Identify (SOLVED) looking for a game from 3-4 years ago


Feb 22, 2019
hello folks

so iam looking for a game i played about 3-4 years ago the game had not much contennt back than and i did not see it since than.

so pretty sure it was a VN/Ren'Py game with male MC
plot: mc and his family (mom and 2 sisters if i remember correctly) had bought an old house with an motel near it and started renovating the motel to make a living off it. They started noticing what they thought was an animal entering one off the rooms but the mc found out later that it was an homeless girl which lived in one off the rooms of the motel before they arrived and now was just looking for food/clothes in the rooms because she could not stay there any longer. The MC found the girl "living" in an sewer type thing behind their motel

well thats pretty much everything i remember and i think the game ended at that point