Identify [Solved] Looking for a game I played a couple months ago


New Member
Apr 3, 2022
The game begins with the MC moving with a family (not his own) of a mother and her 2(3?) daughters. The MC is asked to live in the house's garage. He goes to school with the 2 sisters where one of the sisters is his classmate and the other one is in the school swimming team. You progress a bit with the swimmer and she attempts to give you a handjob before the mom returns home and the scene stops.

Some unique stuff about this game was that the MC faints during the first hour of class, and the last update I played also end with the MC fainting in class and when he wakes, a girl sitting behind him says "you felt that too?" and the game cuts to the title screen. I've since been searching for the name and the next update of the game but to no avail. Please help me in finding this game. TIA :)