Ren'Py - Completed - Solvalley School [v4.0.0] [TK8000]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Had high hopes but this game is a great disappointment.

    Looks outdated, missing common features like MC naming without mods and the renders aren't all that either. It's been surpassed by many games also using HS1 not to mention the games now using 2.

    The characters are a mixed bag. I appreciate the effort in visual variety for the girls but the MC just looks awful. The worst HS MC I've seen yet. The girls are also quite samey having sex with you very quickly for no realistic reason and basically no overarching plot to tie it together.

    Pair all of this up with dodgy writing that looks like someone translated it to English after a head injury and we get what I found to be almost wholly unenjoyable to play for long.

    2/5 with the star given for being a lengthy, finished game and for respecting the effort to at least try and get all of these girls to mean something.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece. When I first started it, I wanted to turn it off cause the MC is so ugly, but not only did I find myself not caring because the writing is so funny and the chicks are so hot and numerous, but the more I play, the more he seems to become less ugly. Do yourself a favor and download this game now.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    Story is pretty good but the stories for each girl is a mixed bag and it always leads to sex, you have no choices in anything when it comes to that MC will just fuck whoever whenever, personaly im just not into the mindless fuckfest games and 0 relationship build up, some girls are so fast that the second you meet them you start making out and getting a HJ.

    Also the issue with game was ment to be with sharing turned on which im not into in any way and when you turn it off theres still implied sharing in the story which simply just shouldent be there in any way.

    Other issues is that you cant name the MC, sure you could use a mod but that should always be part of the main game.

    Girls 4/5
    Theres something for everyone the diversity in builds are good but it gets ruined when by having everyone forced on you, i hate big tit fetish personaly and when that shit/those LIs are forced on you game only becomes a turn-off, but for those that like everything you might like this game.

    Animations 3/5
    Average HS, nothing you havent seen before.

    Music 2/5
    Its meh and more annoying then anything else, same tune over and over again.

    Cant really give this more then 3 stars, dont understand why its rated so highly when having Forced LIs, forced kinks/fetishes and so on, maybe most dont care about story and just skips to see animations that could explain it, but in any case this game wasent for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking top-tier writing!!! :LOL:
    Had lots of good laughs playing, which was totally unexpected in a good way.
    This is my first review and I think this game deserves it, since it was so enjoyable, for me at least.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge number and variety of animations. A loveable idiot for a main character makes for a lot of great humor in the dialog. Lots of different endings with many combinations of girls/harems. Option to not share doesn't cut much content. All around a really enjoyable game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best pure porn games on F95. Lots of humour and sex. So you meet a girl and fuck her, then you fuck her friends or sisters and then finally you fuck her mom. Pretty straight forward, but done so beautifully.

    So many times I'll be playing some other game and being blue balled for hours, but I ain't got no more time, got to get up in the morning. So load up Solvalley and within minutes the characters are up to some hanky panky and I find my release.

    Been playing the game since the first release and it has evolved quite a bit over the years. But it has not lost the charm that sets it apart from most other adult games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's about time for me to do it, sincerely, this game was what made me try my luck as developer, it's a master piece i still play from time to time, the humor on it it's simply too good i never managed to stay horny and laughing at same time before this game, it's a must okay, for everyone.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's funny, because objectively I should hate this game. It's over the top, the characters are inane and the story... special. But then, I can't look away. I don't know what it is, but it has heart where it counts and depth despite being comical most of the time.

    It's quite amazing that the Dev pulls this off like this. Go try it. It's subjectively great.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Penumbral Evanescence

    Overall Thoughts and Personal Remarks:

    Well, to be frank, this game is good based on the level of/extent of debauchery amongst the denizens of Solvalley.....

    Many of the sex scenes are quite lewd and very pleasing to bear witness. The Honey Select characters are designed well, and I love the multi-varied scenes of each of the FMCs that the MC can fool around with in-game.

    The MC being a fairly average-looking person (with some hints of an ugly bastard persona being displayed here and there) makes it more enticing to me because I love the emphasis on perceived "ugly/unattractive" looking characters getting top-level pussy fed to him quite an attractive element to add to the game's narrative.

    In terms of the plot, there isn't exactly a huge overly expansive and compelling narrative here (i.e., unlike games like Eternum, Desert Stalker, Superhuman, etc). It is a pretty simplistic story of spending time around the Solvalley community and getting into each of the girl's pants (and in most cases, their extended family members' pants as well), and indulging in increasingly degenerate sexual scenarios....

    In any event, great sex scenes, love the audio/sex sounds used during the scenes as well, and good models all around. The only reason why I did not rank it as a 5 is because the game's mechanics get kind of stale after a way. I.e., just going around levelling up your characters stats, working, etc and then screwing around with the women in the Solvalley community, got kind of repetitive after a while where to the point I (admittedly) just used the 'cheat' mod to bump myself to get the stats/money that I needed to easily pass the 'checks' I required to get through each of the girl's routes quicker and witness their scenes.

    But in essence, I did enjoy playing through the game and seeing the MC dominate some of the more haughty and arrogant women was really quite pleasurable to see....
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game to pass the time, recommending, there are many endings that are good to see before the harem ending, the money system is very simple it seems very secondary, do not look for a very deep plot because there is none most of the time it is just find the girl the mc touch the girl , they take action
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Is it weird I like the Christmas Special more than the main game?

    The main game is a lot. A LOT. The main character Alex (can be renamed with a mod) is... exceedingly unlikeable... on purpose. He's an awful person, and the narrative constantly reminds you of that fact. That's the point. And this awful person gets a LOT of girls. Some have recurring events, some disappear from the narrative entirely. Some areas go underused after the initial exploration push.

    The scenes are Honey Select, and most of the girls are designed well. There are a few custom graphics here or there, and they get more common the later in the development cycle the scenes debuted. The girls' personalities are all over the place, which is a benefit. I don't think any girl is particularly well written, but no one feels like a waste of reading time either. The sex scenes get pretty samey because Honey Select, so that's something you should be aware of.

    For those of us who like swinging, the Sharing Mode works great. Alex is still the main character getting a ton of sex, but others can join in the fun too. All of those scenes are 100% optional (except MAYBE Shibuya's ending?).

    Despite the Completed tag, the game is maybe 95% actually done. The Harem Ending in particular is only partially completed, which is actually ALSO a better gameplay loop than the main game, to the point where the main game feels like an extended intro for this game and it really should be a pseudo-sequel or spun off executable like the Christmas Special. I like what's in that ending and I REALLY want to see more.

    On the subject of the Christmas Special, it takes place in the same setting - duh - and stars Milena, one of the many girls in the squad, even requiring some prior knowledge from the game. The game changes from straight sandbox to puzzle solver / exploration sim, however rudimentarily, the story is actually pretty fun, and it made me like Milena a lot more than I did in the main game. Don't worry, NTR Haters, Milena still only fucks one guy, and that guy is still Alex... unless you're on the New Game Plus, where she's allowed to get dirty with some of the other guys or enemies. For a minigame made in only nine days (by the creator's own admission), there is a LOT to like here, and I am very impressed.

    All in all the Solvalley experience is a solid one, if you can stand the main character. Very highly recommended for sandbox fans.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    *There's a lot (really a lot) of girls. The vast majority of them are good-looking.
    *Lots of content, sex scenes and different sex positions.
    *The dialogues are funny sometimes.

    *The MC's appearance and behavior are very shitty.
    *The graphics are mediocre/outdated.
    *The story for each girl quickly leads to sex. For most of the girls, the story/dialogues become very cheesy and unrealistic.
    *There's stats and money grinding in the game (use the Cheat Mod).
    *A green guy? Just why?!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest: i downloaded this game without expeting much.
    Instead...this is a really hidden gem.
    The endless mode give you the chance to pursue each route possible, without skipping any girl. The sharing mode is well realized, and the management of your MC is pretty good. It would be great if, in the future, if not a full harem route, the dev will introduceat least a chance for couple-girls route: not a full harem, as i said, but sort of menage-a-trois with two girls and related families.
  14. 2.00 star(s)



    I wasn't interested in this title enough to finish it- take that into consideration when reading this review.

    If you dislike sharing (with men) I'd avoid this title. It is clearly designed with sharing content being included as a core feature (30-40% of the content I'd guess?) The content gating is middling...but the flavor text gating is very poor- so there are still many sharing implications ect in the dialogue text even if you have sharing toggled off.

    Outside of that major caveat it is kinda your typical H.S. porno game. MC looks and acts like they are cognitively impaired and it just kinda stumbles from random meaningless plot to random meaningless plot to supply porn scenarios.

    + Lots of scene content
    + Girls look good

    - Lots of sharing (with men), you can turn it off, but it still effects how the character act, the build up of plots, and it is somewhat implied even if you have it off.
    - MC looks and acts like he has DS.
    - MC is your stereotypical unlikable jerk pervert.
    - You cannot rename the MC without a mod.
    - Male friends are weird perverts too
    -It is basically one big porno
    - There isn't really any romance in the game
    -Renders are a bit low quality- brightness is often wayyyy to high.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game very much. I keep coming back to Solvalley to have a good time. This town is fucking degenerate and I Love it. I hope more people would notice this game and appreciate this simple type of sit-com game. May the next project be good as this one.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    There was a story years ago about a teenager who died because he was jacking off too much. (Look it up.) They came up with some story about him suffering from some rare syndrome that made him horny 24/7. I call bullshit. It's because he was playing this game.

    Holy shit. The dev is either a genius, or a lunatic. Maybe both. The jokes, gags and one-liners are on point and hit one after the other, from beginning to end. This is some kind of porn comedy magnum opus. The renders and animations are way above any other Honey Select based game I ever played.

    Don't look for deep characters or an overarching story. This is not that kind of game. You follow an MC who's a complete pervert and got kicked out of the house by his mother because he was fucking his sister (or at least that's what he thinks at the beginning.) Both of them are complete sluts by the way (and they're porn models to boot,) like pretty much every other girl in the game. Each character (and there's dozens of them) have their own small story that you progress in typical sandbox fashion. No walkthrough needed.

    Threesomes, foursomes, orgies, gangbangs, sluts, whores, incest... this game has it all. There is an option to disable sharing, but seriously, don't. Because a) it's fucking hilarious, and b) everyone's either a slut or a pervert, including the MC. Random fuckfests or the MC's mom sucking multiple cocks at once so she can close a lucrative porn deal is fitting. It doesn't even remotely feel like NTR, since there's no romance or love story to be found here. For example, when another dude asks for help to fuck the MC's mom, the MC just says "no help needed, my mom is the biggest slut in town, she'll fuck you anyway."

    I don't have even a single negative thing to say about this game, other than it might kill you due to excessive fapping. On the other hand, if you're looking for a game with actual love interests, you won't find it here. Every time a girl confesses to you that she's in love and wants to become your girlfriend, the MC's usual reply is something among the lines of "nah, let's not, Keep blowing me though." Then you fuck her mom too in front of her, she gets angry and you shut her up by shoving your dick down her throat, and then you have a threesome with both of them, and of course after that they start competing with each other about who's the bigger slut and is gonna get more dick from you.

    Now that's what I call a love story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent and hilarious if you don't take it seriously. The sex is decent (visually well presented but kinda outdated graphically and scenes a bit too short) and you won't have to work for it, there are tons of girls in an open world environment, the writing style will make you go WTF in funny ways. Just don't take it too seriously or this is the kind of game that will block you from making eye contact for the next few years if you think the personalities are how it works IRL. At best.

  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The biggest pros of this game is there is a lot of content and it is very directly to the point. If you want to see some quick h scenes with none of the usual build up, this game is probably for you.

    That said, there is very minimal interactivity with the stats being comically useless. There is no sense of progression or unlockables. The women are very loose from the get go, offputtingly so at times. As a result, there is sadly a lot of implied sharing even when you have it turned off.

    To finish on a positive note, the humor did land with me. Probably not for everyone these days, but many of the characters have hilariously wacky beliefs and have quite the mouth on them.

  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Reaver Voidwalker

    I'm not grinding. The block outs for edits is dumb and makes it unfun to force you to grind. I would not recommend unless you want to spend a ton of time going around and around in circles on the same scenes.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Solvalley School is a sandbox style VN in which your brain damaged MC with a big dick attempts to fuck every girl in the city, most of whom have also suffered at least a little brain damage.

    TK8000 makes a very particular style of porn game, and you'll likely figure out very quickly whether you enjoy it or not. There's no grand sweeping story, no carefully nuanced characters, no growth and development experienced by the characters, and no vast interesting world. TK8000 makes silly games about stupid characters where you're meant to laugh at how silly and stupid they are as you race between scenes of them fucking. Some people will like this style, others will likely hate it. Give it a shot and find out.

    As far as gameplay goes, Solvalley school sort of has some? It's basically a typical sandbox style VN where you talk to characters to progress their story lines. Some scenes require you to boost stats or have items/money, but it's very obviously not a game about these things. There is almost no grinding and there's absolutely no finesse as to timing windows or resource generation. The game is here to show you scenes. That's it.

    As to the scenes themselves, your mileage will vary. As said above, TK8000's particular style means every character is dumb as a bag of hammers and will come up with the dumbest possible reasons to fuck, either having you laughing or headdesking depending on your sense of humor. Regardless, there's a lot of girls to bone with a variety of different kinks.

    My only real complaint about the animations/renders is it seems like there's a quality shift at some point in the game maybe due to different patches of rendering software. As a result, some of the assets look better than others, which is just a little weird.

    Overall, give the game a shot and you'll know within ten or fifteen minutes whether it appeals to you. You're in the wrong place if you're looking for the world's next great novel. You're here for stupid, smutty highjinks with stupid, slutty girls following a stupid, silly story leading to stupid, sexy fucking. If that appeals to you, you'll have a blast.