Ren'Py - Completed - Star Channel 34 [Season 1 - Ep. 12] [Akabur]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's been maybe a year or 2 since I played this, but from what I remember...

    Good art. This is Akabur's style at its best.
    I enjoyed this very much compared to Witch Trainer and Princess Trainer.
    It's much less grindy than pretty much every other trainer type game.

    Some of the scenarios are really fantastic. The plotlines with Lara croft and April O'neil were particularly erotic.

    It gets 4/5 from me because the game's structure makes it dissatisfying. Rather than following 1-3 plot threads to completion, the game jumps around between different girls in different scenarios. Many of the plot threads don't feel like the come to satisfying conclusions.

    It's also annoying to have to retrain hermione from scratch even though I spent who knows how many hours taming her in witch trainer.

    All in all the game feels a bit scattered and not totally satisfactory, (I felt a little like I had wasted my time once I finished it) but the Lara and April plotlines were hot & I look back on them fondly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Quagmire's jawline

    Absolutely loved the game, cracked me up laughing so many times in the game the dialogues are insanely well written, the fact that after some chapters you start to realize what your really doing was amazing, loved the parts when the developer broke the 4th wall and would talk to you
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Review version: Episode 12.

    This one's exceptionally mediocre.

    The plot was supposed to be its strong point, I think, but it isn't really. There are a few good jokes, admittedly, and some witticisms are sparsely interlaced in the narrative, but it's all spread too thin. The game is too wordy for its own good, because the downtime dialogue isn't nearly sharp or witty enough to entertain, and across the hours required to read through it I think I laughed about eight times total.

    The game does an admirable job in establishing the setting, but then runs out the clock just as things get interesting. There are precious few actually adult scenes in this thing, and while the art is appealing, it is spread across too many characters, so that each has only one or two scenes, and if you liked one of them in particular then it sucks to be you.

    Also, it ends on a horrid cliffhanger. I'm sure Akabur will create something to continue from it, but a cliffhanger is a sour note to leave off on.

    So how to fix this in three easy steps?
    1. Cut the filler. This thing should have perhaps half the words it does.
    I understand that it was developed episodically, and that each episode had to be of sufficient length to please the fans and keep the crowd funding money going. And I understand that making more art is difficult and lengthy and expensive, much moreso than adding words. But it is purely to the game's detriment that it meanders on like this.
    2. Add more episodes. The plot needs a resolution, and the characters need more scenes. More episodes would solve both.
    3. Cut out the silly management game. You have an unlimited number of days, and your net income is far greater than your expenses, so all it is is asking you to go through a few menus in its bloated interface and skip through the same dialogue that you've already seen several dozens of times in order to acquire the currency needed to view the next scene. It is entirely unnecessary and only further bloats what is already an extremely bloated game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually hate VN games, but this one is just a blast! The writing is really good and funny (take notes Adam Sandler) and the grind is not so bad as I can easily fast forward stuff, unlike those RPG games where a single battle feels like hours when grinding.
    The art is top notch and the saves are cross platform compatible. While his previous works were not bad, it took me 30 mins before I googled "Full save" because it got boring. Not this one, plunked about 3 hours in and the writing still feels fresh. An easy 5/5.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Perhaps even grindier than the previous ones, and with a possibly worse interface (especially in the first episodes) to match, it also barely offers anything in return, being one of the most underpopulated VN (and H rpg) games i've ever played (not that i played many but the ones that i did mostly have much less grind for the same amount, or much more content), especially if you consider the few images it has are split between multiple girls.

    If i enjoyed princess trainer (despite not liking Jasmin) and can give it 4/5, and witch trainer was tolerable at a 3~/5, this barely pulls off a 1/5, and that's despite playing with cheats for infinite everything, skipping nearly all misc dialogue (with autoclicker as well because half of it can't be skipped without it), can't imagine how horrible it'd be if i'd have to grind it as well.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Star Channel 34 [Ep. 12] [Akabur]
    The game is definitely nice, the artwork is always great.
    The idea of joining all the girls from the previous games + a few new girls is fantastic, but just like that.
    Some of the girls are neglected, the episodes badly divided, while the gameplay is ok.
    Without doubt the worst of Akabur's famous games.
    Ashelin is the best of the girls, I download every update just for her.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    remember playing this back when it was ep 4 some years ago
    am really happy to see Akabur is still on the grind, he was the reason why i got into porno games.
    i have not played more then EP4 and i recommend playing that, can speak for the other EPs but am sure they are fun too!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all, I knew beforehand this is an Akabur game. The game from THE Akabur, the author of such masterpieces like Princess trainer or Witch trainer, the literal pioneer of the genre. To say I had high hopes is simply an understatement. And now what I got:

    The plot:
    No matter what game it is, there should always be a consistant plot or it should be pointed out there is none. This game on the other hand insists on beingplot-driven a lot from the first chapters, then the plot dies off, replaced with something completely unrelated, and towards the last chapters it seems like Akabur remembered there was once a plot and tries to make up for this, but it is already too late. All the time playing I had no idea what I was doing, and due to enormous time windows between chapters I totally forgot what that even was about. I have never felt such uselessness before, and I was upset that of all games this had to be Akabur game.

    The gameplay:
    The gameplay is also inconsistent. The first chapters were literally awful. I had to grind so much doing stupid Jasmine quests for all stars over and over and over again that I really well hoped that there was going to be some nice reward for doing so. I mean, this is exactly the core gameplay of Princess Trainer - you grind the same events for different outcomes. Here there was barely any difference for some reason. Jasmine did not change, nothing in fact did.
    The following chapters removed these awful "levels" or "stars" of events called shows here, so every replayable "show" could only be done once, and thank god this was a step in the right direction.
    But the stuff became simpler and simpler. In first chapters the grind became lighter, then it eventually got removed at all. I remember grinding 2k money and 50 stars just before the release of the next chapter to play it smoothly. Now it is not necessary anymore.
    Then the quests got removed. Yes, the actual quests, where the player had to do several actions in order. Like, on small ship there is not much you can do wrongly, why remove them? Well, they are gone. Stick with events now.
    Next, the game mechanics started being dropped. Remember there was a shop? Remember you had to buy chocolate in it for quests? Well, not anymore. Remember there was an outfit shop? Where you had to buy smth in? Well, not anymore. Remember there were shows, the concept of earning money? Not anymore, nah.
    What we got in the end? A thin line of poorly connected events of absolutely random theme (something to do with the girls) which you can launch without any real problems one after another.

    The text:
    We all know and love Akabur's games for very nice sense of humour, for simple but interesting dialogues which lead to inevitable scene.
    Did we get this here? Not really. The humour was present in the beginning but towards the end it is completely gone. The dialoges became more and more and more, and their meaning is less every time. Hell, they don't even lead to anything most of the times.

    The art:
    What I really enjoy about Akabur's games is his incredible ability to draw facial animations. There is something in them which works for me more than any tiny bit of exposed body, or even the entire drawn sex scene without faces. This is the magic of Akabur's art for me. And, well, even here I am disappointed. The amount of times I have really seen this in this game is critically low. In fact, not even half of a few of "full-size" drawings have any attention to facial expressions, most of them are being more and more generic. On top of that the game started in some crazy aspect ratio and ended as being 16x9 BUT 720p, non-expandable. In what year was that okay? Surely not in 2021. The art quality suffered a massive downgrade from the Princess Trainer, and all that remained was just one sole chapter which kinda mimiced it. It did not carry everything else.

    The summary:
    The game which was destined to become so much more ended like this, as a weird abomination of every idea merged together, underdeveloped, underdelivered, poor quality and no meaning. When the developer doesn't know what he is doing, nothing good can be made out of this.
    I have initially rated the game as 4, but the more I got into the review, the less my final mark was, now that I thought of all the flaws the game has.
    I am very sorry to say this, but I think I would love Akabur more if this game was never made. And definitely more if we got literally anything instead.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 he did it again. you are in another trainer game but this time placed in the future! You are playing as the Genie yet again but this time you have been placed randomly onto a ship filled with sluts who are in cryostasis pods and somehow you are humanities last hope. Lots of great scenes and humor!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Funny game (which borrows from Star Trek and on many other sources) with well done hand drawn graphics so if you are looking for game which has weird crazy humor and your childhood/teenage years favorite female characters who are baring basically all or/and are familiar with dev's other games then this is game for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Congressman Weiner

    I play Akabur games for the humor and the art. The sex is nice, but I should say up front that when I want sex, I watch real porn with actual people. So keep that in mind when I give my comments.

    This game has a lot more content than the last Akabur game (Witch Trainer) but it rambles all over the place. It's like he had so many ideas and tried to get them all into the story and then got bored and added some new stuff and got bored with that and went into something else.

    It's still entertainment and humorous and fun and sexy -- with lots of laughs -- but ultimately unsatisfying in the sense that there doesn't seem to be a story underneath there.

    For instance, the game starts with telling us that his quest is to bring porn back to the galaxy where it has been forbidden and only he can save everyone blah blah blah and then it ends with the attack from an alien race and the whole sex subplot is just dropped as if it never existed.

    But I love the art and the characters' personalities and so on. You just have to view this as a series of stories that are tied together very loosely, take it all with a grain of salt, and still have a great time.

    I mean, come on, even Akabur at his worst is better than 99% of the other games out here. They all strive to meet his standards.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Still the best 2D art of all the roge in my opinion. Weird obsession with imagined SJWs comes up sometimes, but not too much. Could have done without the Princess again, but the other characters hold up.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Akabur + Hermoine is a sacred combo that must never end, this game as all of his other games it has amazing art, great humour and sexy content. Can't wait for more updates. Keep it coming! Good variation of scenes and plenty of costumes, and who doesn't like that?
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The beginning is a bit slow wheb it comes to content but it gets better as you progress the game. The art is amazing and ghe "story" is actually funny sometimes. If you play the newest version you can just start the newest chapter and watch all previous scenes in the gallery
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a tough one, on one hand there's a whole lot of content here, on the other the progression structure of the game is constantly changing and a bit of a mess.

    1. Great artwork,
    2. Lots of humour,
    3. In-depth storylines for each girl.
    4. Lots of options to change the style and looks of the girls.
    5. Nice music and good sound effects.


    1. The game start as a generic tv station making episodic parody shows but as you progress further into the game unlocking more girls these shows just get forgotten about, they are replaced with random events that take place elsewhere.

    2. New features, quest markers and other stuff are added in as the game progresses but no effort is made to go back and patch up the previous episodes in order to create consistency, thus the UI can be confusing especially towards the latest episode where the UI change is more drastic with entirely new buttons.

    3. This point is kind of covered in the last two points but I wanted to emphasise it here, as the game progresses it feels like the aim of the game, the play-style if you will keeps changing. It give the impression that creator doesn't really know what they want/ have any kind of plan. It's as though they are just making content as they go which is fine if that's what they want to do but it creates a very uncomfortable experience for the end users.

    Little disappointed as I found Akaburs previous titles to be quite consistent from start to finish and often polished to create a nice experience for the user.

    I'm rating 3 for now but will re-visit closer to games conclusion.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Game starts reaaaaal slow but eventually gets back to what's expected of AKABUR (Hallowed be thy name)

    You Like Akabur's games? you'll like this one.
    If you don't want to read, or laugh and are only here for faps, get away now!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful and sophisticated family friendly content as only Akabur can deliver. I recently finished episode 11 and would be happy to see 11 more in this series. If you have played his other games you'll love it and if you haven't played any of his games you are missing out on loads of fun.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    ok, first things firts, the art is exceptional and consisten from begining to end, the game works just fine and whenever there is a bug it's usually fixed with not much trouble, that aside this game is pure comedic Gold, filled with references to pop culture and previous akabur games which if you played will make this game far more entertaining and it will be a much better and personal experience, having said that, this isn't a porn game, it's more of a comedy novel adventure with an adult/erotic theme and lots of dark humour, it's quite grindy unless you use cheats just to make the history advance much faster and smother, the UI is fairly intuitive although it takes a little while to get used to it.
    other than that the game is extremely amuzing if you like akabur's sense of humour, which by the way he has 0 problems incerting himself in his games(this one in particular)and have some fun with his fans, definetly recomend people with lots of free time to play this game, but don't expect a ton of fapping material unless a few (still but well drawn) images are good enough for you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down, one of the best games here.
    The humor is great!
    The art is excellent! Really!
    The story is interesting.
    The game mechanics are good and gettig better with every update.

    If you compare it to most 5 star ratings here, then I would say it need 6 stars. If you have not played it yet. Do it! Its good.

    Definately one of the must have games here.

    Thank you Akabur!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Satir Girls

    About creator:
    is the nicest person ever, in person(mailed Him lot's of times, asking some game-dev. stuff). He is so polite, genius and gentle so every girl would melt). I am His fan #1 for sure)

    As a Developer I must admit, that His games have the BIGGEST influence on my games of all.

    About the game:
    -Masterfully written plot(it is a real interactive story with living characters, and not an H-scenes collection gathered on renPy language with triggers and some words, as most of nowadays adult games is).
    -Grind is very balanced;
    -Artwork is just a classic(strongest part of the game after a plot) ;
    -RenPy coding level is fantastic, master-full usage of Screen language, ultra optimised Python variables system, super fast generators work;
    -Design is just mind-blowing(every element on the screen was drawn separately, named, put in corresponding game's folder system, coded on screen language and triggered by renPy triggers) ;
    -Atmosphere is horrendous! You feel it. You believe it. You live it;
    -Music was picked with such high precision so You will never have a feel that You want to turn it off;
    -Sound effects is very believable and juicy.
    -Work on project is gust mind blowing, Akabur, works on His project full time - He is already up 6 in the morning, and writing dialogs, picking face reaction emotion for each line(You can't even imagine how hard it is to do a 20 lines of dialogue, wich most of You will just click-through).
    -Patreon fan-base is very friendly and nice.

    Enjoy the game, everybody!
    Cheers, Satir Girls.