VN - Others - Completed - SLEEPLESS Nocturne [Final] [Empress]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Of the two Sleepless games, this is the better of the two in my opinion.

    This game also has a strong NTR/sissy focus, which is not something that you see in every empress game so it was nice to have a bit of a change up. It reminded me very much of Starless, but about a quarter of the size.

    I did think all the scenes we're really great, and it left me really just wanting more.

    Much like the other Sleepless game I felt it was a bit too short with not enough build up, even if you slap the two games together because they are separate storylines with multiple endings, everything feels quite rushed and quick to end when compared to entries in the past.

    That all being said this is a fun one, especially if you like the NTR/Sissy kinks, and the art/scenarios are incredible as you can expect from Empress.

    4/5 good stuff