VN - Ren'Py - SnowStorm [v0.8 BB] [GleenX Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Another good game from GleenX. At first, I thought this is only about picking blonde, redhead, or brunette. However, you quickly noticed how much detail the developer put into character development and world-building. Each character has a unique personality and motivation. The renders are also top quality. As a result, all girls are beautiful. Unlike other games, it is impossible for me to pick a favorite. Sounds are also included, and it really helps to set the mood and atmosphere. I have personally become a Patreon to the dev, and I highly recommend you to do the same if you enjoy it as much as I do.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I dove in this game from the begining and the fact that the Viking theme is within it makes it easy for me to follow the story. I love the females in this VN they are all differents and beautiful. The fact that they belong to clans is super cool. I love the clan mecanic, the story is well conducted with that part and very interesting. The art could be better though, I tend to be a bit pointy on art and the renders are not that impressive. I'm fond of dialogues and the old norse is amazing, it makes the experience realistic and immersive.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Erastorm Ep 2 - SnowStorm v0.1.0

    This is one is good compared to Dev's first game render quality and count is increased. Story takes place in medieval world. Pretty models. Nice back ground music and sounds which gives more ampience to the game. Game got three branching paths. You can join one of the three clans. Each clans have interesting characters. White bear is my fav clan ofcourse Astrja and Astrid is the fav girls. If you like playing fantasy games give this one a try.

    Overall game is worth playing. Keep up the good work dev. Looking forward to next updates.


    Edit : v0.5 BB

    Guys if you didn't like start of the game or didn't felt it's nice don't abandon it. This one is really worth. You may don't like Candice at the start. But now she one of the best girl or the best girl. This game became more interesting now. Eagerly waiting for the next updates and the war. Seems like it's gonna be bloody
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucifer morning star 666

    very good game !!
    models are hot
    story is interesting
    the barbarian clan can use more action :unsure:
    the game have potential after few updates can be one of the bests
    (i personally like viking ages very much and game like this are very rare)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like I won't be disappointed with which ever route I take, all the ladies in the story are beautiful and very appealing, so can't really go wrong with most of the choices right?! so far very intriguing story and looking forward to more!
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1571716

    Not even sure how to approach this, but, I'll give it a go.

    Demo was pretty solid for the most part. It had a few typos and punctuation errors, but most games do.

    The renders are done well and the storyline, while being a bit childish, was fun. The girls are cute, but, only a couple stand out to me. But, I'm not going to discuss the girls. Everyone has different tastes, so, moving on.

    The demo was overall pretty good. Left me wanting more. Well, we just got more, if you can say that. Yes, there's more content, some really nice renders, but, no new storyline. But, that's fine. We get to know the girls a little more and experience some of the world the MC finds himself in.

    But, the new content also includes point & click mechanics. Something I am not a fan of. Not to mention a map of sorts, has also been added. Yes, the map right now only shows the area the MC finds himself, but, with the introduction of the p&c mechanic, it gives me the feeling this will turn into a sandbox game. As I said, not a fan.

    I'll keep an eye on this, but, I feel this will be another one I drop.

    Demo: 4 stars
    Ep. 2: 3 stars.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good first impression. About an hour, with a few minutes at the end, branching into 3 paths (cunning/force/honourable).

    The game is an Isekai where the MC suddenly finds himself in a Norse Icelandic Viking world, representing the state of almost a thousand years ago.

    Not all characters speak English, and the font and writing style represents this very well. It's an immersive world. One character however, (Astrid), completely took me out of said immersion because all of a sudden she talks like a typical TikTok teenager, which she apparently does because she self-taught by reading plundered books? This did not make sense, her writing was just way too modern and far worse than any other character. Other than her, the writing was pretty good except for some consistent capitalization and spelling issues. Nothing that isn't easily fixed though.

    Visually, the world and characters look very good. There are a few animations however this is by far the game's biggest downfall, they are super choppy and not playing at correct speeds and just look ultra low frame rate, rather poor overall. On top of that sometimes an ultra-bright white transition is used, e.g. when MC is orgasming which just contrasts way too much with the rest of the colour scheme, and it was blindingly bright and unfitting. I also noticed that MC seems to suffer from Peyronie's disease, weird choice.

    Music/sound is present and fitting. Minor issue: I tuned the volume correctly and later noticed a huge spike in volume on some songs, turns out SOME tracks adhere to the settings' "music" slider while others need to tune the "sound" slider instead - inconsistent.

    Overall, very good first impression. Scuffed, choppy animations and Astrid dialogue are my biggest gripes, thus far.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks good. Beautiful renders and plentiful C&C that results in 3 different divergent paths with different characters. Quality work for a first release, and the premise is interesting and engaging. The only complaint is that sometime it can be hard to track what is going on as some scenes are very random.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    EraStorm Ep. 2 - SnowStorm [Demo]review -
    Starting with the positives the renders are great and some of the female characters which I have seen look stunning . The negatives are Story is confusing as hell and can't understand most of the dialogues and you have to make choice for them by trail and error . And the game splits into three paths / clans in the demo rather in later version getting to know some female characters then join a clan and you have to decide with no information on clan members - it is you choose anything or game over . I choose game over , rather than having to play three different paths with multiple playthroughs / saves from demo or from start of the game . So in the end 2 stars apart from the renders and some good looking girls , story , choices and paths in this game are a huge disappointment .
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [Demo reviewed.]
    Very nice renders, including the animations. The music and sound effects are also done well. (Well, except for one missing music file: "MorningDawn" from script line 787.) I saw only a few typos and spelling errors. There's clearly plenty more to explain as the main character has been dropped into the storyline completely ignorant on how and why (and when). I'm looking forward to the developments here.

    I'm a bit worried about the work necessary to keep up the three-way on-going story lines, however. It doesn't seem like they can be merged into a single mainline with clan specifics sprinkled along the way.

    I'm giving this a full 5 stars at this point. Very good work.