Identify [Solved] Help finding a VN


New Member
Sep 15, 2019
So, I started playing this VN a while ago but had to drop it bc it stopped working all of a sudden. Now I want to give it a second try but I can't remember the name of it or where did I download it.

The game started with the MC arriving at some kind of academy island, gets greeted by an AI girl who gives him a tour until they reach the dorms. At some point the MC starts seeing numbers next to people, these numbers being some kind of happiness indicator that went down or up depending on the things he said.

I remember one of the heroines being a relative of the MC (his cousing I believe), another one being a girl in a lolita dress and another one being a black haired girl who is the head of the student council or something like that, I only know that she had an important role in the academy.

Thanks in advance to everyone.