RPGM - Completed - Spider and Butterfly [Final] [muramuramura]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly really like this game. I love ntr games where the girl only gets taken due to your error. The progression of the H scenes makes it a rush to try and get back to the girl before they progress too far, and gives incentive to try and clear the enemies out as fast as you can. Some levels do have the issue where the girl can get stuck if she gets grabbed even once but as long as you save before hand you'll be fine. I hope to see more games like this in the future, It was a really interesting concept and is now one of my favorite games in the genre.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, you will replay it.

    HScene: 10/10
    Kink: 9/10 - gropping, group sex, rape, many poses, or just love!
    Story: 8/10 - tbh I even didn't read
    Gameplay: 9/10 - grind, run by mazes, you will not find yourself boring!
    Fun: 10/10 - it is absolutely fun to play, good vibes after game!

    Highly recommend!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    best ntr game of 2023 because this is a male prota with a female to protect and there a picture of her where you can see what she is doing in the moment , this remind me of karryns prison but with ntr and fast combat mode
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I really liked the idea of an escort quest NTR style RPGM game instead of the usual female protag.

    Unfortunately, the bugs make it nigh unplayable. Some dungeons you can't interact with her and tell her to follow, so if she gets grabbed you can't complete the level.

    Animations also take way too long, she won't get penetrated or creampied unless you literally stand there and do nothing for a good while.

    And of course, expect most lines to not be translated, a la MTL.

    Could really be 5 stars with some easy fixes, but until then I'm forced to drop it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As said by others, this is one very long escort quest. She's impossibly slow, has to be prodded to follow you at times, and some how still gets in your way when you really, really need to get on the other side of her.

    The dungeons are super dark and you can only see in a two square circle around you. Finding a switch or door takes forever and it's not like you're fighting between looking for those things. You beat up the five guys in the dungeon and then wander for half an hour.

    As far as I can tell, which was about an hour of play, she won't interact with you for anything. She follows and gets attacked. That's it. "Hi" or "Thanks for not letting me be raped to death" would be great, but no, no... I am the fedora-katana warrior. I shall march on forever, being ignored by cliché women, and silently shed one single tear into my room-temperature lunchable before bed. Obviously this genre isn't for me. I if I really liked that, I might have gone three stars.

    It's a neat concept. The art looks alright. If the dungeons had light and it wasn't a huge escort quest, this might work. The execution hurts this game badly.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Some decent animations with nicely ramping variety .

    Held back by some tedious gameplay - this game is "Escort Quest: The Game" so if you like games where you have a slow-as-fuck npc follow you around while you whack the enemies to protect them then you're in for a treat.

    Also the translation is functional but there's a lot of untranslated text here.

    Worth a look, even if only for the gallery which can be accessed by holding down the Interact button on a pile of garbage near your home (see comments section for picture of location)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Story: male protagonist saving a girl from shadow realm filled with men of lust, that's it. it's not like i care about the story in the H games so it's fine. 3/5

    Sound: no moaning, a bit of a bummer. 2.5/5

    Animations: The good thing of this game. the animation itself can't be said that it's good. but it's there, so that's good. 3.5/5

    Bugs: there's some bug on specific stages where u can't commad the girl to walk, which means u gotta start over again and then make sure u don't let guys touch the girl. it was frustrating, it happened 2 times for me. 1.5/5

    Playability: u have to keep those dirty bastards away from ur girll, solve the maze puzzles by flippling switches, and obtain a key from a box for the next stage. sounds fun RIGHT??? WRONG!!! cus ur girl is slow and stupid as *uck. I'd understand if the girl had some hitomic udders that weigh her down but no, she has average size for a hgame girl, and walks around like a dumb princess that i have to wait and wait, til i find out that she met a brick wall so, she can't even move properly. the enemies are just as stupid as her. they are all focused on her like horn dogs and keep trying to run through walls while i whack them with my katana. The most terrifying enemy I've ever faced was the Darkness, the pain i've felt when I realized I have the one key missing for the next stage because of the Darkness, so i have to do all the dumb puzzles again while waiting for my slow dumb princess to come or to be cummed, made me nuts. 0.5/5

    So, the score is 3+2.5+3.5+1.5+0.5/25=2.2/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't say if it's NTR cause the relationship between them is not described

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Still 5 stars tho

    Decent and not stuttery
    Defenitely animated
    Various animations depending on enemies
    Sex has sounds
    No female moans
    Not voiced
    BGM is typical RPGM
    Press Z to attack
    No actual battle
    Girl is uninteractable
    Enemies can't be hit while doing H
    Make enemy move automatic, it's bad when they only move after you see them
    Add gangbang scenes cause when the girl is surrounded by more than 4
    people the scene isn't threesome or unlike the event scenes
    The game isn't that engaging
    Female gets untouched cause the game is too simple and easy
    Dumb enemy AI
    Dumb female AI
    This girl is annoying cause the blocks you literally anywhere
    Slow moving npc girl
    Has outfit options
    Not fully translated
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR masterpiece

    This game is one of best ntr games I have ever played.

    Animated, with great models and animations.
    Great, unique gameplay.

    This game has its estetics, has its idea. Games like this deserve to be supported

    Hope to see more games like this