Unity - Snapshot Dungeon [v2024-04-01] [RYZYD]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A very bad scene viewer there is not H content just some tiddies and ass, not even woth of downloading,you just go there and spam right click to defeat the girl a get a silly animation ofthen dancing or some shit like that, its a lame game and a bad one not even recomend to watch the scenes or worth of time.
    1/10 (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Johnathan Iggz

    Buggy mess. There's no content in the newest build, the only way to see any nsfw scenes is by downloading a old version. Considering how long in between each update I expected a bit more. Maybe you can enjoy the idle animations of the girls. If you can deal with the vertigo inducing screen shake. I know that the developer is going to put things back into the game but as it stands it's not good. I'll change the review once there is actual content.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing
    it's beautiful
    I will be looking forward to the release.
    ele possui bastante potencial tipo seus graficos são incriveis eu gostei bastante da escolha artistica e como ele funciona ,deveriam ser adicionados mais formas de sexo com os oponentes porém como esta ainda no inicio esta incrível seria bom tambem um local onde estivesse os controles para facilitar o jogador entender como o jogo funciona.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of the game (Version 0.01)

    Fun game but the animated sex scene loop is way to short, like its about less than 5secs, and I don't know about you but I ain't busting that fast.

    The art style is phenomenal and immediately drew me into the game. I can't wait to see more.

    Gameplay itself is easy, bring up the phone with right click and snap pics of the monstergirls before they wack you for taking pictures fo them lol :LOL:

    As of right now I'm giving it a 3/5 because its simplistic but that makes the art pop out more and I am personally excited to see if it lives up to my expectations or if it will be one of those that never shined.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of the game (V0.01)

    I like the game. Unique combat concept with the level shadowing reminiscent of Crypt and sprite style of Doom but with more animation in them.

    Everything is done by taking pictures with your phone. Picking up loot, opening chests, attacking monster girls and reading signs. Yes, the sign that tells you what area the door leads to is a freaking QR code and I love it. I think that's a creative idea.

    Currently in the initial release of this game there are 4 monster girls (Bunny, Slime, Centaur and Ghost). Also, the victory fuck animation for all monster girls is the Bunny girls animation. So if you defeat a centaur and fuck it, it'll be the bunny girl you're fucking.

    -Monster girls won't attack you until you do the first hit but they will follow you around unless you sprint far enough away.

    -The sex animation you get for defeating a monster girl is short (only 3 seconds long) before it ends and you have to defeat another monster girl to see it again.

    Notes/Bug reports to the Dev:
    -For the victory fuck animation, I suggest to have the animation loop indefinitely until the player presses a button or key to stop it.
    -The Quit Game button currently doesn't work. It turns the phone off but you can press M again to get back to the menu.
    -The Delete button to delete pictures of Monster Girls doesn't work.
    -In the starting area, when you go forward through the two rooms, you end up in the room with 2 side by side water areas. You can't get out of these if you fall in one.

    I'll be keeping an eye on this game. It has good potential and I can't wait to see where this game goes. Especially since this game will have the severely rare Centaur Girl content in it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the art style, the movement is accurate, the dash could be shorter though. I like the Idea of snapshotting the Enemys to interact. The one Sex scene looks good and since this is just a prototype I'd be happy to see more content. ^^
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's refreshing to see some new type of game on here (at least i havent seen something similar).

    Since this is a review for v0.01 there isn't much to say.
    The enemy art is decent though its unfortunate that the only sex scene is from the bunny. Though hot it is way too short (if the dev reads this: please let it loop indefinitely until the player presses E or smth) and every enemy defaults to that same scene with the bunny. Some enemies actually changing their model to that of the bunny when defeated.
    Rn you cant do anything with the pictures, not even delete them. I dont know what happens if you take too many..

    Other than that i like the atmosphere and if you see that horse you RUN. There is currently no reliable way to take her down without losing 70% of your hp.