Unity - Completed - Strip Shooter [v1.1.0] [Sin's Temptation]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Where do I even begin? Performance-wise, this game runs like complete ass, even on lower graphical settings. I'm not sure if that's an effect of me running it on a slightly older computer, but even with the graphics setting set at "Simple", I couldn't get a full 30 FPS at any given time. This would be forgivable if the game wasn't already cutting so many corners in the design aspect, like having only one fully rendered model on screen at a time.

    Let's briefly talk about controls next. For some ungodly reason, not only does the girl sway and rock like she's in the throes of an epileptic seizure, making it already nigh-impossible to hit the targets, but the gun you fire basically shoots ping-pong balls that arc sharply downward immediately after coming from the barrel. If we were to take the header picture as the example, you would need to aim well above her head in order to be able to hit the pink target—that little pink dot that's about the size of her fingernail. Also, nothing in the game tells you this, but you can move around with WASD; what I thought was going to be a rather run-of-the-mill shooting gallery style of game turned into a full run-and-gun ordeal where you have to strafe all around to be able to see every target.

    The sound design is... frankly, I tuned it all out. There was nothing there worth my time, and I can't imagine you'll be impressed with it either. It's just your generic porn track that goes in one ear and out the other.

    Long story short, if I could somehow give this fewer than one star, I would do so in a heartbeat.