Do you know how rare this is?
No, seriously, there's so much slop and shite and not even half-baked ideas and rushed jobs and whatnot in the AVN space.
The two lads making this game, however, were like...
"Hey, let's make an AVN!"
"Hell yeah, let's!"
"But you also know what? Let's make it good."
"Oh my god, that's a fucking genius idea!"
Visually - absolutely excellent. People who look real, yet beautiful, lighting as if from someone who knows what they're doing, composition, expressions, attention to detail.
Writing. THAT'S how you fucking do it. Once again, feels like real people interacting with each other, with real lives, reacting to everything and each other in ways that make goddamn sense.
Music - very, very good. Not only do the songs fit the scenes, but they're good.
Also in case the other reviews weren't warning enough, this is not a fuckfest, and don't you dare give it a lower score because this game isn't even trying to be something it is not.