VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Slay the Dragon! The Fire-Breathing Tyrant Meets Her Match! [Steam EX] [Outis Media]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is way too short to make anything feel satisfying, the taming happens way too quick.

    The characters are boring.

    The music boring.

    The sex scenes have good art but nothing else and there are only two.

    The worldbuilding is very bad.

    There isn´t really any reason to play it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    There are no options in it that seem to matter so if you're thinking of getting this remember that its basically you watching a powerpoint. otherwise this stupid little dragon brat requires taming, you as the pe teacher are in the best place to do so. begin taming.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is another example of a VN that might as well be a exhentai gallery their is 2 cgs and 1 sprite with 5 variations that aren't that different there isnt any decisions at all in the VN its just press skip and that's the entire "game"

    1 star this isnt worth the download its just 2 cgs
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This is a short kinetic novel about putting down a smug dragon girl with some good old corrective rape. Every mesugaki fan would look at this and go "yeah, I'm in!" and that's exactly what happened to me.

    Unforunately, this is quite disappointing.

    The dragon girl, Freya, checks most of the boxes for this kind of story: tiny (though she's also stacked), smug, confident and a bully. The art is really nice too. But that's it. The novel is just way too short to give any kind of satisfaction. Freya bullying the protagonist is barely shown, so you don't really get the welling desire to put her down in return. There are only 2 H-scenes and she falls immediately during the first one, much too quickly to draw any kind of catharsis from it. It's a pity, because the art is really good.

    You can give it a try if you're really starving for mesugaki content (it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes) but at this point you could just hop to exhentai and fap to a doujin about Grim Aloe instead.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Literally a text coupled together with several images. No choices, no anything.
    Only two h scenes.

    Plot is "dragon-bully bullies you so you fucked her in the ass and she started to behave good, the end".

    Skip it.