RPGM - Completed - Sorcery Scholar Lelea - Escape From Pervert Island [Full] [Windwave]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good... it's just not enough.
    The entire reason you might go to the villagers according to the story is that they offer resources easier and quicker. Except if you are the right level, you can easily grind for resources at double the rate. It makes getting any ending really easy. I didn't even realize that I got most of the resources for the ship parts.
    With the h-scenes, the ones that are there are great. But, most of the h-scenes are repeats, and her progression from innocent to slutty is sudden. As soon as you hit 100 perversion, she's suddenly a slut.
    If more work had gone into this game, this would have been a great game. Love the art, and love how the MC looks like Mash.... but it just wasn't enough.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is typically anime but i'd say it's just average at best, lack variation, and lack of sexiness. Gameplay is the usual RPGM with no twists, and no GOR. The plot is thin and never thickens. Music, is actually the only decent one here but yeah go figure, we're not here for that.

    There are a lot of missed opportunities in this one. For example we were told that the premise has a custom of thanking someone with a "deep kiss", but it was then immediately forgotten and never again explored. Most of the scenes do not make sense and there were never properly built-up. I know it sounds like im reading too much into it but contexts are my jam.

    The game is also linear, short and not that many scenes at all

    I give this game...