VN - Others - Completed - Slut Girlfriend ~The Reason Behind Her Sluttification~[Final] [Jinsei tsukoudome]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Slut Girlfriend ~The Reason Behind Her Sluttification~[Final]

    Generic KN - cheesy writing, boneless MC aka "disgusting wet blanket" with cast of 1,5-D characters, great art, not good translation, """""genre subversion/parody""""", bugs and e-t-c. All in all, it's VERY bad.

    Story - 1,5/5. It's so f dumb.
    Choices - -/5. KN.
    Gameplay - 1/5. KN.
    Characters - -9999/5. Garbage, trash. I hate everyone.
    Art - 4,3/5. It's amazing, too bad artist mostly does art for this kind of flop.
    Grammar/translation - 2/5. Eh, whatever.

    P.S. >spend your prime years as a dick-hopping THOT that doesn't look twice at the protag that always "cared for her" (ha! sure)
    >realise you're approaching the wall and suddenly "discover" that you "love" the protag and want to live in his house and spend the money he earns *
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great as long as you go in understand that there is NTR and that you can avoid it entirely. If you don’t like NTR STAY AWAY from the backstory aside from maybe the very beginning to know who the characters are. It can be rather brutal if you don’t know.

    The best part of this game is the main heroine who is the true main character of this game. She’s drawn by Real 23, an excellent artist . She is absolutely gorgeous and her scenes are amazing.

    But best of all, is how smart, reasonable and genre savvy she is. This game is basically a parody of NTR games and is largely a comedy poking fun at eroge tropes. If you don’t let yourself get hurt by the NTR, it actually mocks the NTR genre. It’s basically the answer to “what if the girls in NTR actually knew they were in an NTR?”

    She stumbles into a gauntlet of basically all the ntr tropes, from date rape/blackmail, to being tricked by playboys, to ugly bastard, but she remains self aware and subverts expectations and instead of the usual NTR trope of her becoming so addicted to cock that she lets herself fall into the worst situations, she becomes a sex addict but will NOT take any shit from the dudes and will dump them quick. She remains rather sensible, and often makes fun of common tropes.

    The best part is how she treats the protagonist, she’s extremely aware of all his cliche ideas and mocks typical vanilla protagonists.

    The ending is purely genius. She essentially games the system and finds a way to “win” NTR. Instead of becoming a coked up prostitute she basically creates her own happy ending.

    Basically, this is a funny sexy parody of NTR. It’s the shrek of NTR games and I recommend it to even to people who don’t like ntr as long as they go in with that understanding. If you take it seriously from the MC perspective, it’s slightly depressing ntr with a fun and good ending. Worth a read.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's boring, drawn-out and bad. That's it. You don't need lengty review for this kind of game, its only redeeming quality - is pics and artstyle itself. Download pics and wank to them, put on background any random jav, if you got horny for images. Voice acting is pretty generic. Not bad, but ~eeh. (as i said, you can swap it with any existing jav movie)
    Oh! Btw, if you like NTR or Vanilla, too bad for you - you got cucked too!(ha!) It's bad, both of them.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is the ultimate reminder that I should never trust most reviews before playing anything, and I'm not even talking about the scores. This isn't a "solid NTR," nor is it a bittersweet story with a heartfelt ending. It also doesn't give us any important life lessons about how having a lot of partners isn't a bad thing. I've never been so misinformed by reviews in my life, so let me tell you what to actually expect from this nukige.
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    TL;DR: Not NTR, not wholesome, shitty characters, boring sex scenes, no deep message. It's a porn gallery with extra steps. Can still be enjoyed if you don't misplace your expectations or simply skip all the text, but it's below average.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid title for any NTR fan, and an interesting option for the rest.

    (+) options related to allowing the player to carry out a story (the game is divided into two parts "present" and "past" and depending on our preferences we can start with one or the other, and if that was not enough, we also have a choice of perspective, which may be limited to our male hero or include the vision of the main heroine, which introduces even more possibilities in adapting the way we want the character to the story;
    (+) a simple but captivating story that is easy to get into - it has both elements of perversion and the fun / cute one such a sweet-spicy-sour mixture, which in my opinion is a great asset;
    (+) the metamorphosis (both visual and psychological) of the main heroine is a nice touch;
    (+) nice visual line, the pictures look very appetizing and the erotic scenes are sexy.

    (+/-) on the one hand, it's nice that the MC analyzes a lot, thinks, sometimes even dialogues with himself, it not only makes it easier to feel in his position but also can be interesting, but at times it is unfortunately irritating, I understand that the history of NTR it requires some things but there are some limits to "good taste" and here, as usual, we have an MC who is totally blind and completely inconsiderate to the point that it starts to irritate at times, I don't think I need to add that apart from that he is a classic man called "loser" who is extremely passive, thinks too much and does not enough, cannot find himself in the environment.

    (-) no "idle" pictures of characters that appear in the story, in the sense that they appear in erotic scenes, but in the story itself they have neither face nor body, and instead are black and uniform characters. I really don't understand if it was so hard to draw these few additional characters in standard form as they stand during the conversations and so on because the game does not have very advanced animation and it would not require too much work. Sexual scenes are important, but experiencing a lot of characters without drawings isn't very interesting. It is different when it is some insignificant passerby and another when characters that play a noticeable role in the story. I am not an expert, but it is a bit of a hassle, these standard pictures would not take more than two weeks for a graphic designer and the game would then look much more "fuller" and so sometimes we have the impression of dealing with something low-budget. I stick to it because everything else is really good and this disregard does not suit a well-written and looking game;
    (-) unfortunately, apart from the initial options, the game is very linear - we have no influence on our hero's choices, since it was impossible for the authors to push different paths anymore, they could at least add some pretend choices, for example, situational and dialogue choices, which would at least give us a substitute for the fact that we influence the behavior of our hero.

    I had a really nice time with this title, and as an NTR fan I played the following:
    1. Past (protagonist perspective only) - Just to empathize with the main character. WARNING! An option only for the patient, because although most things are quite easy to guess, we will see only a little erotic content. However, a big plus for the fact that our imagination at this stage is extremely stimulated, which is an interesting element in itself.
    2. Present - Quite important changes in the story that perfectly complement the whole story and add that sweet undertone without forgetting about its spicy elements.
    3. Past (protagonist + heroine perspective) - At the moment of experiencing a good ending, we come back for more, which is supposed to make us jealous. Finally, we can see all that was hidden under the guise of uncertainty and compare it to our earlier imaginations. It is also the moment when we quickly realize what part of what the main heroine said is legal and how much more or less sweet or painful lies.

    People who don't like NTR should dodge "Past story" and focus on the "Present story" itself, which is sexy and hot anyway - but unfortunately it will be much shorter fun with the title.

    The title is very specific to the story, so either it rejects someone and we lose patience, or we feel so badly that we ignore its imperfections. As for the mechanics, there is nothing interesting here - because all we do is click through the next scenes, saving the game from time to time. As for the visuals, while the game looks average at first glance, the erotic scenes themselves are very nice and hot.

    Score: 5/5
    Very cool, perverse, sexy and at times sweet story which I liked in this stupid way. So this time, the plot, which at times seemed a bit exaggerated, broke through the drawbacks of the game with its realism - you can see that someone sat down and designed the case well, these were not blindly thrown scenes and texts, everything seems to have arms and legs, so despite being slightly irritating hero, I felt his skin without any problems and began to feel towards him not only empathy but also some form of cheering for his fate, and at times even a soul mate. And that's a good sign, isn't it? this applies to both books, movies and games in this case. I know one thing, I will definitely have to trace the rest of this author's titles more closely ;-)
  6. E
    5.00 star(s)


    Kano Bitch is something unique, at least I think it is with my apprentice experience of <10 VNs under my belt.

    It's tagged NTR, but that only really applies if you play it in the suggested (by Dev and TL) order of Present --> Past. I don't know and I don't want to know how it would play/feel to play this game in this way. I can only guess that the netorare would be really strong with that one.

    In the chronoLOGICally correct order of Past --> Present it's a Female Protagonist Corruption game with happy end.

    What else is there to say, the art is gorgeous (I really mourn the fact that there's censoring in this game), the BGM is always way too distracting/loud imo - but that applies to most VNs or nukige in general, the voice acting is really nice and the writing is pretty good and actually thought provoking. The 4chan lingo strangely fits the topic of the game.

    The H-scenes are hot and immersive too, for some reason.

    Coming back to the thought provoking:
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  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Im not entirely sure how to categorize this game ... its a very weird game. Its pretty much a reverse corruption story or something like that. The game its divided in two : past and present, and you play them individually, meaning that you dont need to play all the game depending on the content you want to see.
    The past explains the base of the story and introduces the ntr elements. If you play the game because you like ntr this is the part you will want to play. The ntr is not legitimately cheating because the characters are not a couple(they are chilldhood friends) and while the mc has feelings for the heroine, she seems to not be aware of her own feelings of him. So you dont deal with the usual guilt and self deprecation that this type of character usually has. She legitimately enjoys having sex with a lot of guys and is ready to lie to the mc to get it.
    The present on the other hand is after the heroine has been fully corrupted and starts interacting with the mc again. During this time she becomes sex friends with the mc and later his girlfriend. This is the most vanilla part of the story and the one i find the most interesting. Despite the romantic nature of the latter half of the game, i still wouldnt recomend it to someone who doesnt stomach ntr. The heroine compares the mc's dick to others bigger than him while they are having sex(even though she latter admits his size is perfect for her) and she jokingly says in the ending that if the mc doesnt satisfy her she will cheat on him. This scenes would quite probably turn you off if you cant stomatch ntr elements. But if you can i definitely recomend checking this game out just because of how different it is compared to other ntr games out there.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I am not a NTR type of guy, in fact whenever I see rape I feel so angry that feel like I will cut someone's balls off but because I heard that this game has an happy ending I though of going through the whole thing and trying it out by watching the past chapter first then the present one and here is what I will say.

    The whole thing just made me angry. In the beginning that means at the start of the past chapter the girl was raped and used continuously and this whole game has very long dialogue sequences so the more I was reading the more angry I was getting and the smaller my dick was shrinking. I was at a period of time when I just was unable to read such a dialogue so I only read bits and pieces to get an idea of the story and skipped most of it in the past chapter. Then the main girl becomes more comfortable with her sexuality and starts having consensual sex with many different people through out the later part of the past chapter. That was relatively enjoyable but I was still feeling the effects of the past anger I got from the beginning of the chapter so I did not enjoy it as much.

    This game has a serious problem with very long dialogues and a single sex scene.

    When the past chapter ended then the present chapter began where the girl starts having sex with only the protagonist and I realized by that time. The protagonist is one of those Otaku character who not only thinks like an person who believes real life should be like anime but in my opinion a person whom I really would not respect and he does not have a whole lot of redeeming qualities. So by this time I just gave up and thought to myself the guy in irredeemable and the girl is a sexually confident lady whom I like. So I will just focus on the girl then.

    However in the end for a person who really hates rape and dishonesty just watching the past chapter ruined the whole experience so please if any person here who hates rape wants to watch this please avoid the beginning of the past chapter and start from the part where she moves on to the second guy. That is probably from where it can become relatively enjoyable as that is when relatively consensual sex occurs.