Unity - Completed - Sora the Star Guardian [v1.03] [Li tao wei]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    waste of time, iam actually annoyed, hit a dead end because my corruption is too high...in a hgame... and i cant take it down, this is the sort of thing that shouldnt exist in any single h-game, hard do not recommend

    -way too grindy
    -art is mid
    -what the hell is this dead end
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, a good magical girl game with corruption mechanic made by a russian.
    If you've played those russian made games here, you'll know they're quite different and developed from the rpg maker formula you would find. It's mechanically refreshing to play. On the other hand, thesse games are often crippled by bugs. Here's how to solve this one's main issue: the lag that stats to appear.
    Ok so the options reset each time you go in and the game will lag at some point but if you crank up to 100% every option (yes even the fps counter to 150) it fixes itself... how? Russian magic I'm guessing.

    Other than that, it's good, lots of ending and 4 evolution stages of corruption (stage 5 and 6 and the end zone don't go through them if you reach 6 it's instant game over) and a darkness versus light build of skills based around an arousal meter.

    Honestly good game that was 100% with a darkness skill setup in less than 7 hours
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    1. But it looks rather empty in terms of content:
    2. There are only scenes of losing, not during the battle.
    3. The topic of spoilage is not fully revealed.
    4. The same type of grind gameplay.
    5. The same type of events in most cases.
    6..There is no change of the heroine's clothes or how to use rings and items that are obtained by progressing in the game.
    In Total:
    It's 7/10 After tons of renpy and rpgm, this game is really interesting, although not without flaws