3.60 star(s) 21 Votes


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I can assign other jobs. The law to allow topless performers is passed, and other clubs are hiring strippers.
Did you make any manual changes to the save file or the game data files? If you didn't then I have no idea why it wouldn't. So play the game, try to assign a stripper and then save the game and exit. Just do one time period to avoid the log from getting bigger than necessary. Then grab the log file from C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log and post here or send to me via DM. I can't promise that I'll be able to figure out what's going on via the log file but if there's a major error it should show up there.

I understand and at least put videos of porn sites, as close to AI generated characters as possible as a sex video of a blonde, redhead, ebony, etc.?
Sorry I'm not going to put pirated videos in my game.

Is there a way to manually adjust the frequency of autosave?
Yes. The "auto_save_freq" config setting does this. It's best to add it to the user_config.dat file so that it doesn't get lost when the game is updated.

I like the idea of the game but at least in the start the pricing system is busted.

Here I have started selling $64 drinks from the start and the customers keep buying them. As far as I can tell they don't hate it either, there doesn't seem to be any fame malus or anything for charging massive amounts for drinks and the customers seem to keep buying them as long as they have enough money. Only after you start charging $128 do you stop getting customers, but this also seems to kill the customers bases of other clubs as well. After a bit of testing the customers seem to be willing to buy drinks up to $83 when going by 10% increments.
Your satisfaction is 9%. That will prevent your fame from growing. You can make $1000/day selling 15 drinks for a while but not sure how much more you can get. And if your fame doesn't go up, you will not be able to grow. But you are right in that the demand doesn't seem to go down fast enough as prices go up. I will take a look as to why that seems to affect the customers in other clubs (it shouldn't). I have not seen that before but I haven't tried setting prices that high.
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Jul 13, 2017
As far as with any other character, as long as you manage to convince her to like incest.
Which might not be possible if she has a very high willpower.
how are you able to do that? Like I don't have an option to change that in opinions
Jun 14, 2019
that doesn't show up when I look for it
Then most problably you haven't enabled taboo content.

In the config.dat file, you need this

# A list of strings representing content you don't want to see:
# to enable this content, remove the desired topics. If want to
# remove all set it to - like the commented line below it
# taboos string noncon,incest,racism
taboos string -
#taboos string noncon,incest,racism # list of all supported taboos

The important part the only line without an #, it either sould be like this
taboos string -
(all taboos enabled) or, if you only want to incest,
taboos string noncon,racism

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
The whole "wait 90 in-game days for the 1st room to finish" is huge boner killer. :/
not to mention there are like 15 more rooms to build. And you have to wait for the laws to be passed. And each law must be sequential.

On default settings, playing perfectly, does it take 2 years to unlock everything???
3.60 star(s) 21 Votes