Seeking [SOLVED] A harem game with an actual harem


New Member
Jun 27, 2024
Greetings. I wonder if there is a game that meets the specifics such as:

- an actual harem to manage. Like a place where women are placed specifically to serve the MC, which means he's some sort of a lord and can choose what to do and with whom;

- preferably, fictional or fantasy setting;

- pov, or an MC without specific appearance;

- preferably, no anime faces. No hentai graphical style, no hentai voice-over;

- preferably, no 3D models for characters either. Pre-rendered surroundings or fully 3D environment are ok, but for all I've seen 3D models for characters are either horrible or have some sort of 'uncanny valley' effect. I'd prefer drawn, 2D graphics any day. 3D has to be really good looking, and the only example I know of is 'Space Journey X', where women really are appealing;

- straight sex.

I think I don't care for anything else as long a game has a real harem. Not some school or dorm full of anime girls where you'll have to pass through tons of stupid dialogs and errands just to get women to like you. A harem is the place where women have specific role after all. And it seems there is a problem with that simple definition.