Identify (Solved)Game about corrupting a virgin protected by a dragon spell


New Member
Jan 11, 2020
Hey there,

I've been trying to find a game that I've played a few years back and remeber a few key things that I thought would make it easy to find but no such luck.
You play as a girl that is protected by a dragon and has a spell placed upon her, that protects her virginity. Any who try to take her without her consent are struck down by lightning. Needless to say, you get to corrupt her.

There was a scene early on where she works as a bartender for a bunch of goblins (?) and if you let them get her drunk they try to rape her. First one gets electrocuted then they figure out they can take her ass. I also vaguely remember there being combat that includes enemies trying to molest and rape you and getting themselves electrocuted in fights.

I'm also fairly sure it was a RPGM game, but I'm not entirely sure about that part.

No idea if it was acutally any good, younger me was too impatient and didn't get the whole corruption thing back then, but every now and then I remember the game and the idea seems interesting. I hope someone here knows the game I'm talking about and can help me out.

Thanks a lot in advance.