Unity - Completed - SpunkStock: Music Festival [v1.0] [Regulus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The character designs are amazing, music is awesome, boobs are big (Mostly) I have probably played this like 3 times and never find myself bored. Additionally its probably the best rhythm hentai game just in general. Not really much else to say, I give this game 5 big booms!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Mao Tse-Tang

    A really cool game for those who like good music and rhythm. The modifier mechanics are really cool and the gameplay in the songs is really cool. It's a shame that the gameplay outside of the music scene wasn't explored, but that's not the goal of the game.

    The porn is really good, the art is something I really like and the character designs are also well done. I really like Samga's design, and the animations are really good.

    The songs are phenomenal, each one with its own unique soundtrack, and at the end of the game there's something really creative with the songs, but you'll have to play to find out.

    That said, Mei's theme is the best.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice to see different mechanics incorporated here, however it would be nice if they were executed well. Lag spikes seem to occur consistently when reaching certain tiers during the gameplay making the gameplay lose timing and usually result in a miss.

    Given that perfect results of the timing in gameplay are a necessary part of the progression, we see a poor result in what otherwise could be a good game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game knows what it is but for to be honest its not very good. The art and animation are good but not great and the gameplay is fine but for a porn game just takes a lot of the porn out of it. Rhythym games just seem a bit odd here, having to focus so much on the rhythm instead of the reason I'm here. Still the game isn't terrible, if you can get through the music stuff its alright.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    best nsfw rhythm game maybe of all time. Regulus consistently explores interesting ideas in the porn game genre and creates fantastic rewards woven into the gameplay. SpunkStock is yet another example of this, with minigames separate from the main game and varying levels of challenge that allows you to commit as much or as little time to this title while still yielding some reward
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Metronome simulator the h-game. The game is well made and you can see the time and effort that went into it but do I think it's a great h-game? It's alright.

    Story 2/10

    SpunkStock. Woodstock's sexier cousin. You're some dude who attends SpunkStock with no real goal or anything, you just walk around copulating with all the girls and boy. And that's pretty much the story.

    Each girl has some backstory, sort of. Some of the girls know each other and hang out. Then you can hand a band of partnership to a girl and get a couple more lines of dialogue at the end of the game.

    But overall the story's real thin. The setting does tie into the gameplay though...

    Gameplay 5/10

    Honestly? This one's hard to rate. I think as a game, it's an okay-ish game. The game mechanics do actually sort of tie into the h, which is rare to see and always a huge positive.

    But do I think it's a good h-game? No. I do not.

    The main gameplay loop is to play through each girl's song. Like any other rhythm game, you click to the beat. And that's the game. While the song plays, you fuck the girl, sure, but you're far too focused on clicking to the beat that you can't focus on anything else. If you break focus, then you'll misclick or mistime your click and fail miserably.

    So the h is tied to the gameplay but there's no point, you can't focus on the h at all, you have to focus too much on the gameplay. Which imo makes this a not-great h-game.

    Art 8/10

    Not a fan of the style which is almost american cartoon style. But the quality is through the roof. Every girl is animated and they're done quite well.

    The sex scenes, while not very varied, have small details in addition to the animation which elevates the entire piece.

    There's a wide variety of body types and skin tones and even a girl with vitiligo. And to be clear, variety is the spice of life.

    Overall 5/10

    This is a weird one to rate. SpunkStock is high quality. But do I think it's a good h-game? Sort of. The h is hot but the gameplay just is not. The gameplay ties together with the h but the gameplay seriously gets in the way of the h.

    Overall did I enjoy my time? It was okay. I beat the game in 5-ish hours, the songs were neat and a bit of an earworm, and some of the scenes were top-tier (the Yu-Mei duo scene). But yeah. The h was not exactly a second class citizen, but also not at the forefront.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The devs actually made a porn game WITH GAMEPLAY! Actual gameplay, which nowadays you can't find in a lot of porn games. And the gameplay is solid. It doesn't make you feel like you're pressing some buttons to see some girls getting railed. Oh no, no, no. You feel like you're playing a Rockband game, and you get to see some girl get piped as a dessert to a 5-star meal. They also added some RPG-type elements to each girl, which shocked me with how good it works. This game is too good to be true, and it is actually good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. The gameplay's extremely simple, but it manages to be sexy and fun all the way through, which is more than most. It always felt like a pleasure, never felt like a grind, and didn't overstay its welcome. There are many worse ways to spend a few hours.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Spunkstock is a really, REALLY good mix of rhythm to fap content.

    You probably can't fap while you're playing the actual game, it does require a decent amount of attention, but this game is actually really fun and engaging. Apart from a bit of a janky user interface, the game is visually great and well-designed, and is legitimately one of the better rogue-lite rhythm games I've played.

    The music is passable, it's not really catchy per se, but not that bad. I found the writing between the character interactions to be especially lacking, but this is a game from someone who wanted to make a dope ass rhythm game where you fuck women with your clout and pure talent, and I have to respect that.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Seiso Police

    Nice Rythm game with adult content.
    The songs were indeed nice to hear and also the gameplay is definitly good and welcoming for new people that just want a casual game session but at the same time it can invite the player to go for the hardes challenges with the powerups it presents.
    Likes: mc247
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game! Catchy beats with great animations and fun dynamics. Well fleshed out and great scenes! I like the sandbox feature and the different types of scenes there are. But I think there could be an improvement on the sandbox keybinds to make things easier.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Enjoyable overall, Animations and art are top-tier with really good options, gameplay is fun and can be challenging which helps go through it. The UI is honestly really good for xxx games and made the game better overall.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: V1.0 (non steam version)

    I first found this game in the "upcoming releases" on Steam and decided to keep an eye on it and play it when I got time since it seemed like a short enough rhythm game and I quite like rhythm games. When you focus on so many longer RPGs, it's nice to play shorter games from time to time.

    I'll admit I had no real expectations for this game besides a bit of mindless fun, but this game slapped me in the face with those low expectations and gave me a product I can only describe as near perfect in its execution.

    There are 3 major things about this game that cause me to give it this kind of praise:
    • A simple rhythm game mechanic that is twisted and built upon with the modifier system which by itself is nothing groundbreaking yet was fun to play with and gives you a lot of choice in how you handle a stage

    • A set of 14+ beautifully animated girls with distinct designs, personalities and mannerisms with really enjoyable scenes as part of the song stages, and also additional scenes you get by further interaction outside of that

    • A banging soundtrack that has no right to be as good as it is.

    Note: I will refer to all the characters as "Girls" but one of them (the Secret character) is a femboy so take that as you will. As far as I'm aware its entirely optional to engage in their scenes.


    The gameplay at first seems too simple. You start off in the Music Festival camp and interact with characters hanging around in or near their tents. While there is some stuff to explore, most of the purpose of the camp is just to find new girls and stages, or some minigames scattered around.

    Outside of the rhythm stages you'll be wandering the camp, talking to the girls and then either starting their stage by fucking them (thats just how it works here) or talking to them with sometimes the options of alternate scenes and scenarios if you meet the requirements.

    Unlike other rhythm games, every stage (besides one) has no "map", meaning notes are not predetermined by the stage and song, instead every song always starts off by hitting left click or Z to the beat (I used Z since it was easier for me). The first couple stages can be weird because all you are doing is tapping Z to the beat over and over until the progress bar fills and you "cumplete" the song (sorry). If this was the whole game though my rating would be significantly lower.


    Instead, the Modifier system takes this initial monotony and makes the game far more engaging with a lot of choice in making the stage either easier, or harder with additional score bonuses increasing reward payout and how much progress you make each note to reach the end faster.

    Modifiers are broken down into 3 main difficulties (1 star to 3 star, with one 4 star), and usually you'll need to pick at least 3 at the start of the stage. You get the choice to reroll though, so if you are forced with bad modifiers then most of the time you don't have to deal with them.

    Some modifiers are very simple like "perfects get more progress but regular hits less" or "one great turns into a perfect" but the more difficult modifiers will add new note types such as triple notes, bombs, long notes and even a second lane where you need to alternate between Z and X or left click and right click. While it's nothing groundbreaking for a rhythm game, the variety of choice in how each stage can be affected really adds to the fun of the game and it was a great decision to have this balance of whether you make the stage harder to beat it faster.

    Theres also quite a lot of modifiers, with my favorite probably being the Ritual which adds a random 1 or 2 star modifier every 40 consecutive perfects. Longer stages can get pretty ridiculous with enough modifiers.

    It's nice that you are never forced to take any modifier and can spend the entire game ignoring a specific one if you want. I opted never to pick the Dual Lane one because I struggled a lot with having to alternate between X and Z, especially with other note types. The only mandatory modifiers are the ones part of specific stages.


    Early stages can be quite short since you only need to fill the progress bar once, but you can gain acess to "Endurance stages" after beating a girls main stage and sometimes fulfilling an extra requirement. These stages require you to fill the bar 3 times and modifiers carry over from the previous stages, ontop of new modifiers you need to pick between each round. The final round in particular can get very crazy if you consistently pick difficult modifiers.

    There are also the Miniboss stages which are usually quite long as they have their own progress bar ontop of the usual one, and can take more than 3 fills of the progress bar depending on which modifiers you take. They usually have their own mechanics too, which is good that it mixes up the usual experience.

    For me at least only the final boss stage was actually difficult but I'm pretty comfortable with rhythm games and difficulty is very adjustable due to the modifier system. Songs with a higher BPM can be harder to full perfect though, like Ruths stage.


    Besides the rhythm game though there are two "minigames" which I'll briefly mention. In one part of the camp theres a Future Fragments crossover, which is another game in development at the time of writing this. The area takes the form of a 2D Platformer that you navigate and hit 3 buttons to find the exit.

    It's decent enough, doesn't really overstay its welcome. A lot of use of the blue and red platforms that alternate on or off to the beat though (reminded me of Celeste and the cassette tape levels). Your reward is a song stage with the Red Haired girl from that game named Faye. It's pretty good but the mechanic of that stage fucked with me a lot initially.

    The other minigame is the Haunted Halls where you navigate a short level with a monster chasing you, and you need to find 3 keys and get to the exit. It was ok but not really that difficult since they give you a lot of ways to escape from the monster.


    As a final note about gameplay: Even after finishing the game I'm still confused how a rhythm game can get away with not having any sort of predetermined note placement and instead rely on notes falling to the beat with modifiers changing the notes seemingly at random. But here it works, and I think that deserves credit.



    Yeah there's no story here. If you're hoping for some deep lore about the SpunkStock Music Festival and how all these girls got here or why they are ok with letting you fuck them after a brief conversation then you're outta luck.

    It isn't a focus of the game and it's not really neccessary. The whole narrative is just "you want to perform at the festival, go through every girl until you can". You can get some information out of a few of the girls, but it's not something I focused on.



    Now for the art and animations, which are really good here. You have fully animated character portraits for all of the main girls when you talk to them and they are....very animated. Theres is tons of movement for each of them and there are no repeated animations so its very nice to look at.

    They also have pretty distinct designs and how they move and "engage" with you is reflected in their personality and their kind of theme with how they dress and such. If not every design resonates with you then theres sure to be at least one that does. (My personal favorite is Nammi, one of the minibosses)

    Every stage is also accompanied by sex thats animations match the beat of the song. So ontop of tapping to the beat of the song you are also fucking to the beat of the song which is kinda funny but for me at least it worked to its advantage. It can be tricky to actually watch the animation though because you are trying to hit the notes at the same time, but there is a sandbox mode afterwards when you beat the stage so you can just use that.

    (Note: If you take the modifier that speeds up the song then the animation also speeds up, which is pretty funny especially if you take multiple speed modifiers)


    The core animation for the stage scenes are most of the time just a loop of you fucking them to the beat, although there are multiple stages to these animations and the expression of the girls do change as well throughout the song so it's quite a lot tbh.

    While most sex scenes are tied to the song stages (I believe there are around 18 stages total), it's not the only source of porn available. The shop provides some additional artwork of some of the girls you can purchase for currency gained when you beat stages, and you also get some when interacting with the girls and doing "side quests" (although they are never complicated)

    Your tent has a desk where you can view each of the girls and hints about how to get all of their scenes, but for the most part its never too difficult to figure out besides at best the Boba sidequest which I just kinda used trial and error to figure out.

    I'd say there's a lot to enjoy here, especially since the main scenes you'll be viewing are animated very well. Some girls can get entirely different animations for their stage from talking to them and doing whatever they need while others it might just be a still image.

    Depending on the girl you can also ask them to undress which changes their standing animation to be without either some or all or their clothes depending on what you want. Another small thing but very appreciated.



    The music really struck with me; a lot of the songs got me in the zone as I went along with the beat. No two songs feel too similar, and they all do a really good job of representing whatever girl or stage they are in while also being great to listen to.

    For example, Ruth is a demon rocker and her music has full on rock guitars and drums. Fufu is a race car driver and her song has Eurobeat in it with motifs reminding me of Initial D. Yu is a witch who owns the Haunted Halls and her track is more halloween inspired.

    They are all composed such that they have a strong beat to them, making it much more satisfying to hit the notes to that beat. Very few songs were not good enough for me to jam to.

    Its a bit hard to describe how good the tracks actually are but there is a full playlist on Spotify which you can listen to if you are curious (although you'd be better off just playing the game imo, and it also doesn't include the final boss music)



    I have to dedicate one section to the Finale of the game though, because one aspect of it really impressed me. However it is spoilers so I'll tag it as such. If you'd like for it to remain a surprise then just skip this part, but know that it was quite fun for me and it was way more than I was expecting

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    Theres also the Ending which changes based on some criteria met in the Final Stage, and also how much content you did with each girl. You don't get any additional scenes though, it's just some text describing what happens with them after the music festival.

    You can purchase an item from the shop though if you Full Perfect 10 stages, which you can give to one girl to basically marry them. Its nothing too crazy as the scene is quite short, but its a nice touch if you had a particular girl you resonated with.



    While none of the flaws I mention were strong enough to reduce my scoring of the game, I will mention a few anyway:

    I kinda wish the shop had a few more images to purchase, just because I had a lot of currency left over at the end of the game and nothing to spend it on. I did beat every stage though including the endurance stages, but the shop felt like it could have used a bit more to buy.

    Replaying the scenes with girls is slightly annoying, since you can't just do it from your tent and instead have to go to that girl in the camp and either talk to them or go to wherever that scene takes place. While you do get Sandbox mode for the stages, you still have to talk to the girl to enter it so it could have been more convienient to do. They did include a teleport to each girl at least, which helps alleviate this somewhat.

    The Ending I had a pet peeve with, but I'll spoiler tag it:
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    I'll conclude this by saying that not giving this 5 stars would be a disservice to the games quality. While it's not any 30+ hour RPG, it perfectly fullfils its purpose as a shorter self contained game where you pick it up, get to enjoy some fun rhythm mechanics with great animations and sexy girls, and then leave feeling satisfied.

    There was a lot of love put into the mechanics, art and soundtrack that I will probably go buy this game afterwards. I believe it deserves that much.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, even fun to play without the porn. It provides enough of a challenge to make you go back and redo missions to pass them, and strategize to pass the harder levels. but that's not to say that the porn aspect is not hot, just kind of hard to jerk off while playing the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game this is the second time im even given a game a rating, but this game was fun and enjoyable. Hope it doesnt end with the 1.0 version but if it does i hope the Dev continues to make games like this one or similar ones.
    Really enjoyed the Game good job Dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished the game.

    Love it.
    Excellent "beat-game" (or it is called something else) with cool music art and animations.

    There are some bugs and questionable features, but overall it playes great.
    All the NPCs have unique music and "quests" to "finish" them.

    The modifications while the "music-beat-playing" are either helpful or add challenge (I can't manage to play 2 rows at the same time...).

    Totally was worth my time, will play again.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    I expected it to be a short "whatever" rhythm game.
    Pleased to announce that that wasn't the case.
    Although simple in design, it has a layer of depth in difficulty which requires some strategy.
    It's not overly difficult (assuming you play your cards right).
    Animations are seamless and intricate.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A quite original erotic game, a functional combination of rhythm mechanics and NSFW, but not without its mistakes.
    Graphically it's very deficient in certain details like the overworld and minigames but the characters are well looking in the H scenes.

    It would be better if it had more variety of poses in its animations,
    and for people like me, covering more fetishes like anal sex (since only 2 of 15 characters can be done like that) was something that would have been appreciated. But with such a round and satisfactory ending, it saves from having a worse grade for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent rhythm game with great art, music, and interesting and varied mechanics. It was reasonably challenging all the way through and lasted around 5 hours for me in trying to complete everything. Well worth the money on steam or itch. Looking forward to their next project.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent rhythm game with very good sex animations, but more than that, the music and the gameplay are as good as the sexual content. Well worth purchasing in order to support the devs. Some of end game content is a little bit frustrating, but worthwhile, though one bit of ending material could have been better signposted. Fantastic.