Ren'Py Social Media Script


Dec 18, 2019
I have found a quite nice script on the internet for social media.

I tried to change the code as followed
  • When the user posts sth /Likes as post its stays and wil not be reset.
  • When you click somewhere it shouldnt continoue the story, i.e. it shouldnt jump back to the main menu
  • How can i change the code to make it easier to have this social media for different characters.

Thanks a lot

# vk.rpy module simulates a simplified copy of the social network vk_
# colors and pictures are customizable, you can simulate another similar social network
# author: 7DOTS license: creative commons with attribution

init python:
    # auto-declaration of images
    config.automatic_images_minimum_components = 1
    config.automatic_images = [' ', '_', '/']
    config.automatic_images_strip = ["images"]

init -999 python:
    # background colors can be replaced with constructs like Frame ("imagename", 0, 0)

    # the ability to comment is enabled by default
    vk_can_comment = True

    # post and comment
    vk_font = "fonts/Tahoma.ttf"

    # stripe imitating the header of the social network
    vk_header = "vk header"

    # header height
    vk_headerheight = 60

    # picture for avade by default
    vk_avadefault = "vk avadefault"

    # mask for cropping avatars
    vk_ava_mask = "vk avamask"

    # ava side size
    vk_avasize = 72

    # picture for the clicked like
    vk_likeon = "vk likeon"

    # picture for
    vk_likeoff = "vk likeoff"

    # suffix for reduced likes
    vk_zoom = "2"

    # picture for the comment
    vk_comment = "vk comment"

    # username color in header
    vk_usercolor = "#fff"

    # color for title text
    vk_nickcolor = "#175490"

    # color for the likes and comments
    vk_countcolor = "#96A0B4"

    # color for the like counter when the like is
    vk_likecolor = "#CB272F"

    # text color
    vk_textcolor = "#000"

    # screen color outside the post
    vk_screencolor = "images/facebook/page/vk_morrison_page.png"

    # screen color inside the post
    vk_postcolor = "#fff"

    # post width
    vk_postwidth = 1080

    # post height
    vk_screenheight = 840

    # padding from the edge of the post to the content
    # (1080 - 28 - 28 = 1024 - the optimal width for the image in the post)
    vk_postpadding = 28

    # indent from avatar to comment content
    vk_commpadding = 14

    # user ava
    vk_ava = vk_avadefault

    # username
    vk_nickname = _("Анон Аноныч")

    # Likes text size
    vk_likesize = 24

    # heading text size
    vk_nicksize = 22

    # size of other text
    vk_textsize = 20

    # a list of autocorrect text of smiles to their images
    vk_smiles = {":)": "vk smile smile", ":(": "vk smile sad", "xD": "vk smile rofl", ":D": "vk smile rofl", "*up*": "vk smile up", "↑": "vk smile up"}

    # class for the post
    class VKpost:
        def __init__(self, nick=_("Анон Аноныч"), text="", ava=vk_avadefault, likes=0, user=False, comments=[]):
            # avatar cropped by mask (in a circle)
            self.ava = AlphaMask(ava, renpy.easy.displayable(vk_ava_mask))
            self.nick = nick # author name
            self.text = text # post text
            self.likes = likes # post likes
            self.comments = comments ## comments (list of VKpost instances)
            self.count = len(comments) # number of comments for this post
            self.user = user # did the user like

        # get the number of comments for this post
        def get_com_count(self):
            return len(self.comments)

        # put / remove the user's like if user == True
        # or just add a bunch of left likes
        def add_likes(self, count=1, user=True):
            if user:
                if self.user:
                    self.likes -= 1
                    self.likes += 1
                self.user = not self.user
                self.likes += count

    # list of posts in the feed
    vk_posts = []

    # set user avatar
    def vk_set_ava(ava):
        global vk_ava
        vk_ava = AlphaMask(ava, renpy.easy.displayable(vk_ava_mask))

    # post likes
    def vk_post_add_like(i, count=1, user=True):
        global vk_posts
        if i >= 0 and i < len(vk_posts):
            vk_posts[i].add_likes(count, user)
    VKPostAddLike = renpy.curry(vk_post_add_like)

    # like comments
    def vk_comm_add_like(i, ii, count=1, user=True):
        global vk_posts
        if i >= 0 and i < len(vk_posts):
            if ii >= 0 and ii < len(vk_posts[i].comments):
                vk_posts[i].comments[ii].add_likes(count, user)
    VKCommAddLike = renpy.curry(vk_comm_add_like)

    # refresh screens
    def repaint():
    Repaint = renpy.curry(repaint)

    # add one post (but you can immediately list)
    def vk_add_post(post=[]):
        global vk_posts
        if not isinstance(post, (list, tuple)):
            post = [post]
        for i in post:
        # to scroll
        yadj.value = yadjValue
    VKAddPost = renpy.curry(vk_add_post)

    # add a comment (or more in the [list])
    def vk_add_comm(comm, index=0):
        global vk_posts
        if not isinstance(comm, list):
            comm = [comm]
        for i in comm:
            # remove spaces around text
            i.text = i.text.strip()
            # remove double spaces
            while i.text.find("  ") >= 0:
                i.text = i.text.replace("  ", " ")
            # replace smiles with pictures of smiles
            keys = vk_smiles.keys()
            for k in keys:
                i.text = i.text.replace(k, "{image=" + vk_smiles[k] + "}")
        # add comments
        vk_posts[index].comments = vk_posts[index].comments + comm

    # define the style (color) of the like
    def vk_like_style(user):
        if user:
            return "vk_like_on"
        return "vk_like_off"

    # define the picture of the comment
    def vk_comm_text(comments):
        count = len(comments)
        text = "{image=" + vk_comment + "}"
        if count > 0:
            text = text + " " + str(count)
            text = text + "   "
        return text

    # define the like picture
    def vk_like_text(user, count=0, zoom=""):
        text = "{image=" + vk_likeoff + zoom + "}"
        if user:
            text = "{image=" + vk_likeon + zoom + "}"
        if count > 0:
            text = text + " " + str(count)
            text = text + "   "
        return text

    # scroll to the very top
    def vk_scroll0():
        yadj.value = 0

    # to scroll down when adding posts
    yadjValue = float("inf")
    yadj = ui.adjustment()

    # call the comment input routine
    def vk_input(i):
        renpy.call_in_new_context("vkinput", i)
    VKinput = renpy.curry(vk_input)

init 999:
    # style for the frame without indentation
    style vk_empty is frame:
        # without indents
        xpadding 0 ypadding 0
        xmargin 0 ymargin 0
        # top center
        align (.5, .0)
        # background
        background vk_screencolor

    # style for the screen
    style vk_screen is vk_empty:
        # full screen
        xminimum config.screen_width
        xmaximum config.screen_width
        # hardcoded height
        yminimum vk_screenheight ymaximum vk_screenheight
        # The center of
        align(.5, .0)
        # background
        background vk_screencolor

    # post
    style vk_post is vk_empty:
        # hardcoded width
        xminimum vk_postwidth
        xmaximum vk_postwidth
        # padding from post border to content
        xpadding vk_postpadding
        ypadding vk_postpadding
        # space between posts (and comments)
        ymargin vk_commpadding
        # The center of
        align(.5, .0)
        # background
        background vk_postcolor

    # style for the like bar
    style vk_likes is vk_empty:
        # hardcoded width
        xminimum vk_postwidth
        xmaximum vk_postwidth
        # padding from post border to content
        xpadding 0 ypadding 0
        # vertical padding
        ymargin vk_commpadding
        # The center of
        align(.5, .0)
        # background
        background vk_postcolor

    # comment
    style vk_comm is vk_empty:
        # left
        xalign .0
        # less
        ymargin 0
        # background
        background None

    # Avytarok style for
    style vk_avatar is vk_empty:
        # center left,
        align(.0, .0)
        # size
        xminimum vk_avasize xmaximum vk_avasize
        yminimum vk_avasize ymaximum vk_avasize
        # background
        background None

    # text
    style vk_text is text:
        size vk_textsize
        color vk_textcolor
        font vk_font

    # style of the title / name text
    style vk_nick is text:
        size vk_nicksize
        color vk_nickcolor
        bold True
        font vk_font

    # social network screen
    screen vk:
        # screen
            style "vk_screen"
            #    frame:
            #        style "vk_empty"
            #        yminimum vk_headerheight
            #        ymaximum vk_headerheight
            #        xfill True
                    # cap
            #        add vk_header align (.5, .0)
                xpos 0
                ypos 100
                spacing vk_commpadding
                text vk_nickname style "vk_nick" color vk_usercolor yalign .5
                add vk_ava:
                    zoom .75
                    yalign .5
        # viewport for scrolling posts
                    id "id vk"
                    xinitial 1.0
                    yfill False
                    xfill False
                    mousewheel True
                    draggable True
                    side_xfill False
                    yadjustment yadj
                    xalign .5
                    # all posts
                        for i in range(len(vk_posts)):
                            # post background
                                style "vk_post"
                                    spacing vk_commpadding # text indent from ava
                                    # post title
                                        spacing vk_postpadding # spacing between ava and title
                                        # avatar of the author
                                            style "vk_avatar"
                                            add vk_posts[i].ava
                                        # author name
                                        text vk_posts[i].nick style "vk_nick"
                                    # post
                                    text vk_posts[i].text style "vk_text"
                                    # likes
                                        style "vk_likes"
                                        xpadding 0
                                            xalign .0
                                            # likes and quantity
                                            textbutton vk_like_text(vk_posts[i].user, vk_posts[i].likes):
                                                action [VKPostAddLike(i), Repaint()]
                                                style "vk_text"
                                                if vk_posts[i].user:
                                                    text_color vk_likecolor
                                                    text_color vk_countcolor
                                                text_size vk_likesize
                                                text_bold True
                                                xminimum 96
                                                yoffset 10
                                            # number of comments
                                            textbutton vk_comm_text(vk_posts[i].comments):
                                                if vk_can_comment:
                                                    action VKinput(i)
                                                    action []
                                                style "vk_text"
                                                text_color vk_countcolor
                                                text_size vk_likesize
                                                text_bold True
                                                yoffset 10
                                                xminimum 96
                                    # comments
                                    if len(vk_posts[i].comments) > 0:
                                        # all comments window
                                            style "vk_comm"
                                            xpadding 0
                                                # iterating over comments
                                                for ii in range(len(vk_posts[i].comments)):
                                                    # next comment window
                                                        style "vk_comm"
                                                            spacing vk_commpadding
                                                            #commenter avatar
                                                                style "vk_avatar"
                                                                add vk_posts[i].comments[ii].ava
                                                                # commentator name
                                                                text vk_posts[i].comments[ii].nick style "vk_nick"
                                                                # comment text
                                                                text vk_posts[i].comments[ii].text style "vk_text"
                                                                # comment likes
                                                                    style "vk_likes"
                                                                    xpadding 0
                                                                        spacing vk_commpadding
                                                                        xpos .8
                                                                        # likes and quantity
                                                                        textbutton vk_like_text(vk_posts[i].comments[ii].user, vk_posts[i].comments[ii].likes, vk_zoom):
                                                                            action [VKCommAddLike(i, ii), Repaint()]
                                                                            style "vk_text"
                                                                            if vk_posts[i].comments[ii].user:
                                                                                text_color vk_likecolor
                                                                                text_color vk_countcolor
                                                                            text_size vk_likesize * 3 / 4
                                                                            text_bold True
                                                                            yoffset 10

# subroutine for user input comment
label vkinput(post_index):
    scene black
    $ text = renpy.input(_("Введите текст комментария:"))
    if text.strip():
        $ vk_add_comm(VKpost(vk_nickname, text, vk_ava), 0)

# on the feed screen, in addition to likes, the comment button next to it works
label vk_test:

    scene bg win

    # add post (s)
        # user avatar

        # username
        vk_nickname = _("«7DOTS» визуальные новеллы")

        # reset all posts
        vk_posts = []

        # add posts
        vk_add_post(VKpost(vk_nickname, "This is the maxim was born when discussing the acidity of the ruvn))\n\n{a=call_in_new_context:img1_label}{image=post}{/a}", vk_ava, 8))

        # adding a comment to post number 0
        vk_add_comm(VKpost(_("Anonymous Anonistych"), "Your games are shit!", vk_avadefault, 1), 0)

        # adding a comment to post number 0
        vk_add_comm(VKpost("Vovan Petrov", "Ахахах xD", "ava vovan", 1, True), 0)

        # adding a comment to post number 0
        vk_add_comm(VKpost(vk_nickname, "* up * And these comments confirm my words :)", vk_ava, 3), 0)

    # rewind to the very top of the tape
    $ vk_scroll0()

    # show screen vk
    show screen vk
    with dissolve

    ## waiting for a click past the feed
    "An example of how a simplified Vkontakte feed simulates. You can like posts and comments. It is also possible to leave comments by entering them from the keyboard."

label img1_label:
    window hide
    show black
    show post at truecenter

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
  • When you click somewhere it shouldnt continoue the story, i.e. it shouldnt jump back to the main menu
This one is easy, just add modal True to the screen.

  • How can i change the code to make it easier to have this social media for different characters.
There's no easy way to do this. (Almost) all the standalone functions have to be put as part of a class that will represent a "social media account", then you create one "social media account" for each characters you want. But then it's probably better to create your own code for it to natively care about this, instead of having to resolve with the small problems potentially implied by this stand alone version.
It's a great base for such feature, but it have to be used as inspiration/model, and not directly improved to be multi account.