Starting off : but have some questions

Oct 19, 2017
Hello guys,

I'm looking to make a game like "violated heroine" with only pixel art, but have a problem picking a game engine.
Godot - looks good but looks like you need to make everything from zero, including a way to show video.
RPG maker MV\MZ- Cost money and i don't see how can i make it more of action RPG that feel like "violated heroine" or how to play a video (can i do it with plugins?)
Unity - I don't know really... is it good for a game like this and how hard is it to use?
Any ideas?

Thank you for your time :^)


Active Member
Aug 25, 2017
i dont understand the problem with the video stuff, i think you can do it with the 3 engines.

unity probide a lot of stuff and tools if you dont want program everything, but if you start make money with the proyect, then you need pay the licence.

godot is totally free, and seems to have a nice community for ask dev questions. program all is not bad, but can have a very slow start.


Game Developer
Apr 5, 2021
A lot of people recommended Wolf engine to me. It's similar to RPG maker but with much more customizing.
I'd take it up myself, but I am stupid.
If you are even considering Godot, do check out Wolf first.
I've seen people do beat'em up games on it, even though it's an RPG engine.


Aug 22, 2021
Unity and Godot are similar engines. Unity has more features since it's made by a for-profit company with employees while Godot is leaner performancewise and doesn't have obnoxious spyware "telemetry" recording your every move.

Though Godot takes some learning it has capable GUI classes that can easily create an RPG menu/dialogue system and it also handles Zelda-style pixel art games very well.


May 22, 2018
I wouldn't recommend learning an engine like Unity or Godot unless you are prepared to go all in and learn programming. While I'm biased, Unity is probably easier to learn overall since it has a massive userbase and endless tutorials on youtube. It's also free if you are worried about that.

Otherwise RPGM is probably your best bet. If you are worried about cost, I would just pirate it and try it out for a while.


Nov 14, 2018
Violated heroine is made in RPG maker. As you know it's not for action games, but it can be done, apparently (princess and conquest is another example of an action game). If you have no gamedev/programming experience it'd definitely be worth to check it out.
Unity would be a good choice if you do want to make the game in a proper action game engine. But you'll need to put in a lot of work learning not only the editor, but also the c# programming language.
Godot is what I use and I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner. It lacks the userbase, support ecosystem and in-depth documentation/tutorials that Unity has in droves. A beginner can easily run into a problem that they think is impossible for them to solve, no matter the engine - and that's when this stuff decides whether you'll be finishing your game or not.
If you do decide to go with unity (or godot) I'd advise you to make a small game or two (of your own, without directly following a tutorial) before starting a more ambitious project. Making a big game will be a pain if you don't have experience with using the engine and solving problems, and you're much more likely to hit a big roadblock. After learning the basics of your engine of choice you could look up a short game jam to join ( ) and improve your skills that way.


Feb 27, 2019
Use Godot if you want a speedy development. Other than it's subpar interface design nodes, everything else in Godot is awesome.
Use unity if you want to develop this game as a step to becoming a full-fledged game developer. At the cost of a steeper learning curve, you'll learn an engine that's capable of so much more.
I've heard RPG maker uses a subscription model for payment now. That's simply stupid. Especially for an engine that's less capable than many free engines out there.