Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Spicy Bump [Demo] [BoneKing]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For a demo, pretty damn solid. Perfect for those into shota/incest tags. Character weird outline when moving throughout scenes is kinda weird but w/e, since this is just a demo I'm sure the dev (and his great communication on this thread) will get them ironed out over time. Looking forwards to the project and hopefully work continues on this game!
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Spicy Bump (Demo)

    I give this game 2 star because there are too many bugs and no content. Only two small scenes surrounded by a bunch of nothing burger. I get that it is a demo, but I feel aggravated that there was so little content. You wake up, you get told to pick up some dirty clothes, you spy on the mom in the shower. And that's it. There is supposed to be breakfast in the kitchen, but clicking on the fridge does nothing. And I can't leave the house to go to school. There is almost no dialogue, and the dialogue doesn't use proper grammar like punctuation and capitalized letters.

    This could be a four star game. The mom has a nice body. Although her eyes are cartoon anime looking and I wish they looked more realistic. They look like anime eyes on a hot Daz 3D model, which is a weird combination. The game doesn't use WASD movement, but that's not a problem. The click-to-move actually works for this game. You can speed up the movement by double clicking. The mom shower scene was super hot. But the game is full of bugs and there was practically no content. There is no day/time indicator and the demo doesn't tell you that you've reach the end of content. So I was stuck for an hour trying to find and complete objectives, before realizing that I was looking at the wrong game page and that this is only a demo instead of a first release.

    Here is some feedback and bug reports:

    [Bug] When I lowered the music volume and clicked Apply Settings, it reset to the full music volume.

    [Feedback] I wish that the music would pause when I press Esc to pause the game.

    [Feedback] After I exited my bedroom and went into the hallway, I saw the mom. It would have been great to be able to zoom in/out, orbit the camera, and do camera pan using the arrow keys. Then I would be able to appreciate her better.

    [Feedback] It would be nice if there was a toggle option to turn off the black outline on the characters. I'd like to see what the characters look like without them. There is another adult game that I played where characters had a yellow, green, or red outline around them. The color indicated possible sex scenes. I think green meant there were new ones, red meant I already tried all the available sex scenes, and I forgot what yellow meant. I asked the developer if he could give us an option to toggle it off and he let us, and the game became so much better and more immersive afterwards.

    [Feedback] I would have preferred to determine the dialogue speed by left clicking to advance the dialogue and having an option to "go back" in case I clicked too fast and missed something. But instead the dialogue auto advances on its own.

    [Feedback] The spelling and grammar are bad. A lot of lowercase i's instead of I. Sentences that begin with lowercase letters. Sentences that don't have punctuation or period at the end.

    [Bug] When you change rooms, the screen turns black while you are changing rooms. Which is okay, I guess. There could have been a better transition screen. But then it shows you the new room that you are in, and then the screen goes black AGAIN a second time for no reason. And then the new room re-displays properly. At the very least, the screen going black for a second time after successfully entering a room needs to stop and be fixed.

    [Feedback] The game feels a bit slow. If you click on a "closed door", you have to wait two or three seconds before you can move again. I don't like that. It should just display "door is locked" and let you move right away without forcing you to wait two or three seconds. Changing rooms takes a second too.

    [Feedback] I wish that I could rename the main character from Billy to whatever I want.

    [Feedback] When I saw the mom in the shower, her eyes looked fine. But before that, before I cleaned up my room, I was talking to her and it looked like she had cartoon anime eyes on a hot Daz 3D female body. It was weird. I later found a jerk off in my bed scene, and the mom's eyes looked a tiny bit cartoony there too.

    [Feedback] The mom told me there was food in the kitchen, but when I clicked on the fridge and sink nothing happened. (Update: Because it's a demo with hardly any content).

    [Bug] I had a slingshot and the dirty clothes that were on my floor, and then they just mysteriously disappeared later. Maybe after I went to the kitchen. When I restarted the game, the slingshot was no longer in my room, there was a never seen before option to jerk off in bed, and the mom was no longer in the hallway to tell me to clean my room and she was already in the shower. Maybe it is because I jerked off that she wasn't in the hallway, but it's weird that the slingshot was no longer there.

    [Bug] After going to the kitchen a second time after restarting the game, I noticed that my inventory at the top left was missing.

    [Bug] I completely exited the game, picked up slingshot and dirty clothes, saved, and then tried to load the save from the Main Menu. It showed three save slots, but I had no idea where my save was because there was no thumbnail preview image or timestamp. I chose slot #0, and the game loaded with me in my bedroom but the inventory was missing from the top left. When I went into the hallway, the inventory loaded but the slingshot and dirty clothes were missing. I went back to the Main Menu and loaded slot #1, and the same exact thing happened. The save/load save needs to be fixed and improved.

    [Feedback] There is no indicator to what day or time it is. For all I know it can be stuck at 7 AM on Monday every single day.