RPGM - Completed - Stellinavra [v1.0.2] [Oko]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the most well made porn games I have ever played, gorgeous art, fantastic music, really solid sex scenes, the works. The only thing holding it down is its slightly repetitive turn based combat, but honestly, it looks and sounds so good I didn't really mind.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A tactical RPG with interesting characters, a surprising amount of choices for its length and plenty of scenes. Some of the retro style decisions fall on the side of form over function, but infuse the title with a lot of personality.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    That was beautiful. A very unique game with great art, great music, and a great atmosphere. It is relatively short, but you can make some decisions throughout the game, allowing you to easily do a few runs with different approaches and endings.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish I could've played this longer. Such a fun game with great animations art and the unique art style. The characters are great too. I gotta watch for other stuff this guy makes cuz this game is hard to top
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 178001

    My favorite ero-game by far, and the only one I'd feel comfortable mentioning to someone who doesn't play them if I'm ever forced to give a recommendation at gunpoint. If I had to be a bit critical, the combat can drag on and I can imagine someone not immersed in the story would get very bored of it eventually, but if the parts do end up connecting and it appeals to you it's a wonderful experience. The soundtrack really serves it.
    Likes: mc247
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    First game I played from Oko, and so far the only one. I wanted to love Stellinavra. The Flashback-style cover, the Amiga-like first screen, the pixels… “Good ol' times” were good indeed.
    There's pure love thrown at this game by its developer, that's obvious.

    For all the above reasons, giving this game only 3 stars is breaking my heart. But this note is deserved, really.

    The graphics and soundtrack are very nice, there's no denying it.
    The dialogs are well written; I am not sure that I even spotted a typo. They are quite humorous at times, and may very well put a smile on your face. For me, it was hard not to think “Operation Stealth”, aka “James Bond 007: The Stealth Affair”: I loved the game and well, it had pixels too. ^^'
    Even the scenario (because yes, there is one) is interesting. It's not a big nor a complex one, but still, you will have some choices to make, that will have real consequences, and only your conscience will tell you how good you did.
    The h-scenes are very well animated (as @FelixTheBigBoi mentioned, they most likely were rotoscoped from real footage). On a real Amiga, I would have been like “FUCK, THAT IS AWESOMELY MINDBLOWING”. In 2022, I was more like “Meh”. Spamming arrow keys to “advance” the scene? Another “Meh”. Also, those scenes are so very scarce, and short.

    But the real problem here, to my mind, is the gameplay. Although the commands are quite efficient, the issue here is that you will spend most of your time, by far, in turn-based, no-challenge combats (I played in the most difficult mode, FWIW). If I wanted turn-based combats, I would have launched The Battle for Wesnoth (you're welcome). You want to go back to a room you already cleaned? You'll have to fight foes again. And god, the last battle is SOOOO fucking long; you spend most of your time watching tens of foes moving (some fog of war would have been nice here, that's for sure).
    You will also spend some real time reading the journal entries of several people. Not reading them is missing a part of the scenario, but reading them might be confusing because there are so many people writing their journal.

    Oh, and the game crashes very often. Like, very, very often. And in a completely unexpected manner. It was a very long time I had not run a software that unstable. You spent 5 minutes cleaning a room? Save before anything else, as the game might crash on the next interaction you're having with anything (person, object, door, object) or even on your next move.

    TL;DR: Neat art & sound, ok scenario, meh gameplay, very slow pace, not enough & not interesting enough sex scenes. Try it if you like pixels, and check the first sex scene: if you're having a great time, move on (warning: it might be a long time until the next h-scene). If not, it might be time for you to try another game. If you are into pixels, I suggest Aurelia.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the porn, left with an outrageous well made game. Ludicrous that I search the Monster Girl tag one night and suddenly this beauty appears before me.

    Not only were all of the lewd scenes well done, (I'm pretty sure they used real footage and rotoscoped over it, shit looks great regardless) but I ended up with a game that I genuinely enjoyed with story and characterization alone. That's kind of impossible for me these days. Oko manages to do it with grace and perfection however.

    I was actually kind of surprised about how the various routing of the story can go and it turns out a lot of different choices do have an effect. One of the things I did have a minor gripe with was combat. Don't get me wrong in that I had a lot of fun, but after a while it did feel...kind of stale. Don't make the game bad and it doesn't mean the combat was bad, just that I felt like I had no challenge after a bit.

    Regardless, I may be late by about 2 years and a couple of months, but I'm glad either way. This game fucks, hardcore. Whether or not Oko checks this forum frequently, know that he has an avid supporter that'll be buying up all their god damn stock because I'm too excited for more projects.

    Keep them coming, space cowboy.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Lazarus Long

    Fantastic little indie game. The original soundtrack and the pixel art are both excellent, the writing finds humour navigating space opera clichés and the gameplay is fun (although occasionally clunky and a bit repetitive).
    The aesthetic is pure 80's nostalgia, almost vaporwave. I don't think is fair calling Stellinavra a porn game; it feels more like an old adventure game with some sex scenes. It definitely has some artistic intent, which is not something you can say about most games in this site. Unfortunately that's not very likely to make you good money in the adult game market, but it should become, at least, some sort of cult classic.
    Stellinavra is an adult game that would not be embarrassing to recommend to a friend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG, it's so typical of modern people to underappreciate such a MASTERPIECE. Seldom did I enjoy a game from sec. 1 so much. There's a million 3D copy-paste porn games out there and then there comes something so original and cool along the way and gets so little recognition. Tour de force, simplement!!! 10 out of 5
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a great concept, and I love the artstyle, but there were a few problems that I encountered. One and foremost, the engine is old, making the game run weirdly and crash sometimes. And once it crashed my computer completely (Idk why, and remind you. If you know me from other reviews, I am the kind of gamer who can play battlefield on all my five screens at once without lag because I use 99% of my budget on parts to my pc)

    Anyway, after it crashed it completely broke one of the screen, which was easy to fix. I simply had to factory reset the screen and make the pc forget that it ever existed. BUT still, it was weird and has never happened before.

    Lastly the biggest reason why it gets a 3 out of 5 stars, is because the effort for the rewards. Some deicisons simply don't feel like it makes a lot, and you don't even get a lot of decisions. And lastly it was irritating to run between rooms to do "sidequests" when enemies kept popping up in already conquered rooms.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game definitely feels like nostalgia blast, even the janky porn scenes of MS-DOS era .
    The best part about this is music and humor . There are also some stylized things that adds to the atmosphere of a quick romp through the 80s sci-fi action, like floppy disk sounds, pixel graphics and aesthetics, and rock band randomly playing on the stage during boss fight :D

    Battles are fun, but repetitive half-way in, UI is serviceable. Missing some QoL , like ability to save during fights, fast travel, or ability to have more than one weapon at a time( that's probably by design, force you to adapt in some situations), or not lose it if you switch it with one from environment.

    Overall, definitely recommend as far as games go , but sex scenes are more of an sidenote - most shots are hot, but 1 per scene, that are not that common in the first place. You also usually have to solve some additional difficulty to get them(which is cool), but definitely adds to the "rareness" factor.
    Also, more sprite sex animation! (Loved the gloryhole goblinnete getting progressively smeared with cum and finally kicking you out)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    I loved this game. However, I have to say that I am old enough to have played Commodore Amiga games in my formative years; so I really appreciated the style oft his game. I am not sure whether somebody who never saw a floppy disk in their life would appreciate the disk loading sounds, the low-res graphics, etc etc

    In any case, the atmosphere and general style and music are fantastic. Everything else is somewhat subservient to the style: The writing is good; the story is OK: not terribly original but that is no problem as it fits the atmosphere; the graphics is ... antique? again, it fits the style. Lewd contents is very sparse and again quite antiquated. The game mechanics is fine, I found it cumbersome that you cannot save at a decision point or during combat (but that might be a RPGM restriction, no idea).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Stylistically perfect.

    Really nothing else I could say about the audio/visual design would do it justice.

    The story is more 'homage' than anything too lofty, and you can tell the developer really took this into account. The tone just fits amazingly well. It stays moderately dramatic and dark, but at the same time never takes itself too seriously.

    For sure I could nitpick some of the base design decisions (saves/gallery/etc), but the bulk of the game is such an enjoyable experience that it almost feels unfair to do so.

    It's amazing to me that it doesn't seem to be very popular. I guess if you're going into it purely for the ero content it's far from the best available, but as a game? Top tier.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as gameplay goes this is definitely one of the best RPGMs I've ever seen. You couldve lied about the engine and I wouldve been none the wiser. If your looking for an enjoyable game this is definitely worth the time, as its a rather short game all-in-all.

    The scenes are great but this is where the only problem I have with the game lays. Each scene is only one animation, often with a sped up version as well and of course a cum shot still. The scene are rather few, maybe 12 in total with you only being able to see a max of 9 I think it was per run. And there is no gallery for the scenes after you finish the game.

    This game is a GREAT game. But if your playing it for the adult aspect you'll probably feel a bit disappointed.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved Oko's last game about cyberpunk office workers. That game had amazing writing, a lot of soul, and made you think about deep stuff. I know, thinking about life in a porn game? Get out.

    Needless to say, I was hyped and excited to play Stellinavra. My review however is that this game is OK and fine. Hence 4/5.

    There's nothing wrong with this game outside of some missing quality of life features (only 10 save slots, zero settings to customize, repetitive combat, hidden gallery) but we're not talking about a 40 hour RPG here so just put up with it and tolerate it for 3 hours.

    The porn is actually better in Stellinavra and the writing is still good. However, the theme this time around is epic 80s space rock where you are space He-Man / Han Solo / Malcom Reynolds / awesome impossible-to-kill guy that everyone wants to sleep with for some reason. For that purpose the writing matches this theme and is well done for what it is, with some stand out funny moments with the robots and blobs.

    But... this theme is also overdone and crazy common in traditional AAA power fantasy games. If I wanted this fantasy I could go play as a Jedi or hacker or war hero or whatever in a traditional non-porn game.

    There's no actual detail level faults here, it's very polished, the porn is nice, the gameplay is nice, the writing is nice. Just a high level theme failure. I'm never going to contemplate anything if I'm just swatting away 20+ green goblins like flies. The most ironic part is that the game's best scene was the dream sequence that wasn't space macho man themed.

    Anyways, this is the "superhero flick" of porn games. Highly polished. Never going to move the needle, make you think, or do anything interesting for the genre.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The latest and perhaps last in a series of phenomenal games by my boi Oko. It's got character, it's got soul, and some great music too. Hot scenes, pixel perfection, thought-provoking. Also, a princess gives a skeleton a blowjob.

    5/5 - May the wave of success carry you to the shore.

    EDIT: March 2023 - this is the same edit as the one found in my Lateshifter review. The author has moved on from the world of porn games. The man came, dropped hot fire for a bit, then left as mysteriously as he appeared. This absolute gigachad deserves the best, and I recommend every person on this website and beyond play his games and enjoy them as I first did (and still do). Truly the man, the myth, the legend. Godspeed, friend o7
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This has got to be the best H game I've ever played. I never thought I would see a proper mix of gameplay and sexy time scenes in a game. Never thought I would pay for a H game in my life but I gladly threw some money to this dev, especially if he make more titles like this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    draws and animation: AMAIZINGLY DONE.

    story: really good.

    music: AMAZINGLY DONE and with lots of variety.

    gameplay: really well done and fun to play.

    characters: well done.

    scenes (all of them): really well done.

    conclussion: this is probably one of the best games you can find in this page.
    here is the thing, i dont grow up with this kind of games, so i cannot
    feel any nostalgia, but all the effor and passion in this work, take me back
    to a alternative era where i was child playing this kind of games.
    is that good.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: you can expect some minors bugs and slow moments but nothing too anoying.

    psdt 2: i highly recomend to you to play this game in full screen
    (pressing F4 DO NOT PRESS F5 thats restart the game) and if you can, play it with a jostick.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game, a polished experience. This game could stand on its own without the porn. The pacing is slow which is frustrating if you just want a quick wank but that's not why you should be playing this anyways. This is a story, a journey you're being taken on. Relax and enjoy it.
    The only problem with this game is that it's very slow going if you're playing it again after beating it.
  20. I
    5.00 star(s)


    This is an odd game to find within the porn genre because in a lot of it's design and story it feel well... like a game that also happens to have porn every now and then if that makes any sense. It's an absolute recommendation but only if you're really looking for a good game, it's got fast paced combat, fun characters and of course, really stunning graphics. Basically if you want a good game go play it, if you want a good pure porn game. Maybe masturbate to something else before visiting this.