Great game. While most games feature a horny, desperate to hump anything MC, SWAK(This game)'s MC is much different. They don't have devious thoughts, don't have any paranormal or supernatural influences etc. They just, feel attracted to their aunt.
The build up is great. Again, while most games have you boning your female characters within 10 minutes of gameplay, SWAK doesn't allow this. Instead, you build up to the climax of having actual sex by going through the different stages of progression, almost intertwining yourself with the desires of MC and aunt Kate, letting you really understand how they actually feel as they go further and further.
Kate is also a great character. Designed well, great body that's busty and curvaceous but not ridiculous and over-done. Dialogue is also perfection in this game, it's a bit harder to describe but it's very engaging.
Click simulator. You just click absolutely everything. Nothing else really. Also quite infuriating that you can't even go to sleep at night. Instead, you HAVE to perform some action, and then AGAIN at midnight before advancing to the next day. The only alternative is to skip day when you wake up but that isn't practical.
Lack of angles/animation. I get this isn't a huge game , but animations, or at least 2 looping frames would be nice rather than switching from 'swallowing the tip' to 'deepthroating' and just staying there. Ability to switch camera angles would be nice to see since this is already a click simulator.
All in all, one of the best games I have ever played. Easily #2 for me despite its flaws. Highly recommend