VN - Ren'Py - Space Rescue: Code Pink [v11.0] [Robin]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Fappaholic finch

    This is an excellent point and click adventure a la deponia, but unfortunately suffers from a massive gap between effort and actual scenes. It's map is very spread out and requires the minimap and 3-5 locations for every quest past the first 2. As a game 4/5, art 5/5, as a PORN game 2/5. I rated with a heavy weight on the porn since thats what we're here for. I'd say add more in between scenes for most quests and avoid the walking simulator trap of go here, now go back, now go back to the first place. Its frustrating.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Giving four (would be five if I'd enjoyed it) stars on here for the art & general design quality vs most of what you get on F95 zone. It's got a professional finish to it & both looks and feels like it was done by a real design team instead of the amateur output usually seen on this site.

    Simple classic point-n-click adventure game, like they made in the 90's, but with lewd scenes. But it fails in the way many of those games did in being a fetch-a-bunch-of-items endeavor that is more tedious than fun.

    The game is also incredibly boring. I neither laughed, had fun or was turned on through any of it. Compared to the average game on here, I couldn't rate it below 4 stars. But there are games with less professional polish that have definitely held my interest better. The game is quite stale in that regard.

    Well-done effort, but very uninspiring snooze-fest.

    Edited: to 3 stars. I tried to play again, but it's just so incredibly dull. The dev(s) has/have professional-level skill, but no focus here for fun & interesting playability. Playtests for feedback & a focus on fun would surely help. Maybe find some help from a funny or intriguing writer/designer, or at the very least someone with a better eye for hot kinky sexual tension & build-up.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Lighthearted, and pretty good visuals and a characteristic art style. However it's mainly a, at times fairly non-intuitive fetch quest simulator, and that's mainly what you do. It doesn't imo make you feel immersed as the repair dude, but more like a janitor crawling around the ship looking for and stumbling across random crap.

    It kinda takes a lot out of it and ruins a lot of build up. If the art is your thing have a walkthrough nearby before starting this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Keen's Galactic Adventure" is like stepping into a hilarious rom-com set in space! You play as Keen, the newbie mechanic on a cool spaceship called the 'Rescue & Relax' Ship. Your job? Fix stuff and maybe even impress your cute crewmates along the way.
    As Keen, you'll roam around the ship, grabbing items, fixing things, and playing fun mini-games. But watch out! Every time you lend a hand to one of your crushes, things get even crazier!
    This game's got it all: quirky characters, brain-teasing puzzles, and a heartwarming storyline where you can win over your favorite crewmate. If you're up for a cosmic adventure filled with laughs and love, "Keen's Galactic Adventure" is the game for you!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    100% you need a walkthrough to progess in this game.

    Completing individual parts requires completing other individual parts, which basically turns the sandbox experience into a linear visual novel with no real deviation.

    Good art though.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    one of if not good games that i actually find interesting, funny, and great art.

    given the game isnt finish but still has amazing content i find it actually easy to enjoy and love, the scenes are somewhat amazing with a funny storyline and lovable characters.

    the plot is a bit average where your the new guy and the only guy in the ship, your here to fix and bone other characters, given its averageness it quickly makes up for cute interactable characters.

    Ren'Play are often visual novels about love and whatnot most often it would be boring, but in this cause its about very repetitive but fairly enjoyable in a sense.

    overall the game is very enjoyable given its state that it isnt finish yet i'd say its a 9/10 hoping it continues to this line of good content.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v9.5

    Space Rescue Code Pink is a nice game to break up the monotony of the many AVNs on this site. It's a light-hearted experience about being a mechanic on a ship full of hot women, both human and alien.

    If you played any of the other point-and-click adventure games on this site, this one is not much different. Great art, and for both better and worse everything else is more or less the standard. Gameplay is, as you might expect, clicking around to find items and solve problems to be eventually rewarded with a sex scene. Sometimes a minigame is thrown in. Nothing really notable about it.

    The game is actually very linear which is more of a negative point for me. You move through each girl (or girls in some cases) events one after the other in a fixed order. They also seem one and done, though I'm not sure if there are plans to change that in the future. You do at least have the option to repeat some of the scenes.

    Unless I missed something, scenes and characters are also unavoidable. I wasn't a fan of the clone part of the game but had to go through it to progress. I was also disappointed that instead of having the women involved in that part sticking around and being available to go back to, we kind of just get cucked by our clone in a weird way lol.

    Besides that though, I did overall enjoy the events of the different characters so far. The biologist was something that felt new, and the characters in general are just fun.

    This isn't the best game I've played of the genre, but still can be fun if you're in the mood for it.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Casual, kooky, space game designed for short kings. It is alright- but snu-snu is not really my thing.

    + The art is amazing. The girls look especially sexy.
    + The biologist girl's arc not devolving into the typical tentacle fuck trope was pretty refreshing.
    + Mini-game's are okay. Point and click is okay. The game-play elements aren't anything to write home about but they do enhance the experience a bit.

    - The game is designed for short guys to self insert into. Keen is maybe 5'5". He is a real shorty- as such a lot of the game involves heavy doses of Snu-Snu. Being much smaller than the majority of the in game women is really not my thing. So the actual scene content wasn't very hot.
    - The whole thing is very comic book style and silly, this is fine for the art but didn't do the in scene eroticism any favors.
    - Bunch of kinks I don't like like reverse size play, mmf, and f x m robot voyeurism
    - The MC keen is a bit of a dumb-ass, lacks confidence, and is stupidly shy.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Another one of the many games that suffers from trying to be too much of a casual game, where the dev forgets that he's making an adult game.

    So currently there are 8 chapters I think. Sounds like much content, right? Well.. until you figure out, that each chapter has only 1 (yes, one!) sex scene with the girl that the chapters is about. And that's it. As if that's not worse enough in itself, you'll never face these girls again in other chapters in a sexual way, they're just done.

    So, what's the point of the open world then you ask? The answer is, there is none. This game doesn't benefit from its open world, because you need to finish a girl before you can move on to the next one. This renders the open world completely obsolete.

    80% of the time you're doing things that you won't enjoy: Fix a cable, get a girl a drink, search for ingredients (that are all over the place hidden in one of the 40+ rooms on the ship, good luck playing without the guide), do some mini games that are less entertaining than any cheap free flash game you can find out there.

    It's a shame because the artstyle of this dev is fantastic, the world looks good and he is definitely able to draw hot women. But this game does fail as both: A casual game and an adult game.

    Imagine all the fantastic sex scenes we could have with each girl and maybe even story arcs that cross, so that you see previous girls again, get threesome and more lewd hot scenes, if the dev didn't decide to instead spend weeks on coding and programming a quest where you search for screws, bananas and glasses on the ship in order to do things that add exactly 0% gameplay and fun value.

    It's just not worth the time for the little lewd content that's in the game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version 8.5)

    I was unsure if I should give this 4 or 5 stars, but the high quality 2D art tipped the scales for me. Anyway, let's do pros and cons:

    + Very good 2D art style, very pleasant and nice to see something different
    + Beautiful girls of different shapes and sizes with fun personalities
    + Fun non-LI characters and little stories
    + Not just vanilla sex

    ~ Sandbox gameplay; it's decent and works, but I did find myself not knowing where to go next a few times
    ~ The MC: While he's a fun character, I would have prefered having him as a side character. My problem with him is that he fights the player (at least in my case), which feels very weird when you try to immerse yourself into the guy. What I mean by that is that most people playing this will play with the intent of seeing hot girls naked and getting some action. Keen (the MC) wants this aswell, however for some reason he is deathly afraid of anyone ever seeing him with an erection, even if that someone is a woman literally standing naked in front of him and obviously flirting with him. In this situation the player would most likely just like to enjoy the view and try to flirt back, Keen however wants to run the fuck away, and quite often he actually does. You might find that funny, which is why I put this under neutral, but man, did it piss me off.
    ~Mini-games: I enjoyed the mining mini-game, didn't enjoy the others. However you can skip those, so no problem.

    - There's no scene of Plork doing some hands-on experimentation with the doc! This is unacceptable and needs to be changed asap!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Science fiction comedy game, where you play a mild-mannered space repairman who services the ship, as well as many of its female inhabitants. Feels reminiscent of Futurama. This is definitely a "lighter" game, and doesn't have any really dark fetishes. There's lots of softcore nudity and the sex is mostly vanilla and straight, but also includes:

    • Lesbian sex
    • Human-alien sex
    • Human-robot sex
    • An MMF Threesome


    Some of the best 2D art on the site. The character designs (aside from their sexiness) wouldn't feel out-of-place on a Cartoon Network show. A lot of talent went into drawing them and each design has a clear personality that comes through. In addition to good sprites, there are also great hand-drawn animated sex scenes.


    It's very light-hearted and comedic in tone. Each of the characters (including the MC) has a distinct personality instead of just being mindless sex-dolls. I also like that basically all of the sex happens with the women pursuing MC instead of the other way around; it makes them feel like they have more agency.

    This is a game with a fair amount of build-up (not "Light of My Life" levels of build-up, but still) before you get to the sex, which I like, but I realize that's not what everyone is looking for.

    There are different sub-plots each involving different girls, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of a main over-arching plot.


    It's a point-and-click adventure game, similar to Leisure Suit Larry or Monkey Island. There are also a few mini-games, which you have the option to cheat and skip if you want to in the current version. Overall, a lot of thought went into them and the gameplay and puzzles feel like they flow well. However, some of them can feel a bit unfair. There are a few items you find by clicking on a really non-obvious spot in some room.


    I deliberated giving this 5 stars, because it really is one of my favorite games on the site. It would push it up there if there was a bit more variety in the sex scenes (personal preference: I would love to see more lesbian sex in this game) and the gameplay puzzles felt more fair, and maybe more of an overarching story beyond the subplots. Consider this review to be a "high" 4/5 stars. Overall, I highly recommend this game for anyone who wants a light-hearted, genuinely fun game with terrific art.

    Or if you wish Futurama was a porno.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    SRCP is a surprisingly ambitious take on the popular genre of 'sex comedy game'.

    Breaking out of the typical molds for the genre, we get a fleshed-out sci-fi background starring the world's most oblivious mechanic. The humor's light and fun without being edgy, the girls and their sex scenes are beautiful, and the plot and mechanics blend them together nicely.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    game is nice but i didnt liked green alien lady also idont know how to feel about plant scenes its wierd to fuck plants but i saw wierder things on the site, mini games are ok not great or not bad, it lacks scenes and MC looks goofy a bit and i would concentrate more on girls not on the plant, some characters got bitchy attitude, its irritating a bit, just not what float my boat i guess
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good so far,
    Girls are pretty unique and well drawn, story really works quite well, and the amount of content is also pretty great. Even the minigames are not that bad and (also luckily not that frequent)

    I will add that this game has some fat girls as well, which may not be everyone's cup of tea, certainly not mine, however the same could be said for the characters in pretty much any other porn game, as such it is just a matter of taste.

    However there are a few downsides,
    Saves are not backwards compatible (luckily you can skip ahead but still, it is something other renpy games have solved)
    The indication about being done with the story is also pretty vague (or I must have missed something) looking at the walkthrough. .Having some indication on story progress would be nice be it just a simple check.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is great, so the most of my rating comes from it. Music tracks are very good, I wish subj had more of them. The rest of the game... not that much.

    Adventurish tasks are way too simple. You could just as well throw them away and turn the game into 100% VN, could be slightly better I think. Or better yet, make them more complex and build in some quest log.

    The porn scenes are kinda awkward although again, really nice to look at. This applies especially to the zero-G room scene and by the way, I hope placing the girl there for repeat of the it is temporary, it feels too out of place (is gallery planned? or just leave it as one-time event, no big deal, given the game isn't large at all and there's saves system).

    The writing is cozy and to the point which is nice but sometime it gets too... treacly? Anyway, it's fine.

    Please, do something with the massage "quests" in terms of separating them with the first two girl's routes because skipping "couple of days" while massage girl is waiting for the drink with client is simply no good. Oh and I really hope that font in the main menu is a placeholder, it's terrible.

    While Leisure suit Larry series and Summertime Saga inspirations are clear and it's not a bad thing per se at all would be nice to see some unique, fresh elements.

    Overall - quite pleasant experience, looking forward to the full version, easy 3,5-4 stars.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game shows lots of promise. The comedy is great. I really love the art work, the concept storyline, characters. the challenges and more. Reminds me of Space Quest mixed with Leisure Suit Larry. I'd play this game even if it wasn't porn.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so beautiful, well coded and the story is cool. Sophie is gorgeous. Plump lady are so underappreciated in sex games, it's really cool to see one like this on a game of this level of quality
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    OVERALL - 9/10
    -it's really good and i imagine probably underrated. it's strongest point is in its novel ideas for erotic content. it feels inspired like some horny teenage boy's space fantasy and really really does a much better job than a lot of sci fi erotic games which feel more like a drama with sex scenes. this actually feels like an erotic game that understands the eroticism is the center of the show. it also has a somewhat unique appeal for many in that, at least so far, it doesn't feel at all predatory/rapey. the protagonist isn't a huge douchebag making bitchy excuses and really stupid justifications for his actions. he's just a shy guy but not so shy it's frustrating in the context of a porn game. sometimes i wish he was a little more of a pervert while still being a non-predatory/scumbag character but it's a minor tweak to an overall rather satisfying overall experience so far.

    VISUALS - 8/10
    -even though it's simple/cartoony, it's effective and well polished. the important points like genitalia are attractive and appealing. the reason i don't score this higher is because i think in porn more rendered adds a lot. I’d like to see the same cartoony style more rendered so it still has the same cartoony style but more of a 3dimensional look. Warlock and Boobs is an alright example but KANOSEN My Girlfriend is a Naughty Teacher I think is the best example I know of (even though it’s in a 2d anime style, it’s rendered to have a 3dimensional feel).

    WRITING - 9/10
    -SCENE IDEAS/SETUP (9.5/10) - spoilers included in this section. this is where the game really shines imo. not only do the characters feel like they have distinct and appealing personalities and preferences that add to the eroticism of the game, there are also some pretty original erotic ideas in this game that i haven't seen in other games. overall it feels inspired but i do feel at times a little bit like there might've been some missed opportunities. they're pretty minor but i do wish the game would go just a little further in its eroticism. like in the end lune scene, if it ended with a cumshot on her face or her eating the floating semen after, i think maybe that would've been a nice cherry on top to push the scene just a touch further. i mean, is there sperm just floating in the chamber indefinitely now? does it just magically disappear because of the story? i guess that's pretty minor.
    something i feel stronger about is i would've liked to have seen the plant in a more provocative pose in her final form than sorta being bent over doggie style which feels kinda bland or kinda a repeat of her boob/sorta pocket pussy form. especially given the lore around the plant trying to be as inviting/seductive as possible to get nourishment, i would've really liked to have seen her in something almost ridiculously sexy/provocative like maybe pinned spread eagle missionary, maybe with her hands holding her ankles or feet back or her hands on her head (like she's holding her hair up or back kinda) and with her tongue out in a very orgasmic/ecstatic/happy expression (like she's inviting semen to be swallowed, could be an ahegao expression). for the comparison study, sophie could be doggie style ontop of melonie where she makes out/kisses melonie (maybe her tongue has an aphrodisiac effect like the pink gas or lubricates her vagina?)

    i also would've liked to have seen the plant's vagina have more of an ooze creampie. the current creampie with the dialogue about asking if the protagonist fed her feels more like a regurgitation and almost like the plant is rejecting the semen and throwing it out which i feel like conflicts with the lore. i think a more passive oozing creampie feels hotter because it's like the protagonist came so much it's overflowing out of the plant's vagina that's trying to take it in (which makes sense to the lore). it can still be a big/messy creampie oozing. it just feels like the cum is almost being rejected or spat out with the current animation/illustration.
    also, i really loved the comparison study setup but i feel like it really missed an opportunity in FFM threesome content (in fact that's what i thought it was going to be) where keen would be having sex with both sophie and melonie at the same time, switching between their vaginas to compare instead of a solo scene with sophie. i do feel like the setup does feel a little bit like this is almost endgame content (but with an early scene that is maybe re-purposed?). anyway i think it's a fantastic premise/setup but maybe it does feel like a little bit of a missed opportunity to not have some scene before the comparison study where... idk, maybe like the roots that were pruned were kept by sophie so she could make more of the pink gas and she invites keen to her biolab where she tells him she's studying the roots or something and learned they produce the pink gas and after keen gets turned on by the dialogue, sophie turns off the vent. then keen has a solo scene with sophie. i think this would play into the whole "even tho it was the pink gas, i really liked what we did" and sophie being naughty in a fun way. something like that i think would've been a good intermediate scene between a handjob and the comparison study or idk, maybe it'd make a good subsequent scene where she does the same thing with melonie and keen and they have a sorta threesome where melonie is kinda like an alien sex doll since she's a plant and sophie/keen are super horny from the pink gas.

    PACING and AMOUNT OF EXPOSITION/BLOAT (6.5/10) - it's definitely on the better end of games but sometimes the dialogue does feel a little bloated for me when it's not erotic content or suggestive content. when the game is doing either, it's really good but sometimes inbetween the content it can feel tempting to skip or glaze over. i think the goal of an erotic game is that you want to read all the dialogue because it always increases in some way the eroticism of the content and when it doesn't, to get thru asap to not distract from the main goal.

    AUDIO - 8/10
    MUSIC (9.5/10) - think the music is probably near perfect. it feels kinda seedy/lewd almost kinda like a leisure suit larry type of style while also feeling like a cross between kinda exotic/foreign and spacey/sci fi which is pretty much a perfect representation of the game.
    SFX (N/A) - this is why i bumped down the overall audio to an 8. the music is really good but i think even just having like maybe a set of 5 basic sounds for scenes would really add a lot to the experience for little additional work. even just a squishy sound at certain moments would add a lot to the experience proportionate to the amount of work. for the mood/style of the game, i think a squishy sound, a sorta squishy-draining sound kinda (not like a pipe drain but like an organic fleshy draining sound), and maybe somekind of vagina-swallowing/gulping sound would be really erotic. and just having a few variations of the same sounds so it doesn't sound exactly identical would go a long way with as few as 5 sound files, or like 3 types of sounds with each type having a few variations of the same type of sound effect.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's tackle the elephant in the room.

    This is not a fap game. It's a grown up point & click adventure like a sexier, less funny LSL.

    This is not a criticism. It does this pretty well. Some of the minigames are annoying and pointless (all of them except the mineral gathering aren't strictly necessary) and the developer might want to remember that even Sierra, kings of the minigames, usually only had one in a game (because that's not what your players signed up for).

    The art is fantastic. It really knocks other 2D art games out of the park. The only comparison is with Summertime Saga and, in my opinion, this is better because the girls are sexier and more varied.

    However, this is a badly developed game. Firstly, with all the aforementioned minigames, secondly because it has no focus. If it's supposed to be a game with multiple different missions (which it seems) rather than one overarching story divided into chapters, finish a mission before starting the next one. Nothing is more frustrating than being given a choice and then being told "you can't make that choice because it's not finished". Well, finish it before release. No one wants to be 50-90% through six separate missions when they could be 100% through three. And, if you're going to make an NPC the dominant character you interact with in a mission make sure you get to finish their path (trying not to give spoilers).

    I'll return to the Summertime Saga comparison. My fear is that this, like that, wasn't properly planned out and the constant rewriting of previous content will test people's patience. There's only room for one half-arsed, point and click adventure that gets constant rewrites and reworks and that position is already taken.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Takes long for developing new updates but totally worth it!
    Art is excellent, funny and erotic at the same time, game is intriguing and fun to play. Also the game-play is entertaining enough but not stressful.
    One of the best games around so far!