Unity - Some Modeling Agency [v0.10.4e] [T Valle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    500 megabytes = 50 hours of gameplay. I think this game has a good future. One of the disadvantages is inconvenient control and-the mouse wheel. If you add VR, this game will obviously be damn good. If there is a plot of quests and achievements, its replayability increases many times.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is basically a harem mc's eugenic experiment to create humanity's greatest harem. Kinda like when I used to breed pokemon, but instead of attaining perfect IVs and Natures, its all about attaining that perfect tits and ass through selective "?breeding." Honestly ridiculously addictive especially for an early alpha

    Looking towards future updates, I'd appreciate more sliders and options available. E.g. The pants couldn't be removed of a certain model, so I can't accurately assess her crotch phenotype. If there was an N/A option that'd be perfect for those situations. Another example being, I might've really appreciated the size, shapes and conturns of those breasts, but I couldn't see what her nipples were like because she wouldn't take off her bra. So have a separate breast and nipple slider would be beneficial . I hope these kinda improvements are being considered for future versions.

    Either way such a novel and awesome concept that you've got going on. Keep at it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a beacon of light among the vast ocean of RPG and ren'py slideshows !!!

    This game is a treasure on this uninspired copy paste hell that is erotic games

    thanks !!!
    I quoted the hero's comment:ROFLMAO:
    I think this game is 10/10, so my rating is 5/5.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game so far. It's a unique type of gameplay and challenging but still very enjoyable. I like how you can rate the women so that the algorythm designs them to fit your desires. What I would love to be added to the game would be a sandbox mode (including a char creation system), more poses/props and more options to talk to the women. Other than that it is probably my favorite game and I am looking forward to new updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If the game develops, which will develop and open to innovations, I hope we will see and eat more different options. And thank you to everyone who contributed. I know it's the most enjoyable and best game I've ever played. I wish this game had an open world, I know I'm exaggerating, but it would be nice. :LOL::p:love:
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has potential but right now it's hot garbage. I don't know how anyone could even enjoy this unless they have never played another game in their life before. Everything in the entire game is janky and doesn't work properly. The girls are all bitches and they say and do things that make no sense at all. Everything is so fucking frustrating, the girl denies everything you try to do and when you go to dismiss her she's like "you didn't even try to touch me" or " I see that you're busy". Like the bitches just roll up in the office and say " Take your eyes off of me". What the fuck kind of sense does that make.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well isn't this an unexpected gem of a game. A LOT could be done with this. I look forward to seeing it evolve and add some additional options. Perhaps an option to have a male or female (with strap-on) main character?
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3426109

    I've been no lifing this gameo_O
    I absolutely recommend you take the time to get comfortable with the mechanics because once you do, you'll understand just what your dealing with. It's stunning that this game version is only v0.01!
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The title is misleading...
    In truth : you are a maintenance worker , and the boss is sending u feminist secretaries to taunt u.

    Ok , enough fun , who likes that? Definetly not ppl playing this game thats for sure :D

    The game runs so... thats a plus .
    Apart from that , not much , u can look at some nude models constantly complaining that u are looking at them.

    If thats ur fetish , ten go ahead and play .
    But current version (with cheats) Is still unplayable .

    Without cheats its absolutely unplayable.

    Some constructive criticism (the booring part)
    The good:
    Game runs
    Good looking models

    The bad:
    Room is too small(maybe bigger in later updates)
    The Models attitude is atrocious(iam convinced they are unaware that they are a model to be)
    Hand control is bad , and takes time to get used to ( but does not get easier to use)
    The rating is pointless , if u wanna speedrun , just giwe em all 1/5 and send them to boss. (so he can deal with these secretaries to be)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Simulator of a person with disorders of coordination under narcotic substances in the society of beautiful women. It can be done endlessly and never get tired. Here you can even meet a familiar person and penetrate her world. Best simulator of hairdressers and surgeons.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game idea
    Though i wont rate it down for some bugs such as being stuck in walls when rejected or getting some body parts stuck and unable to move out as there is no unstuck function
    the controls can be a bit wonky but interesting
    time consuming mechanics at time
    understanding the mechanics as its not as obvious at first
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    • The character models look great.
    • The physics is great.
    • The textures good.
    • The use of ambient occlusion and depth maps as soft physics is a great idea but might cause issues in the long run.
    • I like some aspects of the gene pool RNG system, some i really hate.
    • I've had better lvl2 characters than some of my lvl6-7 characters. I use aggressive rating, something that i slightly dislike i will rate a 0. Something that i really like i will rate a 10. The majority of lvl1 and lvl3 characters always spawn with attributes i rated 0. Never rated any of em anything above a 0 and they keep spawning.
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    • CHEAT mode is MANDATORY. This should not be the case. Without cheat mode the game is a slow as hell grind and the women have erratic/insane personalities. I've had some jump from 0 to 100 anger just because i turned around. I've had some jump from 0 to 100 pain just from touching her hand on literally the gentlest possible setting, my hand was moving so slow it looked stationary.
    • Overall great concept and visuals but the core gameplay is too random and slow. Uncontrolled chaos. Some of us don't have days to spend on games figuring out the basic mechanics. When i come home from work i have at most 3 hours of free time for rest, food and games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1517287

    It is basically really good and simple, despite the weird controls the game is realy enjoyable. Many different type of girls are available and it is realy time consuming ( be aware of that ). I hope it will become more than it already is.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a deceptively excellent game. While the game's 'genetic' models generation takes a moment to wrap your head around, and the controls are kinda janky. What this game delivers in it's 0.01 iteration is an utterly unique experience that will last you tens of hours of entertainment as your try and 'breed' your dream waifu model.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Jason Jefferson

    In its current state this game is a pile of hot steamy shit. Have you ever seen one of those "hand simulator" games on steam where you have to do random stuff with hands and the fun is that its almost impossible (difficult/shit controls), like surgeon simulator or something.

    Well you have that here, except this is a porn game where that isn't supposed to be the point. You are supposed to progress by touching the candidates and the moment of contact she basicly gets hurt. In addition to this looking at people literally anywhere will get them annoyed with you.

    The game has potential but right now it is completely broken. Dev shoulda waited with publishing his first version imo.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    The Sexy Chinaman

    Great potential.

    After a year or two of development, I can see this game being one of the great go-tos for most people on this site.

    Right now, it's very bare bones but I suppose it gets the job done. Looking forward to seeing it develop.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I love playing this game but it's not without a good amount of patience that I can now say that.

    The game has two central mechanics. One comes from a genetic algorithm which in a way makes it more rewarding the more you play. And the second is "exploring models". ;) If executed well, players can pour in loads of time playing what's available in v0.01

    In this version, what is causing a lot of disinterest are the frustrating controls and lack of direction-- which is fair given the current build version. To state a few points of friction, exploring models should be enjoyable and go hand in hand with the genetic algorithm. But in the current state it's making player driven decisions on heuristics/weight uninformed and the exploring portion unenjoyable-- nothing wrong with challenge, but tickling my mouse to caress her cocyx is a little too challenging.

    For a v0.01 there are a lot of solid elements and the dev obviously knows the shortcomings thus far with the introduction of cheats.

    Some ideas for the author:
    - The ability to add in a mutation so even when players are high in levels they can still add more variance.
    - Gamify the option to add "exotic" traits via your computer. Maybe you can earn money to call an agent to search for "exotic models"
    - Add more sliders as levels go on to ease players into the game. Also more sliders as "advanced" players are striving for their dream model.
    - Save bootycalls; if you successfully satisfied a model and they ask you to call them back you ought to be able to call them for another go.
    - swap hair styles/color since we are only able to select curl and length with our choices.
    - BIASED addition, I do like tanlines and see they are implemented and would love a slider for that :sneaky:
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Roach

    All I can say is Fucking Bravo! This is the closest experience to XStoryPlayer i know. The game is not that hard, and if you use the Cheats then it's really easy, not that i would mind an Instant-max-green bar button :p
    I've played this game for like 5 hours now and it needs to be polished, of course, but for a 0.001 plus Hotfix version, this is really good.
    For now i don't really understand the dark green arrow thing, and maybe it would help if the upwards green arrow would indicate how good I'm doing, like if it's good but not that good, it should be one arrow up, but if I hit the spot it should be like three upwards arrows. I guess for the sake of unpolishedness it should have an Instant "love" button, so players who play like 10 minutes of it don't run away because of the difficulty.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Lil' honest chicken review here...

    i guess i can give this game a small review as of now (15 june 2021, version 0.01 hotfix-thing)

    warning! this review is long and annoying, contains lots of bullshits and give a straigth honest review about this game based on a chicken opinion. read it at your own risk.

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    in simple, i recommand to give this game a try, its nice and it have a nice style of 3D full control and you can "play" with girls. If it goes well in futur, it can be a nice game to enjoy. You can also have some nice looking girls.

    It definitly not deserve more than 3 stars as for now. Even if it has potential, that mean what it mean.. having potential doesn't make something great, it make it medium and mean it require more work to be good.

    at least, that was my honest opinion. take it like you want and do whatever you want with it.

    Chicken out!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, very rewarding and great physics. It has a bit of a learning curve, but having the bars from the beginning now helps a lot to better gage the girls. The best thing is that this is a very early version and it is already so good!