Strannded in Space (The First Eight Days) This VN suffers the same as most 1st VNs, trying to get enough prose to actually make a whole novel.
The AI implanted in MC's brain serves no other purpose but to add bulk! It doesn't do anything that might come to mind when one contemplates 'AI'. If there was a feature to skip everything involving the AI clown, that would make things much more tolerable!
As it is, I couldn't make it through all 8 days. The idea of communicating by laptop when you're the only guy the other passengers will see for years to come is utterly ridiculous, not something anyone would actually do.
You'll notice in the preceding paragraph I didn't mention the rest of the characters are women. Readers will swear I did. But there's a big difference between allowing the reader's mind to work, and overtly stating the MC is the only guy on a ship otherwise inhabited by women, at least 100x!
Given the circumstances, the MC could get to know the girls, and they'd be competing for his attention after one day. They wouldn't talk about anything else! They would all dress and act to attract him.
They haven't seen a male in over 10 years! GRANTED, they were in cryostasis, but they would be thinking of it as 10 years! However, the MC has no traits women find attractive, except physical traits, and women are not hung up on those like men are,
The black screen telling when someone leaves the room can just be deleted. Serves no sound purpose but adding frames. The basic mentality of the story is high-schoolish relationships applied to fantasy.
None of the characters are well developed, because it takes more than age, weight, tit size, work ethic, sluttiness and degree of desperation to develop characters.
The MC is best compared to stale bread. There is zero interesting about him. He comes across as a pansy-ass wimp except during sex. His degree of masculinity makes it appear as though the VN was written by adolescent females! WHOEVER it is, they don't appear to know much about testosterone!
Men like big butts due to their own low-T! Big butts indicate experienced women who are more easily impregnated,. (Works for low sperm count) and who can survive a week without food, without damage to her offspring, because her wimpy mate lacks hunting prowess and masculinity.
We can see this at work in the world with males who turn to their laptops for a girlfriend, preferring thick asses! I have normal testosterone levels, so I'm attracted to virginal forms, like every other masculine male.
The story also sounds like a public-service announcement that women are people, not objects! They are, but this is a fantasy,,so things can be different!
I would have made all the characters but the MC ROMAN CATHOLIC VIRGINS, except for a Priest. Once a guy reaches age 25, he'll realise that older men are like aged wine while older women are like aged chicken!
The prose are mostly grammatically correct, which is not the case with many x-rated VNs. The art is excellent! It's what got me as far as I got in the story, about to day 5.
In defense of the creator, I have seen VNs in which the first third could be replaced with one frame. I REALIZE I may sound critical, but it's so easy to fix. Just get someone who can write to help out!
I wouldn't take the time to type out this whole review on a tablet if I didn't see hope. In fact, I'd consider forking off this VN, just so the creator could see the potential.
But, I'd need a lot more material to work with!
I imagine the MC just inviting the girls to his quarters. The interruptions, far from being a suspense element, are predictable and irritating. The MC is a zero except in bed where he's a stud muffin. JUST DOESN'T WORK!!
He should be able to solve problems that occur on the ship, not dead baggage who eats, shits and fucks! No one wants to be 'that' guy!
Every element should be 'possible'! And, all women want children! They should be examining the MC from the view of the offspring his seed would produce! They might make deals among themselves for who gets to sleep with him!