There are 7 girls with 3 sex scenes each, which isn't a lot, but each scene has around 20-ish animations and they're quite nice so I'm not complaining. It's a short game but that would be OK.
The girls' traits and personalities are nicely distinct despite the short amount of dialogues/messages.
Everything else however is pretty bad.
The story is pointless, you're not really engaging with it during the game. The MC could have been a taxi driver instead of a spy pretending to be a taxi driver and the game would have been the same.
The game is a boring grind. I enabled rollback (using unren, because the option is removed from the preferences), and I cheated myself a shitton of money (this cheat would be available for Patreon supporters by the way) and still found all the clicking and all the transitions tedious. I also edited a variable to remove the male customers (another option that would be reserved to Patreon) because fuck them, they're just a waste of time. You have all the answers from the start by the way, so the quiz game is just "look at your notes and click the right box".
The UI is functionally good, but visually atrocious, with glowing colours and glitching text. I also found the UI noises mildly annoying.
The constant camera movement is a bit too much. Maybe just a bit here and there would have been cool.
The text has a couple of typos but fewer than many other games.
The code has a couple of bugs and continuity errors. Ariella says "Nope." when you give the correct answer to one of her questions. Both Ariella and Mellisa have their gifts misspelled in the code, so giving them doesn't trigger the intended reward. Rhea will always say it's her first time when you fuck her selecting the first scene. You'll keep looking for the snake tattoo even after you have already discovered the spy.
In some games the grind is good, because it's fun and engaging. Not here. This grind is just tedious and the game would be much better without it. Scrap the stupid quiz and make the MC discover the girls' traits through dialogues, you know, like normal people do. Make each interaction with a girl unlock her next phase, there's no point in clicking through the same shit again and again just to fill a completion bar. Maybe develop their stories a bit. Then you'll have something actually enjoyable.