Identify [Solved] Trying to find a text game but I can't remember the title


New Member
Oct 6, 2018
My hard drive died and I lost a lot of my favorite games
After some Google Fu and a lot of luck, I have managed to replace most of them, but two games have eluded me because I can't remember the titles
The one I'm asking about in this post is a character creation, text based game where you can be human or a minor/major animal morph

It was a little unique in that along with choosing your basic stats, you could also pick your preferences, likes and dislikes, in terms of partner physical traits (dick/chest size, height, age, etc.), personalities (brave, shy, cruel, etc.), and sexual acts you like to do or have done to you

A core part of the game play was to set a week or month schedule to Train, Exercise, Socialize, Relax or Work and at the end of each day you could approach a bunch of generated NPC's to build relationships with
On the left you could see how that schedule would effect your overall stamina, lust, and money

It had a bunch of stats like Combat, Entertainment, Sex, Magic, Intelligence, and more that would affect your conversations with those NPC's or how well you did at certain tasks
(How fast your stats grew in training, how much money you got doing skill relevant jobs, etc.)

I have a save file the game but it saves as a File file type and its not an allowed extension on this site
When opening it in notepad++ most of it is gibberish symbols but it does show some in game location names, jobs, and stats

As town guard, the work includes: patrolling the town, apprehend criminals, and fend off any monsters that threaten the town.
Attributes: strength, endurance
Skills: medium weaponry, heavy armor, blocking
Work days: 4
Workplace: barracks
Max rank: 5
Stamina cost: 20
Interest bonus: combat
Favored trait: brave
Detrimental trait: cowardly
Uniform: {'upper': ['work'], 'lower': ['work'], 'weapon': ['light weaponry', 'medium weaponry', 'heavy weaponry'], 'outer upper': ['heavy armor', 'medium armor', 'light armor'], 'head': ['heavy armor', 'medium armor', 'light armor'], 'shield': ['heavy armor', 'medium armor', 'light armor']}”jË ŒðGo do your job as a town guard.
Phase: day
Location: barracks
Stamina cost: 20

As farmer, the work includes: work on the fields, tend to crops,
endure the sunlight.
Attributes: endurance
Skills: farming
Work days: 4
Workplace: farm
Max rank: 2
Interest bonus: none
Stamina cost: 20
Favored trait: humble
Detrimental trait: proud
Uniform: {'upper': ['work'], 'lower': ['work']}”jË Œ»Go do your job as a farmer.
Phase: day
Location: farm
Stamina cost: 20

...(h+KNh¤K h Œ78 Purple Dragon Cabin”h.hbhIK...
...(h+KOh¤K h Œ79 Pink Cattle Dwelling”h.hbhIJ×ÿÿÿh«K)...
...(h+KRh¤K h Œ82 Green Elf Residence”h.hbhIK...
...(h+KSh¤K h Œ83 Red Tiger Residence”h.hbhIK...
...(h+KTh¤K h Œ84 Pink Tiger Dwelling”h.hbhIK...
...(h+KUh¤K h Œ85 Silver Goblin Hut”h.hbhIK...
...(h+KVh¤K h Œ86 Deep Rat Mansion”h.hbhIJûÿÿÿh«K...

oral receiver”ejS ]”(Œvaginal performer”Œvaginal receiver”Œ
anal receiver”Œbreasts performer”Œfeet performer”Œ
feet receiver”Œsmall penis”Œbig butt”Œimpregnation”Œyounger”Œlightly-muscled”Œfat”Œminor morph”Œno morph”Œ big chest”Œbreasts receiver”Œ


Jun 20, 2017
After a few search sessions and trying a dozen keywords on several sites;
I found the title it is already posted here
Over Soul

Not sure how to close this
Can't find a post about how and I still need to make a more posts before I can message anyone
Hopefully a mod can help
Don't remember if you can delete posts, but you can edit the title of one to say [Solved], that way it might help others who are looking for the game as well.