An overall good game, it has some issues, but I enjoyed my time with it.
The graphics may be the biggest draw to get you to play the game, the characters are attractive, the backgrounds are good, there is a cohesive style, any problems are in the details. The most obvious one is that the AI art has problems with consistency, especially in the outfits, but there are also times where the faces can look different, such as suddenly having more pronounced cheekbones.
The problems with the clothes is most obvious in the maid outfit, where the clothes Anna wears in her portrait is way different from when you actually take the pictures, the AI art simply can't get stuff like that consistent enough. I will say though that my first thought was not that it was an issue with the AI, but more that Anna chose to wear less clothes for the pictures, so it's not immersion breaking, but it is still disappointing cause I liked the outfit in the portrait better.
Other issues with the art is with the animations of the mouths when talking, where they just look strange. This isn't too surprising, if there was some artist on the team with a better eye for that stuff then some of the inconsistencies in the AI art could also have been smoothed over.
And the last thing I will mention here is that some of the character's expressions, those that are clearly from the AI art and not the ones specifically changed, can be weird at times. It can feel like it says something about the characters, but in the same scene the face looks off model, so I'm not sure if I'm meant to understand it as intentional or just a limitation of the AI.
All in all, the art is good, despite my complaints.
The gameplay is fine, gather money, buy upgrades to get more money, and then spend the money you've earned for more scenes during the weekend. I will say that the grind at the start is not as big a deal as some other reviews lead me to believe, but that is mostly because I think that the game is better when you put in minimal effort at the start of the game. There is almost no reason to go to work, you can get more money at the start but it takes a while and depending on luck in can be so easy that you just sit there for minutes at a time not doing anything, or you just don't earn money.
It does not help that money feels fairly meaningless at the start, you want enough for a couple upgrades, enough to get the studio, and then you can just use that. This also advances the story, and feels better than going to work each day.
The larger problem I have with the money in the game is that it is just kind of odd. If you do work each day, spending like five minutes or whatever, then the progression feels painfully slow. Each day is so long that the period of time you have only a couple thousand, saving up money for larger upgrades, just feels bad. Skipping that and just focusing on taking pictures at every opportunity, letting the days be quick, will quickly provide enough money that you end up with no use for it.
The period between first saving up around 150k to the 1 million needed to pay off the debt has very little to spend the money on, and by the time you have paid it off you are likely not even done with the game. I had 20 mil by the time I stopped playing my first save, and at that point all I did was wait for the weekend to actually get a chance to do something.
Which moves us to the next issue, that unless you play very effectively it really does just feel like waiting between events. If there is one character you're interested in then you're stuck just waiting each week, if you want to explore the scenes on the weekends and want to get the stars then you might have to go several times, which is more time wasted away. My character must have come off as depressed at the end, staying in his room and sleeping for weeks at a time. This is not a huge issue overall, I just wish there was more stuff to do each day, or that character schedules weren't stuck to only one chance at advancement each week.
The issue of time feeling wasted is amplified by traversing the map feeling slow and unresponsive. If all you're doing is going to one location on the map and back home in a single day then you have to press like ten buttons, each of which has a 2 second transition.
I do like the general flow of the game, though. I like the loop of making money, advancing character routes, and the reward for these routes are mostly all good. Which leads us to:
Sex Scenes
I will start off by saying that I'm not someone who needs animations in the games I play, I think it's totally fine to use stills to convey what is happening. I AM more particular about the pacing though, and these fall somewhere on the "too fast" end of the spectrum. It feels like everything is one or two dialogue boxes between 3 or 4 images. The scenes are good, but it kind of just feels like I'm skipping forward in a porn video, getting a few seconds of each part then jumping to the next.
For myself in particular, I'm not a huge fan of the dialogue in the sex scenes, but that may just be because I'm weird and think all dirty talk just straight up sucks. The images in the sex scenes are good, there are a handful of scenes I really like, overall good but not perfect.
This is the part that surprised me the most, I was not really into the idea of the concept of the game, but upon playing it I found it to be very good actually. Like, it's not amazing or anything, there are not many characters in any media I like and this is not an exception, but the quality of what is here is high.
The characters feel real, not stereotypes meant to seve a power fantasy. They have their own personalities, they act in interesting ways, not everyone is madly in love with you and some even directly do not want anything serious. Anna surprised me the most because she can be just rude to other characters sometimes, which I found pretty funny.
There were some routes that didn't do much for me, but I think that's because they haven't been implemented fully yet, and I won't hold that against the game.
Despite my issues with the game I did enjoy my time with it, 4 stars. Do I think the game would be worth 5 stars if all the issues I had with it were fixed? No, probably not, this game is such a strong 4 stars that I have a hard time even imagining what it would need to be 5 stars.
Oh crap, almost forgot, the music was pretty good too. It was just kind of chillhop which has a pretty low ceiling of how good it can be, but it did give the game a pretty nice atmosphere.