Identify [Solved] 3D Game on Deserted Island


Nov 12, 2018
"3D" as in Unreal Engine or Unity game. I played this game about 2 years ago, so it's been around for a while, and I have looked for it many times before. Took me a while to realise that I could ask for help here :/

Main premise is you find yourself, along with your sister and mother, on a deserted island. You are given a few simple quests from mom and sis, like building a house and whatnot. The are hostile monster girls all around the island, which is rather large. I remember one specific monster girl (some kind of goddess) was supposed to be a hidden secret to find, fourth-wall-breaking dialogue and whatnot.

There is a whole main quest regarding puzzles around the island that teleport you into other areas full of enemies and jumping/parkour puzzles. I can't remember fully, but I'm pretty sure you had to collect relics or something from each puzzle area to prepare for some big final battle. The version I played did not have that implemented yet, so I don't know for sure.