Unreal Engine - SoleSurvivor [v0.2.1] [AIWesker]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable - even as a demo. UI is non-existent. No inventory controls. No crafting controls. no interactions with other people. Can't believe ANYONE thought this was ready to publish! Thought it might have had potential but half-assed DEV work and from what I can tell, no QA prior to release.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    Actual review on 0 2 0 version 2023
    The idea of the game is simple and clear, but the game itself is terrible
    It is full of bugs, animations are crooked, there is a setting like in SIMS, but I don’t like it
    Optimization for 3 . FPS under 30-38
    At least under 60
    This is my MSI gaming laptop.
    For 2 years of a game or a project, everything is done too badly, and for whom the game was made, I don’t know
    Here the maps, the world is very raw, you need to improve them
    Looks a bit like Second Life, characters etc
    Yes, I downloaded and compared everything
    As for me, the ideal of animation, etc. Wildlife game. But this game is very terrible.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Do not bother downloading this and trying. It's like some terrible version of GTA and Minecraft. Yes it is a demo, but there is literally nothing worth your time playing in this "game" I hope the dev keeps working on it but as of right now this is so completely bare bones it's missing so many aspects that make something a playable game. This is more like a demo for a demo.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3176988

    I don't understand what the hell this game is. There is no combat tag, but then I was greeted with dozens of MOBA game combat controls and every mouse click or button press resulted in attack moves. The game is really buggy. I was able to open up the Settings menu once, but after that it wouldn't open again. I started off as a white, seemingly textureless woman with really short white hair that glowed really strongly and was very rough on the eyes. I had no idea how to change my gender, let alone my appearance. The world and NPCs reminded me a lot of Second Life, and I have no problem with that. I can see why this could be a good multiplayer game, if it ever makes it that far, but I doubt that it will. But I'm not into PvP at all, so maybe this game is not for me. So I didn't know what to do. I wanted to test sex animations. I ran up to one female and half a dozen controls showed up. I didn't know what most of them did. I clicked a bunch of random buttons and then she disappeared. But she left her hair behind. That was strange. Then I ran around some more, and I saw her in some sort of stone circle on the ground. So I am guessing that she teleported and left a duplicate of her hair around. But before I ran up to her, I did try running up to a few other females and no controls for them showed up. I couldn't interact with them. Then I ran up to the teleported lady and no controls showed up for her either. I just don't know what I am doing. I wanted to test some sex animations out, but this game isn't worth it for me. It's too confusing, too glitchy, the MC character was awful, and I don't like combat or multiplayer PvP. If you want to waste 20 minutes of your life to download and install this game, start it, and be greeted with Second Life graphics with a bunch of confusing controls and broken game mechanics, that's on you. But honestly, you would benefit more if you just google "Second Life" and stare at a random screenshot picture for a few seconds. Because this is nothing but a messy tech demo with no actual gameplay that I can see. It was disappointing because I was hoping for a good Unreal sex simulator and the preview images were pretty misleading. Maybe this game will turn out to be a real gem later on and I will regret this review. But for now, I am going to shelf this game by clicking the ignore thread button. And I will wait six or so months to see what happens.

    UPDATE: I figured out how to customize the MC. You have to press the U key. So that made me a tiny bit more optimistic. I restarted the game to see if I could interact with the NPCs again. I ran up to the same lady as before. I don't know how I triggered those controls, but I triggered them again. The controls are Dismiss, Follow, Spawn, Home, and Custom - none of which I found particularly useful. She followed me around, but I couldn't figure out how to have sex with her. Also, I learned that she never teleported in my previous game. There was just another female who looked identical to her somewhere else in the sandbox. This game is a mess. I will wait six months to see if there has been any good progress before I try it again. And hopefully PvP and combat will be optional. Not everyone wants to beat would be victims into submission. I am uninstalling the game now.