Ren'Py - Straitened Times [v0.54.1] [HRelease]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    The Lewd Gamer

    Good is the right adjective for this game imo. I give it four start but more on the low side, so like 3 and a half stars is the actual rating.

    I played it for a lot of its updates and at first it is great. Like a VN but with exploration and free roam, which is also well made (with some improvements but ok for the most part). UI is bad. Too much information and difficult to navigate. And you do get used to it, but it is so counterintuitive that I had to learn how it worked every time I played a new update.

    Now for the renders, they are good. The mom is the only one that I don't like (maybe it's her eyes, idk).

    Writing is ok, character is the silent type (which I like) and player is the one that "talks" by selecting speaking options. Dirty talk is one of the best things this game has, for those incest lovers out there, this game is worth a try just for that.

    Characters are ok, they don't really have much of a personality tbh. I mean they do, but most of their actions/responses are based on a point system that determines if they get angry or not at what you say/propose to them.
    Speaking about gameplay, the game does feel a bit grindy some times, but it does reward you with great animated scenes.

    There's probably more positive/negative aspects to the game that I am missing, but overall I'd say it is a good game to play if you like incest (which is the main theme), and only once and wait for the final release, or straight up wait for the final release since it can get repetitive if you follow it up like me. This was the last time I did it and decided to wait for final release to replay it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the best renpy sandbox game I have ever played. If you haven't played it... Imagine "Big Brother" if you played that game, but actually good. Now imagine it with better renders, writing, and code, and no Eric. It's a son, and mom incest game with 2 sisters. You can choose to rotate who sleeps in what bed. The girls share a bed. A very promising game, and there is also a lot of world out there to explore. There is a lot of other love interests too. How this is 3 stars and change boggles my mind. It should be 5 stars or close to.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an ok game if you like these types of quests/tasks style games.

    The major problem is the ui that is just not good (Im being kind)IMO. There's just WAY too much going on on screen that distracts you from the actual game. Even the phone screens are so busy and annoying it's just too much and makes you feel overwhelmed. Most of the time I was just confused so I just gave up on it.

    Sadly what it needs is an overhaul to get rid of 90% of screens and useless junk.

    Otherwise, the concept was hitting my interests really hard... but it jut wasnt enough to keep me interested. I wanted to be fair and gave a rating that reflects the amount of time I spent playing. I don;t know if I'd have spent more time trying to get past my annoyance if the score might of been higher or lower.... and that's all I had to say about that.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, it reminds me of the first games I played like Big brother and Man of the House, having to search for objectives to unlock the good scenes in order to progress, I love these types of elaborate stories to search for hot scenes. I like this type of games, I congratulate the creator of this game and I will wait for the next updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So the grind isn't for everyone but if you are a fan of the genre and liked big brother, you'll love this. Lots of content and good looking characters, decent story and animations. Think of this as big brother on steroids, lots of them.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    If you like random, then this game is very suitable for you, because it has a lot of random scenes and random tasks
    As you can tell, I don't like any randomness very much
    Is that why I gave this game only one point
    I have no way to follow other people's walkthrough to play the game, because the game is full of randomness
    It's a super nightmare for people like us who don't like randomness
    It's the last straw
    This game has good modeling,But I can't play or watch in a normal way
    I very much hope that the author can remove all these random tasks and some random scenes
    This is just too bad
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Not worth it.

    I've tried to play this game two times but it's too grindy and takes too much time to progress even with cheats.

    I'm wondering how the phone UI got past prototype phase.
    It looks like a version you make to test if the functionality works.

    Who thought that making all the dialog boxes change colors everytime you click one would be a good idea?

    It's confusing and seems cheap.

    Besides renders it reminds me of the 4-5 year old sandbox games. (not the top ones)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    little grindy, but it's a lot of fun :cool:
    its complexity is qualitatively higher than all similar games, even with cheat mod the playing time is 50+ hours.
    I congratulate the developers, they managed to make a great quality game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for a while now and frankly I think it's pretty good but I'm starting to get bored of it because I'm following the little indication to unlock the new content and there's nothing going on. The only new thing I've seen is that I can finally fuck the redhead during the foursome. all my progress are too depraved or drained. There are even characters where I have nothing at all. Just for example, I saw Ren 1 time during the night and since then I have never seen her again. Maybe the walkthrough needs to be improved.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    I really really wanted to like this game, and have downloaded at several versions after seeing the beautiful renders on this site, but then I started playing it and quickly remembered why I never get very far in to it... it's a long painful grind with underwhelming sex scenes. It takes HOURS to get to grind your way to even the first sex scene, and when you do it blows your mind how small the reward is.

    It's like having a 1000 piece puzzle that when you're complete you realize it's just a picture of a pretty girl showing a little nip. If puzzles are your thing you might enjoy it, but if you're focus is on anything sex related there are better games with far less grind all over this site.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    without a working walkthrough and due to grind I am 6 hours in and no sex with ANY of the ones I want. The renders (pre sex are great) decent story so far, cute family I want to Enjoy, and grindy grindy grindy. Part of the problem with games like this that think they are that dang special you should sink so so so many hours in their game is it loses some of its spice. It is not grind for story, not grind for exposition, and repeating a scene like watching a porn with someone twenty times loses everything... seriously not sure if the dev themselves could stand it if they had to start from scratch and they don't need a walkthrough. Could have been great, currently in my opinion unplayable.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game does a great job with depth. There are lots of scenes with every character that has been introduced and many ways to interact with other characters as well. Many of the scenes are very good and i wish there were more of them. Unfortunately this game is very hard, especially if you are not using cheats. This game would take forever to do anything with the amount of daily things you have to do in order to keep a good relationship with characters. Stuff like going to school, working a job, having dinner. If you are to miss any of these your relationship would decrease with characters associated with these events. It also is hard to tell how to progress in a relationship, character times are not clear sometimes, quests that take up space in the ui that are not achievable yet, because they not completed yet. There is lots of repetition because there isn't really a right or wrong answer sometimes. Anyways this is a good game, if you are using cheats and unfortunately that is the best way to play.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I rarely write reviews but dev if you are watching this then please reconsider this feedback.
    Game is really good. I liked the story, concept and the models especially the milfs. A bit grindy but with a proper official walkthrough that can be managed.
    Sex scene: Still very basic especially animation, please try to make it more intense and passionate. Option of different sex position would be more appealing .
    In the end pregnancy would be cherry on top. Never stop working, looking forward for more updates. God bless
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    * Way too much grind,
    * Way too much depends on random events.
    * The Phone UI is just awefull.
    * Animations looks rushed and not that great.

    Do i recommend this game?
    No, not really.
    If you decide get the game. all i can say. have a nice grind
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Kind of corruption game thats i have played in a while. 10/10 would recommend. i replay this game more than i can count. I really hope the creater keeps this kind of format in his future games. games with level of corruption are the best imo
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as unfinished games go, this one surprises me everytime I replay it. It has a lot of content and interactions between characters, models are good, the grind ain't that bad and the developer is quite consistent with updates so there's even more content with each update. Storywise the game is still barebones, with the main plot i mean, but I don't think people play these kinds of games for a revolutionary plot. If you're unsure about this game because of ratings, don't be, play it and you won't regret it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I give this 4.5/5 stars, but since I can't do that, I'll round up.

    Pros: The renders. They are wonderful! Very well done. I'd like to see longer animations, but I can imagine they're not easy to make, and don't get me wrong - what's here is great!

    The story. I actually think this is a neat story, and how it is presented is unique. Looking forward to seeing it build.

    The mechanics. Very unique mechanic in this game. I like how everything is presented, how it has to be earned,. It's not too unrealistic, but it doesn't give you everything right away. I am up in the air about the in game walkthrough. Some things aren't clear and can be pretty vague to find out.

    Cons: The dialogue. I think it's safe to say the dev's primary language may not be English (if it is, my apologies!). I say this because the dialogue is a little janky, and not smooth. There's definitely some room to smooth it out a little.

    The grind. While I like the mechanics of the game, man, can it be grindy. The opinion loss that you get for just about every action is a little ridiculous. I think there's some room for improvement here. I'm not saying to remove the grind... just make it a little less... grindy.

    All-in-all, this is a wonderful project, and I will continue to watch it gladly!

    - Radical_Dreamer
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this awesome game, it has all taboo I am interested in, a bit of grind to be a game and not just a visual novel which I usually hate, I don't consider those games. For me it is a pretty damn good sandbox and the game is updated pretty often compared to others. IF you dont like playing it and just want to fly through it just use cheats and walkthrough I guess. But for me this is was only of the few games that I never used the walkthrough, maybe I missed one scene or two but I don't care because I had a great time fap :).
    ⭐Graphics 4⭐ ⭐ Story 5⭐ ⭐Gameplay 5⭐
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics 5, Story 4, Gameplay 4

    It's great erotic game, the only flawback what it contains - repetative events, which have no sense in second time. Updates are relatevely small, but coming quickly. Another year of development have all chances to make it perfect.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great sandbox game ofc each update are just 3 or 4 animated scenes but game as a whole contain so many scenes. dev's consinstency is top notch , the game contains all types of girls old young asian black. The only bad remarque is there is no walktrough by the dev so if he finishes the game and puts the walktrough it will be perfect