Ren'Py - SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [v0.42] [Shadow Portal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Compared to other games, this one is very big, which is good for me personally. Often other games are passed or even bored in 1-2 evenings, this one is long enough to kill more than one evening. Personally i passed it more than a month unhurriedly.

    I liked the scenes on behalf of the MC, it's unusual to see a woman as the main character of the game, usually it's men. Very like the drawings, although it changes after half the game, also changing style from communicating with a male Terran to Zerg that also liked.

    It lacked a bit of narrative dynamism in the first part, but luckily in the second half the game speeds up and i think the finale is coming very very soon. So i'm looking forward to it (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I’ve been following the game since version 0.37, and the current version is 0.42. The game has roughly four chapters, and the first two felt like a classic trainer game set in a StarCraft universe. Sometimes it got a bit grindy, but in between the grind, there were funny jokes and spicy scenes, so it wasn’t too bad. Then, the game shifted direction - Sarah changed, becoming more sarcastic and a lot more confident, and once her personality started merging with the Queen of Blades, the changes became even more noticeable. The game moved away from trainer mechanics and turned into a more intimate adventure across a few locations. The scenes became much more detailed, and the grind almost disappeared, replaced by tons of text and highly polished visuals for each scene, with every one being unique and featuring multiple variations. We’re in the fourth chapter now, and the game’s direction has shifted again—events are unfolding rapidly, and it’s turned into something like a road movie. There’s always something happening to the characters, and sometimes we even see parallel events in different locations. Sarah is going through more personality changes, and the art has improved even further.
    This game is an exciting adventure for both StarCraft fans and casual lovers of erotic games alike :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game pleased with pleasant graphics, especially in the final parts. Deep immersion in the game world added interest, and a lot of content provided long hours of exciting pastime. The amusing characters gave the game a kind of charm.

    However, I would have liked to see more female characters in the game to expand the variety of stories and perspectives to develop, you know, sex scenes, hehe. It's especially interesting to find out how the whole story ends - it really captures the imagination and motivates to keep playing until the very end.

    I hope that the developers will take into account the wishes of the fans and continue to delight us with new updates and content to satisfy the diverse preferences of players.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Stukcraft: Heat of Stukov

    I'm not a fan of kinetic novels in general, but this one is even worse, because it pretends it's not with some dialogue non-choices, empty numbers and "puzzles". If you can call clicking the same thing on the screen five times until the result suddenly changes a puzzle.

    The only two good things about this one is the art and the amount of it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, in my opinion. Active development keeps me checking back in periodically to see what is new.

    Subject matter may not be for everyone, so it is important to check the tags. The wide variety of fetishes covered in the game is, in my opinion, part of the appeal.

    As far as downsides go, the mobile version can be a little clunky, as others have mentioned. But that seems to be par for the course for these types of games. I have yet to encounter something game breaking.

    Additionally, I appreciate that the developer chooses to engage with the f95zone community, attempting to draw in Patreon subscribers that way.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time polishing your "spear". There are a lot of juicy and pleasant scenes that can be immediately opened in the gallery (for fans of the plot is this done? ;) ) I've been following the game for a long time and it's great to see regular updates with lots of juicy content!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Blue Tractor

    I've been following the updates for this amazing game for a long time. It's clear that the developers are improving significantly, which is reflected in the changes to both the art style and, to some extent, the gameplay. The storyline is reasonably engaging and will be understandable to both StarCraft fans and those unfamiliar with the game's universe. There are plenty of hot scenes and fetishes that I enjoy, though perhaps they aren't all necessary. Recent updates include obvious nods to other hentai titles, which is amusing to notice.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Quick updates, the only problem is that not always the steps to progress are easy to know so user has to click random places in hope that it will work.

    Beside i really appreciate it except the minigames
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of Starcraft, but I enjoyed this game.

    Haven't had a chance to play the 42 update, but even 41 has a lot of content, but I have a lot to say. When I opened the gallery, my heart started beating more frequently, how much content I still have ahead of me. I originally thought about using the bonus code, but then I decided to find all the stages myself.

    The game is definitely worth the time spent, if you like sci-fi visual novels and redheaded girls, then slutcraft will give you everything you want.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a very solid game, visually impressive art and great story so far. You can read the overview to get a understanding of what the game is about. It's a traditional point and click game so if that's your thing you should enjoy it!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game needs more content at the beginning (when she is in the cell). For example, a tentacle for feeding, tentacles on the wall, or other interactive elements. This would make the starting experience more engaging and immersive. Adding more scenes and content will greatly enhance the gameplay and keep players interested. If you agree, please give it 5* to show support for these improvements.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh man, oh man.
    Where to begin?

    I have been trying to find all sci-fi themed games on this website. When I saw the screens and the theme for this one, it was an instant download.

    The game looks really good, even though you can tell the resolution is a bit dated, it was one of the turn offs not being able to run it "full screen".
    Even so, the game looks gorgeous and really sexy.

    There were scenes that I was really surprised with the creativity put into it and they are really hot. I loved the feeding stuff, even though it's the most basic of the bunch, it really sets the mood for the future interactions.

    My greatest grip with the game is the grind... it's very repetitive and becomes a not so fun activity after a while. However I found myself grinding and grinding, because I wanted to see the next scene. I think it's quite deliberate as a stall tactic and to force you to play a lot of the game before seeing the good stuff, but I think it could have been achieved by doing something more entertaining and less grinding.

    This game has been out for a long time now, so I'd expect somethings to definitely be better.

    However with all said and done, I'd still recommend it.
    If you like sci-fi (or Starcraft) you will like this game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game is visuals, absolutely everything is hand-drawn and looks simply superb. The worst thing is the required grind, but that's the same for most games of this type.
    Things that are also worth mentioning are the soundtrack, I forgot to turn music off immediately upon launch (like I usually do in renpy games) and I didn't regret that upon hearing the music, so it's pretty damn good. The story is entertaining enough, but I'm not a Starcraft fan, so I didn't find it particularly captivating. Finally, the minigames. Like all minigames in VNs, they are fun for the first two or maybe three tries, and then they become dreadfully annoying. I guess that's part of the grind of these games, but still, that's the reason I can't give this game 5 whole stars.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6617658

    WTF, Let me be brief. Playing this game has been fun until MC becomes a queen with an unattractive face and "bitch" hair - totally ruining the familiar story and game taken so many years. It's like a slap in the face without any reason.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is a curious fanfiction on the StarCraft universe, which, despite its shortcomings, has a number of attractive features. The main emphasis here is on developing the world and atmosphere of the original series in porn style, which is achieved through rich textual content and high-quality visuals.

    The text part of the game is really extensive and detailed, but at times it can seem overly drawn out, nevertheless, for fans of the StarCraft universe it can be a real immersion into the favorite story, offering to look at the familiar world from a new side.

    The graphical component of the game deserves separate praise. The art is done at a high level, which adds charm to the game and helps to better visualize the described events. The artists tried to keep the spirit of the original series, while adding their own vision (sometimes noticeably inspired by other famous hentai artists).

    The gameplay, unfortunately, is not particularly deep or varied. It often serves only as a means of stretching out the game time. Some mechanics may seem overly specific and not always engaging.

    Overall, the game is an interesting fan project that will be able to captivate StarCraft fans due to its textual and visual components. Despite the drawn-out moments and unimpressive gameplay, it offers a unique take on the beloved universe and deserves the attention of all fans of porn games.

  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it when cute girls are captured...your passions!

    I really liked the game, there are so many different scenes not only with Sarah, but also with other girls, and most importantly, it's all beautifully drawn and even with a plot.

    It's a pity that I found the game recently, but on the other hand, the developers regularly give updates and the 0. 41 version of the game is coming out soon, I'm impatiently waiting for what will happen next.

    P.S. I especially liked Women's day, a wonderful scene with the best boy of the game!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 4.5/5: I'm not familiar with the original StarCraft universe and I don't know how canonical the game's story is, but if it weren't for the dragging in some places - the story is generally good. Maybe on release this problem won't be felt as much due to not having to wait for updates.
    Art 5/5: The game looks great and that's probably its strong point. The style changed a bit as the story progressed, but I wouldn't classify it as a major disadvantage
    Gameplay 3/5: The weakest part of the game. For the first 2 chapters you have to grind monotonous actions to progress through the story, but later on the game has moved to a visual novel format.
    Music ?/5: It's good, but the same songs get boring.

    Overall the game is good
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating 4.5 (unfortunately you can not put exactly 4.5 her, but I decided to leave 5, with the hope that the developers will still fix all the defects).

    To begin with, I would like to talk about the visuals, there are no complaints, the game looks good. The further you play, the cooler the artwork.

    The plot, interesting, in some places of course overdone (the amount of text), but all the scenes that I liked were exactly as I would like to see them. Hopefully more of the redheaded Sarah will be in the end.

    Mini-games, this is what I wanted to take off 0.5 points. In fact, they are useless. I personally liked the egg game ( defiler) a little bit, and the garbage collection. The rest... Needs to be removed from the game or reworked. But I wouldn't want time wasted on recycling. Better to make more content already.

    Glad I had the opportunity to get into this game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    10 /10.

    I found this game by chance one day and decided to give it a go during the pandemic, played and found it really appealing, from the design to the story and events. Hell, the first time I discovered this I was so curious to know more that I bought Starcraft 2 to see the source material, it made me a fan of a Blizzard game... in this day and age (Yeah I got it backwards, fan of the parody to then be fan of the original IP, that's how you know the game is good.).

    I did miss a couple years of content after that, didn't had time to check it out... but when I did a few months ago, I was pleasantly surprised. I did notice the art style changing and It honestly it looks good.

    On a down note, I can see the devs making a sequel for Nova (Like in the OG Ganassa's artworks... my god it's been 10 years I'm feeling old), but that would probably take a while and that's just a bummer.

    Recomended, 100%.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Evil Earthworm Jim

    It's not a game, it's a visual novel.

    No control, just click, game stalls, click and see scene. It looks pretty but no control in video games is just lazy. Why give me any option that is literally just wasting my time choosing.

    I don't know why we get dialouge "options" if nothing happens when you click them. Just have the one option if it's the only option that's going to progress the "game".

    It's a grindy VN. If you don't mind all the pointless options that just waste your time until you finally click the option the content creator wanted you to click on, have at it.

    No choice, no control, just an illusion.