I know that this game is in Alpha, but I've just done 2 playthroughs and in all honesty I'm not that impressed.
The first thing you think is: "Wow this is a direct copy of Crusoe Had it Easy"
Now that wouldn't be a problem if they had something new to add to the story, but other than better graphics they really don't do anything new or creative with this one.
The Alpha build also suggests that there will be 3 mini games sprinkled throughout the storyline (building a fire, catching fish ext.) which I am not a big fan of.
The game is also supper linear, maybe they will add more endings in the future, but you don't really get that satisfaction of getting a "good" ending like you did in Crusoe had is easy.
Altogether there is nothing inherently "wrong" with the game.... its just not that interesting or memorable.