Others - Completed - Slutty Rave Girl [Final] [spritesarecool]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    4-minute wank in and out

    If you're expecting a plot there is none. Its literally an animation reel of about 8 scenes. They're pretty nice quality for pixel art and if you take it as it is. not bad.

    If your expecting much else then your gonna be in for a bad time.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not so much a game as a small collection of short pixel animations.

    This isn't a problem to me, but the girl isn't that hot and the animations are just decent. It's a small file size and you won't spend more than 10 minutes with it, so I don't regret my time with it.

    It's worth a download if you're curious, just don't expect much.