Identify [solved] Looking for a game about curing fear of heights and foot tease in its first scenes

Feb 8, 2021
Hi, I'm looking for a specific game I played from this site a while ago but forgot the name. It had a male MC and in the first scenes you encountered two girls. One of them had fear of heights and the other girl wanted to cure it together with the MC. For that, the other girl created some kind of parallel world or so with some kind of platforms floating in the dim skies. You couldn't see the ground. The girl with fear of heights was supposed to walk from one end to the other, what she successfully did. Then the MC got a foot tease of the other (magical) girl as reward for whatever and the game ended there, but was not done, it was still in its early development back then.

I think the game was a VN with choices and had your typical daz3d-art or so (hope you know what I mean) and it could be that the MC had some kind of social or financial problems, but don't know anymore.

I hope someone can identify this game for me. Thanks in advance!