Unity - Abandoned - Slimy Aliens [v0.2.2] [SlimyAliens]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It is buggy has some control issues my pc is not the most powerful but is fairly solid and it runs well as a demo it is light but there are possibilities and with time could be a fun game with some simy shenanigans.

    Giving this a 4 out of 5 its still a prototype but is different and has potential to be developed into something thats different from the copy paste VN games.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    movement is probably intentionally fucked,
    will means nothing (still resists / attacks at 0),
    only 1 type of elf (-ves) are at portal, that place always resets,

    not a bad prototype roughly high 6 to low 8 out of 10
    (would give it 3.5, but we don't have that here, so to encourage to check it out, I give it a 4/5)