HTML - Completed - Spoils of War [v1.1] [SelectaCorp]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has potential but that is about it. I've beaten the game or at least beaten it as far as it would let me play. I conquered the map and was a Major General in Rank. Then it said to go meet up someplace that I can't remember now. Had like 12 days left. Went into the brothel, came back out and the game said I had run out of days. BS if you ask me. There is no way I spent more than 12 days in a brothel. Anyways before I went into the brothel, I Looked around the map but nothing new had popped up to allow me to complete the game.
    Game is quick but expect to experiment a few games and lose before you start getting the hang of it. Effectiveness is your key stat. You raise that by, increasing your troops' morale, training them, demoralizing the enemy, and defeating more and more locations on the map. I've pretty much got to the end game 3 times now but still don't know how it ends. Cause after you take the capital, it would seem to enter the brothel, or any other screen makes you auto lose, As well as interrogating/ killing one of the females on the map. So yeah the game is buggy as F***. And even if you do everything right, the Game will randomly spawn attack screens that do nothing but waste your week. You can win the attacks but they don't do anything. The ONLY way to defeat each spot is to either terror raid or loot raid and win. It's a bummer, with some more work the game could have been really good. Add more sex, cause your comfort slaves don't do shit really, looking in the brothel windows shows you your men enjoying the sex slaves to boost morale but all in all, there is much content.
    Also, there is quite a lot of racism. Towards white folks. So don't take the game seriously if you try it. All in all, the game really isn't worth playing in its current state. You can try like I did after reading other reviews hoping to try your luck, but don't get your hopes up. I at least got farther than most I'd say based on other reviews. Most other reviews say that the stats don't mean shit. I think that's inaccurate. When I got my effectiveness stat up to the 90s I was knocking out locations pretty quickly as long as it didn't hit me with the ATTACK screen.

    If you wanna try your luck. Try buying the counterfeit money perk week1. Then get enough money for the brothel. Try not to get any girls till you get the brothel. Hit the farms and plantations at the bottom of the map first. Once you got the brothel, funnel all girls into them unless their prestige is 2 or higher so your men are happy. You can sell them too but if you play right you don't need to sell or ransom any of your girls. Girls with prestige can be your personal slaves but again, Use them wisely to cause your men to want to be happy too. Get modern weapons from another country after that. Then focus on getting either the hacking skill or the alliance with the 3rd country for 50,000. That unlocks nautical missions. From there just focus on making your men happy and effective. With a few tries and some luck, you may get to the end of the game and figure out how to finish it when I couldn't good luck.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    There is very little feedback on what stats do what. Even on easy, it is nearly impossible to complete. The randomness is huge. You can raid and get $400 or you might get $2000. It is unclear why there is such a variance. If you roll low too often you can't get the upgrades you need and just end up softlocked.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    In this game you play revolutionary guerrilla. There is not much to play here, basically you click on dots on the map to attack and if you are successful (mostly luck as far I can tell) you can upgrade base/troops and capture some women.
    There are some adult photos/clips, but nothing special.
    General idea for the game is OK, but the execution is terrible on most levels.
    All in all, I can't recommend this game to anyone, I find it plain bad. I don't like to give such a negative review for something I got for free, but it can't be helped in this case.

    P.S. I noticed some complaints about promotion of racism in the game, so I'll just put my opinion here even if it's not popular. I experienced war and political hypocrisy first hand (in my case nationalism, not racism, but quite similar), so banning game because it's not "politically correct" doesn't change the world for better, it only helps to so turn a blind eye (for world can be a terrible place, never mind what Disney taught you), and if offends you, just don't play.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    its a sadly programmed and not rewarding even if u win the rng u wont end up with a nice winners screen. overall its one of the worst selectacorp games i played so far. i know they are difficult and different but that one is just laking the selectacorp spirit