard.)

    Art is clean and pretty. I'm also a sucker for "training/sexual torture" themed games. Feeling a lack of roughness, even gangbangs are pretty mild, not even a single deepthroat art.

    Training progression is quite fast and not fleshed out like there is a switch. Girls do not agonize about the discrepancy between their proper mind and a new body. Good for a 1-time quick fap.

    4/5 - because the art is good and it is properly translated which adds to the flavor.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    - The art is superb. Not only it is well drawn in a style that appeals to me, there's small details in sex scenes. Scenes have small variations during them to make it feel like it moves, and there's small details that make it seem less generic.

    - Gameplay is your standard RPGM style.
    - Story is the typical japanese sillines.

    - There's not much of a 'game' there. You walk through small maps and go through fights. After a certain point in the story, the girls get captured and raped, and them it basically becomes a visual novel.
    - It's not a rape-on-defeat either. I mean, it happens, but on scripted defeats. Again, after the first chapter, where it's a bland RPG, it becomes a VN.
    - While this is a corruption game (the story takes the girls from proper ladies to sluts addicted to cock), all corruption happens during the 'VN part'. And, since there's no choices, this corruption feels rather meaningless. The player doesn't spend time with the girls to care about their change and can't affect it in any way. Since you can only watch from that part on, it loses some of the appeal for a corruption-based game.

    EDIT: After consideration, I lowered my score from 3/5 to 2/5. My reasoning for this is as follows: from the engine (RPGM) and tags, you expect combat with rape-on-loss and possibly corruption. While the girls are corrupted during the game, you have no say in it. Even if the game had no 'pure ending', you can't choose... well, anything. Not even the lines your heroine says.

    If this was sold as a VN, you'd expect more interactivity and maybe even animated scenes, which this game lacks. So, even if I loved the art, I decided to consider I can't give a rating of average to a game that is below standards both as an RPG and as a VN.