Identify [Solved] Game, Movie(Series) or just a wired dream?


Dec 27, 2017
Hi folks,

just as the titel says, i remember vaguely on a Setting/plot but i am not sure where it belongs. Was it just a weird dream i had, or a movie i have seen, or what i hope for was it actually a game i played. Sadly i cannot verify it, cos i do not remember a titel and my external hard disk was destroyed about 3 weeks ago (sad story no need to tell ya)

The setting was a high school or college setting with a weird kind of competitive system for the students. Everybody can challenge each other, and the looser has to obey every whim of the winner for the rest of the day. As far as i remember the MC was male at an school/college that used to be an all girls school.

Please say that i haven't dreamed this shit, and it is actually some kind of game or movie/series... i am sacred if i have dreamed it... ok sanity can not be lost in my case, theire wasnt a thing that could gone lost

Hope for an helpful answer

So long Parmenion
enjoy your fap... day

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Hi folks,

just as the titel says, i remember vaguely on a Setting/plot but i am not sure where it belongs. Was it just a weird dream i had, or a movie i have seen, or what i hope for was it actually a game i played. Sadly i cannot verify it, cos i do not remember a titel and my external hard disk was destroyed about 3 weeks ago (sad story no need to tell ya)

The setting was a high school or college setting with a weird kind of competitive system for the students. Everybody can challenge each other, and the looser has to obey every whim of the winner for the rest of the day. As far as i remember the MC was male at an school/college that used to be an all girls school.

Please say that i haven't dreamed this shit, and it is actually some kind of game or movie/series... i am sacred if i have dreamed it... ok sanity can not be lost in my case, theire wasnt a thing that could gone lost

Hope for an helpful answer

So long Parmenion
enjoy your fap... day